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In the case of the KB 'Historical Newspapers pilot project'9 applying 'fuzzy search' techniques led to an increase of word accuracy by a mere 11%. This means that 20 out of every 100 words (80% word accuracy) still remain incorrect and – as a consequence – irretrievable. This reduces pages requests from up to 700 milliseconds down to 5-10 milliseconds. In Solphal average page load times are 150 milliseconds for cached content and 1 second for uncached. Slow performance, scalability, and sustainability concerns were the main factors in choosing to migrate from CONTENTdm to Solphal. User feedback is discussed and incorporated into monthly enhancements and updates in Solphal. We welcome feedback on and questions about RightsML. MacMillan, Douglas. "Google Books: Scan First, Ask Questions Later." BusinessWeek. The study praised the site for the depth of coverage provided in some articles, but criticized its reliance on press releases and the "softness" of the questions asked in its interviews. Together the 19th Century British Library Newspaper Database and the Burney Collection provide chronological coverage from the 1620s through the end of the 19th century for newspapers from a wide geographic area of the UK and Ireland. Newsarama has also run a series of "Post Game" columns offering coverage and commentary of popular genre-related television programs on a regular basis. In January 1997, Doran began to post a version of the column titled The Comics Newswire on Usenet's various rec.arts.comics communities.

The goal was to find the highest OCR accuracy rate, not the lowest, on each page, as this represents the best possible accuracy for that material. When we look at the number of words that are incorrect, rather than the number of characters, the suppliers' accuracy statistics seem a lot less impressive. The comparison tool then provided accuracy statistics upon: characters, words, significant words, significant words with a capital letter start and number groups. The number of occurrences of content words for which users might be interested in searching, excluding stop-listed words, such as "the", "he", "it", etc. For the analysis of the BL project, the stop-list was reasonably short (only about 150 words), as newspapers use language in its broadest context. XML headers and tags were removed from the XML files, and entity tags such as "'" (for apostrophe) were replaced with their corresponding characters, resulting in a list of words, one word per line. A further post-processing algorithm was used after applying the Levenshtein Edit Distance algorithm in order to meet the accuracy requirements specified for the study in terms of punctuation accuracy, the ignoring of extra noise characters at the end of OCRed word, etc. The result of the comparison program is in plain text format where each record is represented line by line. In some cases, digital images of textual content are sufficient to satisfy the end user's information needs and provide access to the resource in a form that can be shared on the Web.

This article will discuss how to measure the accuracy of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) output in a way that is relevant to the needs of the end users of digital resources. If it were possible to achieve 90% character accuracy and still get 90% word accuracy, then most search engines utilizing fuzzy logic would get in excess of 98% retrieval rate for straightforward prose text. The initial results after automated segmentation are largely determined by the level of irregularity in the layout. ALTO (Analyzed Layout and Text Object) is a standardized XML format for storing layout and content information.5 It is currently used in large newspaper digitization projects such as the ones at the US Library of Congress,6 the National Library of Australia7 and the Bibliothèque nacional de France. This position is responsible for managing a team of developers and helping creating the tools and systems to support the digital library at the University of Utah. The page level content still allows the user to search the full text of the newspaper; they are taken to the page where the search terms are located rather than the individual article. The zoning, OCR (with word/character coordinates) and segmentation processes provide the 'raw materials' for searching at the article level, classifying 'blocks' on the newspaper page and highlighting hit-terms (see Figure 3 below). Another benefit of moving to a home-grown system is the ability to act directly on user support and feature requests. User requests for support in accessing image files were frequent when UDN was on CONTENTdm, but have diminished significantly since moving to the new system.

Since newspaper content doesn't change often, UDN utilizes NGINX's fastcgi cache module to speed up page requests (Figure 10). When a URL is visited for the first time, NGINX generates a static html version of the page. Another benefit to this system is that duplicate files aren't stored twice and are easily detectable by faceting the filename field in Solr. This lets us add any arbitrary field in a Solr doc without having to define it first in a schema file. When a likely match is made, this is recorded, and a set of characters in the word block are recognized until all likely characters have been found for the word block. One purpose of the Mersenne testing is to put new Cray machines through the paces before sending them to customers. The transition to using virtual machines and cloud-based architecture as opposed to a dedicated server with a large amount of memory has also freed up resources that can be better spent elsewhere in service of the digital library program at the J. Willard Marriott Library. The 1960s saw OCR machines being used in the business world, but the technology was expensive and custom built. 오피 In reality OCR did not come into its own as a realistic technology until the 1950s when the US Department of Defense created GISMO, a device that could read Morse Code as well as words on a printed page, one character at a time (it only recognized 23 characters). Peter N. Saeta, a professor of physics at Harvey Mudd College, wrote in Scientific American in 1999. Though nobody has been able to prove conclusively that it can be accomplished, that work actually has yielded valuable knowledge in other ways.

Perfect numbers and what later came to be called Mersenne primes date actually back to the legendary Greek mathematician, Euclid, said Carl Pomerance, professor of mathematics at the University of Georgia in Athens. The result of our analysis is a very deep and extensive dataset for comparison of OCR accuracy arranged by newspaper publication title and date. For the BL's 19th Century Newspaper Project these results help to focus attention on which titles and date ranges require the highest amount of attention to potentially improve search performance. However, he stood out from the rest of the petty crooks because of the amount of money he raked in -- which totaled millions of dollars -- and number of people he swindled. In newspaper projects, exploring better ways to model the data for related titles is also a good project to pursue, for example ensuring a consistent user experience for people reading papers that have morning, midday, and evening editions. The projects in which they were involved mainly relate to 19th and 20th century newspapers, and the size of those newspaper digitization projects varied from several thousands to 16 million pages. Some respondents have backgrounds as suppliers of ICT-services; others specialize in the digitization of cultural heritage collections or printed matter in general (newspapers, magazines, books, documents). The search engines offered by the surveyed respondents for the most part are integrated within general document management systems. Another user experience issue that was problematic in the previous version of UDN was the inconsistency in the CONTENTdm PDF viewer for newspapers content across different browsers and operating systems. This converts a few key fields from desc.all into a tabs delimited file and determines the parent id number for each record.

Given a newspaper page of 1,000 words with 5,000 characters if the OCR engine yields a result of 90% character accuracy, this equals 500 incorrect characters. The majority of OCR software suppliers define accuracy in terms of a percentage figure based on the number of correct characters per volume of characters converted. Since the majority of all users are familiar with PDF files, delivering newspaper pages or articles in PDF is a common feature of most newspaper web delivery systems. For the majority of content that has been ingested into UDN, the newspapers have been segmented at the article level. 11. Just as this article went to press, the author completed the report on public OCR text correction. We assume that the deviation in results due to re-keying errors is unlikely to ever exceed 1-2% anywhere in the study, with deviations having the greatest impact at accuracy rates over 98% (something never seen in the newspaper archive). How helpful though is the above statement on character accuracy when we think about OCR as a tool for adding value to the text resource and the user experience? In these cases the OCR accuracy may be of less interest than the potential retrieval rate for the resource (especially as the user will not usually see the OCRed text to notice it isn't perfect). This means we have to escape from the mantra of character accuracy and explore the potential benefits of measuring success in terms of words – and not just any words but those that have more significance for the user searching the resource. As OCR primarily facilitates searching, indexing and other means of structuring the user experience of online newspaper archives, measuring the word and significant word accuracy of the OCR output is very revealing of a resource's likely performance for these functions.

DiffTool provides a rich set of functions including line-by-line comparison and case ignorance. Measuring OCR accuracy in terms of word and significant word accuracy focuses attention upon the performance indicators most relevant to the usefulness of the OCR output for functions like searching and indexing. Our consultative service will use these accuracy results to give our partners actionable information to use to select content, optimize OCR processes, improve search performance, design delivery systems and reduce the costs for the project. To get a car in good shape to drift and to keep it in good shape as a drifting car, there are some additions or modifications that a lot of drivers make. In retrospect, there are a few things that could have been done differently during migration. Only a few of them also digitized large quantities from paper originals. In his first paragraph, Levy says he wants to offer “a few radical ideas to improve matters” in higher education. Usually the quality of the OCR texts says more about the condition of the original materials than it does about the performance of the OCR software. 오피 Using these computational analysis techniques based on open source software and algorithms it is now possible to practically assess true OCR accuracy, even for mass digitization projects. Modern OCR engines extend their performance through sophisticated pre-processing of source digital images and better algorithms for fuzzy matching, sounds-like matching and grammatical measurements to better establish word accuracy.
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