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[23:03]Sasha Urshka 's face turns grim. "Well.. one day the warchief decided to murder my father and brothers, claim my mother and sisters as his toys..
My older sisters resisted him, so he slew them in front of us..
I am the youngest of the 3 sisters, I had 2 brothers too, as my mother was hugging me making trying to make me look away, as the warchief came torwards us..
a rival tribe attacked.. since the warchief was too busy murdering my family and his soldiers laughing at us, they were taken by surprise..>
[23:07]Sasha Urshka <in the middle of the confusion my mother grabbed me and we ran away, took a boat to Thanalan, then a wagon to Ul'dah,
where a rich merchant took pity of us and took us in.. we lived there for a while, I was.. 7 years old or so, until one day I found a frog,
ran to tell my mother, however, said merchant had a sword to my mother's neck.. her clothes were torn appart..
now that I'm an adult I understand what happend, and why he killed her.. he was trying to rape her, but my mother didn't let>
Sasha Urshka <him do it, so he slew her neck. I ran away from there, to the south, a place called Forgotten Springs.
The people there took me in, and I lived there for many years, until I set out on my own as an adventurer about.. three of four years ago."
[23:12]Sasha Urshka: "I went back to La Noscea, trained as an Axewoman, seeking revenge, however I learned the warchief had been slain that day in battle..
so I seeked the rich merchant.. and I chopped his limbs piece by piece as he screamed, after that I left my axe and became a Conjurer,
not to heal others, but to heal myself.. things looked good for a year or two, then my ex-husband happend.. and I set out again getting in trouble,
until I was caught.. hence the guard with certain words carved to his forhead.>
[23:13]Sasha Urshka: <And there I met Millicent.. um.. 4 months ago or so, traveled with them and now I'm here in TALE! And don't worry..
such is the way or the tribal Miqo'tes. A common thing apparently." She says smiling.
[23:17]Sasha Urshka laughs out loudly. "The fool was stupid enough to had ran away from Ul'dah after the Brass Blades pursued him for my mother's murder.
I found a poster saying "Dead or Alive", So I took the opportunity! I even bought a house with the money from the reward,
of course since I delivered his bits rather dead and smelling, the reward was considerably lower,
but nontheless it was enough for a house." She says smiling without a hint of regret.
[23:18]Sasha Urshka: "The face of the officer when I delivered the bag though!" She laughs.
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