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During my four years of high school it had been a rough time but I managed to get through it. There has been many ups & downs but I still didn't quit. Throughout these four years I have been playing basketball & I have met a lot of new people from this school. Even though this wasn't the best school it still helped me a lot. Throughout these four years I have became a better person and a better basketball player.

I have played in hundreds of games , and played through injuries during my basketball career. I never gave up though that is just the type of person I am. Last year in a game against Newark, I went up for a layup & I got bridged. I fell hard to the floor on my chin & it busted open. It didn't hurt at first so I played through it then at the end of the game I went to the hospital. I had to get 7 stitches in my chin for the wound. The next couple of games I also played with the stitches in my chin. I couldn't give up & sit on the bench just because of a small injury.

This shows that I am a very hard working person and I am very dedicated. I am also dedicated to my grades & school. I take my grades very serious now , more serious than I did freshman & sophomore year. I had to maintain good grades to stay on the basketball team. Throughout these four years my grades have been good but I could have done better. I didn't take it as serious my first year but as I got older I understood that I had to get my grades up for college.

High school has been rough these past four years but it is worth it. All of the hard work & dedication in high school will pay off in the future. I never gave up & I always made sure I did my work. I have never been the type of person to give up on something no matter how hard it is. These past years in high school also taught me that there is always consequences for your actions. In my high school they are very strict about following the rules. If you don't follow the rules there were always consequences. But it makes you a better person.

High school has made me a better person and has made me smarter. I believe my particular high school made me smarter. I don't think the public schools in my city would have gave me a better education & made me smarter. I started off at at public high school my freshman year but I transferred in November. Even though my school is strict it helps you succeed. As long as you are dedicated and want to pass you will. I am very dedicated to my school work & my grades so I could pass & get into a good college.
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Regards; Team

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