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I am so sorry for the things I have done to you, and I take full responsibility for all of it. I'm really sorry for when I made a rude comment saying, that your turtle from Turks and Caicos had interesting colors and when I invaded your boundaries one day at lunch. I know it was not that nice when I told you about my birthday party idea for next year, I was sarcastic and said "Well, I will invite you if we are still friends." There may be more things that I've done to hurt your feelings and if there are please tell me. I know it might sound funny but I didn't realize that I was saying these things and why. I only noticed when you reacted or said something about it. after spending some time really thinking about this with some help. I found out that I was saying these things because my feelings have been hurt from being left out from drama club. I know it was not your doing but it was unfair to me how you got chosen. It hurt my feelings when you were singing a song from "Annie" and I Asked if you missed a part and you said "what part." and I told you and you said "No, what are you talking about." in a rude tone of voice. It is not nice when you would get mad at me and ignore me for two days and just start talking to me like everything is fine again after I've asked you what's wrong. I don't like it when you accuse me of things I didn't do like when I was playing with a fidget and you came up to me and said "Why would you steal that it's not yours." It would help if you could ask me if you think I'm making a mistake. It hurts my feelings when you try to take my friends and just make them your friends. When we were at art in our assigned seats and you asked me if I could move so you could sit next to Becca and I said no then you told her right in front of me "Don't worry she just does not want me to sit with you." Later during art we were sitting on the ground and I was sitting next to Becca then you came and started forcefully pulling her away for me it felt like you were trying to take my friends away. It hurt me when I was playing with Tessa and Becca at recess and you started playing with Becca, so Tessa and I went to the swings. Then you came to the swings with Becca and told me, "We're switching." Then you told Tessa, "Let's go!" The time when you told me our friendship is like a piece a paper and I draw a line and try to erase it, the line is still there. When I asked you what you wanted me to take away from that, it was frustrating that you said, "well what do you think?" When I asked, "are you trying to say that you don't want to be my friend?" and you shrugged and said, "if that's what you think." I didn't really know what to think about that. The next day I asked Becca if you said anything about me and she told me, that you said that I am a bad person and a jerk. That hurt my feelings to the point that I didn't want to come to school anymore. It's really hard for me to tell you all these things because I care about you and I don't want you to get more mad. What I want is to stay friends and I think one way to do that is for us to hear each other, take responsibility for our actions by admitting what we did, be sorry which to me means changing our behaviors and come up with a plan so we don't hurt each other like this again.

I hope we can fix this, Gabrielle
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