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The accounts shared and liked each other's posts, and some of the content appeared to be taken directly from X, formerly Twitter. 4. Do not write content for these men. When links to Breitbart stories do appear, it is often below obscure websites that plagiarize Breitbart’s content. I haven’t read Breitbart on this subject; I don’t want to have to spend that sort of money on antihistamines. We hope that the Andrew Breitbart Freedom Center will be a home for the innovation of thought and vigorous exchange of ideas that Andrew so cherished and The Heartland Institute represents. That said, the chances of Breitbart doing this are slim indeed. They are training their children to hate and kill Americans. Algorithms are pre-programmed, formulaic responses to content, in this context. The same texts that are for us sources of beauty and brutality, subjects of commentary and critique, are for these men (and they really are almost exclusively men) proof of the intellectual and cultural superiority of white maleness. Throughout his years leading FAIR, Tanton would grow to build relationships with many people who would go on to create the intellectual building blocks of what would become the Alt-Right, including Sam Francis, Jared Taylor, Peter Brimelow, and Kevin MacDonald. “In the Senate, Sessions had close relationships with anti-immigrant hate groups such as the Center for Immigration Studies and Federation for American Immigration Reform; Stephen Miller certainly interacted (and likely continues to interact) with these groups as well,” (AmericasVoice).

오피뷰 Jeff Sessions (R-AL), among other things, would reform the H-1b visa system to benefit American workers while pausing the issuance of green cards until more Americans–U.S.-born and legal immigrants–are employed. Stephen Miller: Hired by Jeff Sessions as an aide at the bequest of David Horowitz after he graduated Duke University, where he along with Richard Spencer organized event, such as a speaking engagement with Peter Brimelow of VDARE. Lloyd Austin is brainwashing the entire US military in the “Marxist Created Critical Race Theory”, establishing Rules of Engagement favoring the enemy, placing “unqualified” women in direct combat leadership positions for the sake of “Equity”, lowering standards for physical fitness, and using millions of dollars of taxpayer funds from already scarce military medical support for elective trans-surgeries that takes many years to accomplish. Instead of focusing on recruiting highly qualified recruits--unqualified recruits are being inducted, instead of creating Unit Cohesiveness, and developing “Combat Effectiveness,” the Joint Chiefs are promoting anti-Constitutional Marxism, and promoting “Climate Change” as the biggest threat facing the military. They can't sort out technical difficulties at his campaign stop in Pittsburgh, PA. “Tech” is now a sort of sexual prosthesis for politics, too. But this is the sort of Right-leaning stories you’ll find on the site, with little to no counter-voice. What flips can flip back, and a little pressure could make Klobuchar flip back.

An article published yesterday in the New York Times shows how freely they use classical references - “crossing the Rubicon,” “ascending to Olympus.” On the other, the movement appears to have little interest in understanding the ancient world in any way other than the most superficial one. I have no idea if Google has removed other RVO articles from their search results. One of the group’s main goals is upending the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which ended a decades-long, racist quota system that limited immigration mostly to northern Europeans. The main wineries are located just south of Thames and speckled along the Tauranga Harbor. Many have also noted how white nationalist talking points and conspiracy theories such as the idea that black South Africans freed from Apartheid are waging a campaign of genocide against white Boer farmers, has been picked up by the likes of Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump. There is a certain negative undertone to the term "conspiracy theory" in today's society. Last year, less than 10 people protested FAIR’s conference; this year, there were none. All Rodriguez and Breitbart have to do is go to Klobuchar's events and ask her one of those questions, then post the video.

Read and cite the work of scholars who write about race, gender, and class in the ancient world. We have allowed a key component of the white nationalist movement that has existed for decades to be whitewashed as a resource for the administration and Fox News anchors. Kris Kobach: A “legal counsel to the Immigration Reform Law Institute, FAIR’s litigation arm, helped draft Arizona SB 1070,” (VICE). Jim Staudenraus, FAIR’s eastern regional coordinator, participated in an anti-immigration conference in 2002 with white nationalist Jared Taylor. But for a group formed by an open white nationalist and Eugenicist, funded in part by literal Nazis at the Pioneer Institute, and long used as a mega-phone by those who would grow to bounce the Alt-Right on their knee: Peter Brimelow, Jared Taylor, and Sam Francis - these groups somehow have escaped all connection to the events in Charlottesville or the growing threat of the far-Right in the minds of millions of Americans. Tanton has a lengthy record of friendly correspondence with Holocaust deniers, a former Klan lawyer and leading white nationalist thinkers, including Jared Taylor (who wrote in 2005, “When blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western civilization - any kind of civilization - disappears”). These men are positioning themselves as the defenders of Western Civilization. 1. When you hear someone -be they a student, a colleague, or an amateur - say that they are interested in Classics because of “the Greek miracle” or because Classics is “the foundation of Western civilization and culture,” challenge that viewpoint respectfully but forcefully.

Unfortunately, I have met a few professional classicists who would prefer that the entire discipline embraced the model Quintus Curtius espouses for “classical knowledge.” Victor Davis Hanson and John Heath explicitly trumpeted the same views in Who Killed Homer: “This new, ultrasensitive curriculum and its appendages - diversity training, journal writing, gender and racial sensitivity, multiculturalism, situational ethics, personal growth and self-indulgence, and the politics of commitment - ran directly counter to Greek wisdom” (118). For all that he is beloved by the Right, most classicists have little time for VDH these days - but many nevertheless agree, quietly, that as a field we’ve lost something in our increasing focus on race, class and gender in the ancient world. Google’s review of these issues covers all the major problems, but it’s pretty obvious that a commitment has yet to be made beyond basic principles. On another occasion, Tanton wrote a major FAIR funder to suggest she read the work of radical anti-Semitic professor Kevin MacDonald - to “give you a new understanding of the Jewish outlook on life” - and suggested that the entire FAIR board discuss the man’s theories about the Jews. Another person linked to VDARE is Joe Guzzardi, a member of FAIR’s board of advisors who worked as an editor of the site. Former Vice President Joe Biden acknowledged Thursday that President Donald Trump is making peace between Israel and several Arab states, but he said that he was doing so “accidentally.”…

Speaker McCarthy has backed down and is trying to pass a clean CR without Ukraine aid, but he needs Democratic votes, and former Speaker Pelosi is warning Democrats not to help him. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said after a stopgap spending bill passed. Further, there are numerous studies that raise red flags. “I don’t think there should be any debates. There was no notification or explanation; they just deleted it from their indexed results. I searched for ‘google’ using our search tool in the navigation menu and found 280 results. Rep. Jamaal Bowman pulled a fire alarm in the Cannon House Office Building on Saturday morning, shortly before the House was scheduled to vote on a government funding bill, an incident the New York Democrat said was an accident. Two investigations have been opened in the incident. A Philosophical Defense of Misogyny”; if you are approached to contribute to such a blog, refuse and write about the incident instead. Tech companies, notably fake news breeders and platforms which aren’t managing fake news (all of them) despite thinking they are, are also the natural factor in generating garbage online. However, because they connect to the faucet instead of the plumbing, not all portable models are as powerful as conventional machines. Messages: Send messages to a single friend or to a group of friends. No shame in that, friends.

The CEO of Pinterest has said that, rather than being simply a social network, Pinterest is a “catalogue of ideas.” The fresh concept has earned the website/app several awards throughout the years! Cong Gallagher told The Epoch Times that, “It is extremely concerning that $17 million in American taxpayer dollars has gone to fund advanced weapons-related research at a US University that actively partners with a Communist Chinese research institution working together with the Communist Chinese military. The Biden/Obama administration has continued to turn a blind eye toward transfer of the US Hypersonic Weapons Development to the CCP for transfer to the Communist Chinese Military and has been allowing US taxpayer funds to be used to advance Communist China’s Hypersonic Weapons Development program, allowing the CCP to steal US Military’s Top Secret advanced weapons-related research. Deploy-ability, Combat Readiness, Combat Effectiveness, and the ability to fight to win conflicts against America’s enemies are no longer priorities in today’s US military. The Good Censor is about Google’s ability to censor. It’s possible to censor you, personally, back to the Middle Ages now, not ten years from now. The start of the Good Censor lays out in slideshow form the basic issues. As good a way as any of describing total revulsion, but the target ducking and dodging isn’t really fighting back.
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