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AI 3D Model With a Single Text Prompt
AI is revolutionizing the way we work in many fields. From transforming 2D images into 3D digital assets to helping us create complex designs in minutes, the tech is becoming more and more useful. This is especially true for those who have to make complicated models, which are often used in video games, film and TV production, interior design and various science applications. Until recently, creating a model from scratch was time-consuming and difficult. However, this week saw the release of a new machine learning algorithm that makes 3D modeling much easier. It was designed by a team at OpenAI and can produce a 3D model with a single text prompt. This is a huge leap forward for 3D model creation and could potentially change the way we do work in industries such as architecture and interior design.

The new system, called Point-E, works by interpreting text-based prompts to create 3D objects and scenes. The developers behind the model claim it can produce a full-fledged scene in one to two minutes on a single Nvidia V100 GPU. They also say it’s orders of magnitude faster than previous state-of-the-art systems. In addition to this speed gain, the researchers say their model has a high accuracy rate and can be used by anyone who knows how to type.

This is not the first AI text-to-3D model to hit the market, but it’s one of the most user-friendly so far. It was developed by the imaginative minds who brought you Masterpiece Studio, the world’s first AI language-to-3D generator. It uses a complex Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine to take descriptive text and turn it into fully-functional 3D models with the touch of a button. It runs locally on your PC and doesn’t need an internet connection or API key to function.

In addition to generating complex 3D models, this tool can also create animations using text-based prompts. This can be used to create videos of animals and other subjects moving in a realistic manner. For example, if you want to create a video of a blue poison dart frog jumping into a water lily, the Nvidia researchers’ software can create a detailed 3D model of the creature in about 40 minutes.

While AI 3D model generator is great news for users who may not have the technical skills to do 3D modeling by hand, it’s also raising concerns about intellectual property. It’s not uncommon for generative AI to draw heavily from existing 3D models when training its own, and this seems to be the case with Point-E. The researchers don’t mention a credit or citation policy for the model, which may raise concerns about copyright infringement in the future if it becomes popular.

AI tools that transform text into 3D objects are becoming increasingly common. However, more sophisticated AI is allowing people to craft 3D objects more accurately than ever before. This process is empowering game designers and other creative professionals to work more efficiently, accelerating their workflows. In the video game industry, AI text-to-3D generators like Mochi and Meshcapade allow gamers to use simple natural language commands to quickly generate 3D game assets, saving them valuable time and resources.
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