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Game of War::General::Gameplay::Not Receiving Event Points
I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with this during your event! Hopefully I can help shed some light on this for you. First and foremost, on the Events page it’s very important to check the color of the outlining box of each Event. There will either be no box, a yellow box, or a bright green box indicating different Event statuses:

• Bright Green Box – Active Event
• Yellow Box – Event Starting Soon
• No Box – No Event
Basically, it’s important to make sure the Event is active before you begin participating because actions taken towards winning prizes in the Event will not register if the Event is not active. Also, if you've already made sure that the Event is active and you still aren't seeing your points increase as you complete actions, don't forget to force close and reopen the app. Occasionally a delay occurs between your device and the game's server that will prevent your points from updating in real time even though you're earning them! Restarting the app refreshes this connection and when you open the app again you'll see your total points reflect the accurate total.

Let me know if you've tried all of this and encounter any further issues with your Event points, I'll be happy to help!

Game of War::General::Gameplay::Peace Shield Conditions
Thank you for contacting Machine Zone Support! Peace Shields are excellent tools to use, but there are some scenarios where Peace is not possible in the Kingdom. Some of the most frequent reasons you'll be unable to activate a Peace Shield are:

• Heroes are in your Prison
• You are in the Wonder
• Your City is in the Wonder Forest
• You have active Marches going to or from your City
• You have Reinforcements from your Alliance inside your City
I hope this helps you out, but let me know if you have any further questions, or if you were unable to shield and none of these normal reasons applied. I'll be happy to assist you further!
Game of War::General::Gameplay::Peace Shield Expire
When your Peace Shields activate and expire, you will receive a report in your Mail with the details. If your Shield expired early, the report will explain what action caused it to expire.

Your Peace Shield will be cancelled if you attack another player, scout another player, reinforce an Alliance member, begin a War Rally, or join a War Rally. If you have an active Peace Shield, it will not extend beyond your City, and will not protect the troops outside your City. This means you will need to be careful when you send your troops out to harvest resources or dig for treasure. Other players in your Kingdom will still be able to attack them!

I've checked our records, and I see that you activated a XXXX Shield at XXXX PST. This Shield expired at XXXX PST.

[Explain why the shield was cancelled here]
Game of War::General::Gameplay::Player Rename

You can change your name of as many times as you wish! The first Player name change is on us, but after that it’s 2,000 gold to change it again so make sure to choose carefully. Here are the steps to follow if you want to choose a new name:

• Click on the Items tab at the bottom of the screen
• If you’ve never changed the Player Name before, you’ll find your free Player Rename item under Items > My Items > Special.
• If you have used it already, click on the Store.
• Find the Player Rename item under the Special tab in the Store and make the purchase for 2,000 Gold.
I hope your new name will strike terror into the hearts of your opponents! Have a great day and thanks for playing Game of War - Fire Age!
Game of War::General::Gameplay::Received Event Prize Template
I'm sorry to hear you didn't receive your event prizes right away! The good news is that after reviewing your account I see that your prize was successfully delivered. You received the following items at [TIME STAMP]:


Don't forget to check Items > My Items > Resources for prizes like Gold and resource items, because they may not be added to directly to your account's balance. Once you locate these items in your inventory and use them, the Gold and resources will be added to your total! If you have any further questions, please let us know - we will be happy to assist you.
Game of War::General::Gameplay::Referral General Info
Thank you for contacting Machine Zone Support! Referrals are an excellent way to boost your progress in the game. Plus, who doesn’t love playing with their friends?

The Referral Rewards program actually works on an escalating scale, meaning that the more your friend plays, the more you both earn! To find exact details on what you can earn follow the steps below.

• Tap on More at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen
• Tap on Refer A Friend
• Scroll down to see what you and your friend both earn when they reach certain milestones in the game
As you can see, as your friend progresses through different Stronghold levels you continuously earn rewards, and the Items included in the reward for each new milestone become more valuable as well! If you have any further questions, definitely let me know and I’ll be happy to help clear things up for you.
Game of War::General::Gameplay::Research Reduction Boost
The Research Reduction boost that you see in game does not indicate a percentage of time that will be taken off of a Research. Rather, these boosts work in an additive fashion, and they are affecting your Research Time Reduction statistic.

Please be aware there are also Kingdom wide boosts that provide temporary bonuses.

We understand exactly how that works can be confusing and have forwarded your feedback to the Design team for consideration.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any other concerns in the future. We will be more than happy to assist you further.
Game of War::General::Gameplay::Treasury Info
Thank you for contacting Machine Zone Support! I know the Treasury can be a bit confusing, so I'll be happy to explain it in a little more detail.

When you invest Gold in the Treasury, you collect interest on the amount of Gold placed in the Treasury at that time. That rate varies depending upon the level of your Treasury and the type of Certificate you select.

Just like investing in a Certificate of Deposit in a real bank, your Gold will earn Interest over the given timeframe. However, it's important to remember that if you need the Gold ahead of time and pull it out before the Certificate's time has ended, you'll receive all of your Gold back but you'll lose any interest on that investment.

Let me know if you have any further questions, or if I can help you out with anything else in game. Good luck out there and thank you for playing Game of War – Fire Age!
Game of War::General::Gameplay::Use a Peace Shield
Please understand that the only way to prevent another player from attacking your City is by using a Peace Shield. Any player in your Kingdom can attack troops outside of your city at any time, even while your City is shielded, so be wary when sending your troops out to harvest resources or dig for treasure. If you want to protect the troops you've sent outside your city, be sure to use a Resource Shield or a Dig Site Shield.

For this type of situation you could try using diplomacy by contacting the player who is attacking you.

Unfortunately, Support cannot help you with strategies, take sides in any conflicts between players, or give you any sort of advantage to help you defeat another player in combat.

We wish you the best of luck in your future battles!
Game of War::General::Gameplay::War Rallies
War Rallies are for rallying your Alliance Members to provide you with extra troops for your attack on a specific target. They are not meant to protect your Hero or troops from attack. The only guaranteed protection from attacks are Peace Shields. We recommend using a Peace Shield when you want to guarantee that your troops and city are protected from scouts and attacks by other players.

Unfortunately, we would not be able to reverse the results of any battles, or return any troops or resources you may have lost during combat. We're sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
Game of War::General::Gameplay::Wild Troops
I definitely understand your concerns about the implementation of Wild Troops. It's important to keep in mind that Wild Troops will be strong against Strategic Troops but weak against Regular Troops. The days of amassing enormous armies of Strategic Troops may be numbered – by releasing a foil to the superior Strategic Troops, it will now be necessary to train all three troop types. Make sure to choose the type of troops you train carefully so you'll be able to withstand attacks from other players!

While I can't provide specific information about troop strengths and weaknesses or share any in-game advice, I do hope this information helps. If you're still unsure about Wild Troops you may want to reach out to your friends and alliance members in game for more advice. If there's anything else in game you need assistance with please don't hesitate to let me know!
Game of War::General::Gameplay::Wonder Titles
The Wonder Titles only work when you’re in the same kingdom as the conquered Wonder. If you are awarded a title from the Outlander Wonder, then teleport home, you won’t see any benefit from the title. If you remain in the Outlander's Kingdom, you will continue to benefit from the titles as long as they are assigned to you, or until your Kingdom Warrant expires.

I hope this information helps you. Please don't hesitate to contact us again if you need anything else in the future!
Game of War::General::Settings::Change Email
You can change the registered email address of your Machine Zone Account in-game by following the steps listed below:

1. Log into - using your Machine Zone account.
2. Select MORE in the lower right corner of the screen.
3. Select Accounts and Devices.
4. Select Change Email.
5. Enter your new email address and hit submit, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to your new e-mail address.
6. Check your new email address for the confirmation email, then follow the instructions to confirm the change.
Once you've completed these steps, your account's email will have been changed.

Please let us know if you need anything else!
Game of War::General::Settings::Change Language
Game of War does not have an in-game option to change languages. The language Game of War appears in depends on what language your device is set to. You can change which language appears in Game of War by changing the language your device is set to. I hope this information helps!
Game of War::General::Settings::Delete Contact
To delete another player from your Contact List first you'll need to navigate to your Contacts by tapping on Chat and then tapping the list in the upper left corner of the screen. Once you see your Contacts you can swipe right over the player's name and a Delete button will appear. Just tap the Delete button and the player will be removed from your contacts list!

I hope this information helps, please let me know if I can assist you with anything else.
Game of War::General::Settings::Email Already Linked
I checked our records for [Email Address] but unfortunately there isn't an MZ Account registered to that email address. I was able to locate an account called [Player Name] in our system, but unfortunately it's registered to an email address other than the one you've shared. While I can't provide the email address registered to this account due to player privacy and account security policies, if you're able to reply with the email address registered to that account I'll be happy to assist you further!
Game of War::General::Settings::Facebook
Unfortunately, each Facebook account can only be tied to one Machine Zone account. Once these are linked there is no way to unlink or change which account is tied to your Facebook. I do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause! I'll be sure to let the team know you'd like to be able to do this in the future.

If you encounter any other issues, please feel free to reach out to us again!
Game of War::General::Settings::Facebook Already Linked
I have thoroughly reviewed your account information and I see that your email address [email address] is registered with the game account [game account name]. This account is linked with the following Facebook account:[Facebook id]
Unfortunately it isn't possible to remove or change the Facebook account that's tied to your MZ Account once it's linked, but I'll be sure to let our team know that you'd like to be able to do this in the future. If you have any other questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us again and we will be happy to assist you!

Game of War::General::Settings::Facebook Referral (2nd Response)
Thanks for your patience as we looked into this for you! I reviewed your information but I see that none of the referral links sent by your account have been accepted, they're all still Pending. Unfortunately we aren't able to override this because the acceptance of all invite links via Facebook are handled directly by Facebook.

If any of the players you have referred to Mobile Strike have not registered a Facebook account with their EW Account, that may prevent the referral from being completed. If any of those players have reached HQ Level 5 before registering a Facebook account via their Gold Mine, regrettably they won't be eligible for Referral Bonuses any longer.

In the future, please remind the player accepting the referral invite to make sure they link their Facebook to Mobile Strike by using the Gold Mine. Once the Facebook Account is connected the referral will be successfully completed, but this must be done before they upgrade past HQ Level 5.

Please let me know if I can assist you with anything else in the game, I'll be happy to help!
Game of War::General::Settings::Password Reset
I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble with this! You'll need to reset your password by logging out of the game completely, restarting the app, and tapping the "Forgot Password" link on the login screen below the email and password fields. This will send a Password Reset link via email to the email address that's currently tied to the account; follow the instructions in this email to choose a new password.

Please let me know if you’ve tried these solutions and are still unable to access your account!
Game of War::General::Settings::Preset Equip Confirmation (Core Return)
I am sorry to hear that this happened to you! I definitely understand how frustrating it can be when you accidentally burn that set of Core Gear that you've been saving for the next Kill Event. I understand that mishaps happen — it’s inevitable that we’ll all make a few – but it’s good to practice caution when dealing with higher end items, especially ones that expire upon activation! I would recommend turning on your Free Hero Preset Equip Confirmation, which is available under More > Options. This will cause a pop up warning to tell you before you activate a Hero Preset that contains time-sensitive Core Gear.

In the meantime, I have returned the following cores and pieces to your inventory:

[List Cores and Pieces Returned]

I wish you the best with your future Game of War adventures and I hope you have a fantastic week! If you need further assistance or have additional comments or suggestions, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Game of War::General::Settings::Purchase Confirmation
I'm sorry to hear that happened! I know how frustrating it is to tap an instant Buy or Upgrade when you've been saving up all of that Gold. Regrettably I'm not able to reverse purchases made with Gold, but there's a pop up warning in Game of War that can be turned on under More > Options > Purchase Confirmation. Make sure you keep this enabled to avoid any large accidental purchases!

There currently isn't a way to block purchases under 5,000 Gold, but I'll be sure to let the developers know that you'd like to see smaller transactions protected as well.
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