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Newsletters are also a relatively new offering of local stations, and a fourth of respondents said their station did not have a newsletter. We use MailChimp to distribute this newsletter. Section 205 would prohibit the use of “opaque algorithms” by covered internet platforms unless they (i) notify users of the opaque algorithm, and (ii) make available an “input-transparent algorithm” to which users can easily switch. Many advocates for local news point to the need for market-based reforms that address the growing power disparities between news producers and platform operators as well as between platforms and their users. Ten percent said it was unlikely that their station would accept the funding while 4 percent said they were not sure. ” a new report published Wednesday by Penelope Muse Abernathy and her research program at the Hussman School of Journalism and Media at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Compounding the problem, there has been a lack of capital and funding available to support a variety of for-profit, nonprofit and publicly funded news organizations attempting to thwart the rise of news deserts. 4. The problem of under-capacity is most acute in communities that are most in need of quality information; these locations also tend to be “hard places” in the sense that there is less community support for public radio. Among the bottom half of stations in terms of budget size, only 22 percent of the total budget on average was dedicated to the production of news and public affairs.

For local public radio stations to play a more substantial role in filling the information deficit created by the decline of local newspapers, they would need significantly more funding. 2. Do local public radio stations have the capacity to reach enough members of their local community to make a substantial contribution to its information needs? Of the 100 largest dailies by print circulation, 40 no longer publish seven days a week in print. Honestly, I am surprised print newspapers have survived this long. Similarly, Abernathy said that her work over more than a decade has identified many mid-sized papers that both serve readers well and have achieved financial stability. I spoke by phone with Abernathy, a visiting professor, and Tim Franklin, senior associate dean at Medill (and my former boss when he was Poynter’s president), about the newer aspects and implications of the work. “This clever, bipartisan bill would provide more help for local news than any time in about a century, yet it’s done in a very First-Amendment-friendly way,” writes Steven Waldman, the co-founder of the Rebuild Local News Coalition as well as the co-founder and president of Report for America. If it’s not possible to publish weekly newspapers in communities like this, where could it be? Stations in strong news environments, for example, averaged 151,085 cumulative weekly listeners and 20,101 yearly small donors compared with 117,548 listeners and 11,521 donors for those in weak news environments.

Respondents reported a median of 90,000 cumulative weekly listeners with roughly a tenth claiming 300,000 or more such listeners and a fourth claiming 30,000 or fewer. Of those that did, the median number of monthly listeners was 7,500 with more than half claiming 5,000 or fewer listeners and a seventh claiming 100,000 or more listeners. A third (32%) of respondents reported their station aired an hour or less of local content, whereas only about a fourth (27 percent) reported more than 3 hours and a mere seventh (14 percent) reported more than 5 hours. In the 13-hour period from 6 am to 7 pm on weekdays, only about 2 hours of locally produced news programming were carried on the average station, some of it in the form of talk shows and some of it as repeat programming. Some of this content was in the form of local news inserts in NPR programming to be aired on the hour or half-hour during weekday daylight hours. There is some day-to-day news that has been on the top hit of the world in the NPR site which includes Coronavirus, On Point, Morning Edition, Weekend Edition Saturday, Weekend Edition Sunday, All Things Considered, and lots more. However, in terms of covering portions of NPR’s Morning Edition, All Things Considered, or other such national programs with lengthy local news inserts, only a third (31 percent) of respondents indicated that their station did so. 오피 In Baton Rouge it was the Morning Advocate and the State Times.

CL was morning and Jackson Daily was afternoon. Youngstown, Ohio, became the first city of any size in the country to lose its sole surviving daily newspaper, and the closing of The Sentinel, a small weekly, improbably left the 1 million residents of Maryland’s affluent Montgomery County without a local newspaper. Earlier on Monday, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum dropped out of the race as it appeared unlikely he would be allowed to participate on the debate stage. The paper in my area dropped the Sunday and Monday editions so it only comes out 5 days a week. Saturday’s paper is the “weekend edition“ now. If I go to a Local city Newspaper's website, they are now a Pay for Subscription model to read all of the articles. It draws from 15 years of data it has assembled that track newspapers, community digital news sites and - new this year - 950 ethnic media and 1,400 public broadcasting stations. The shift in advertising spending has been especially disastrous for newspapers, which saw advertising revenues decline 62% between 2008 and 2018 from $37.8 billion to $14.3 billion. Even in the case of non-local foundations, which ranked above non-local corporate underwriting and non-local major private donors as a potential funding source, only 10 percent of respondents saw them as a “very likely” source. Table 1a shows the eight topics that respondents saw as having the strongest coverage. Table 1b shows the eight coverage topics that respondents judged the weakest. The report concludes with an assessment of what could be done to position local stations to substantially increase their contribution to the information needs of local communities.

Any such assessment must account for differences in communities’ information needs. Updated fan encounters with my account of meeting Allison in orlando at megaCon. The meeting also included Charles Michel, the head of the European Council, and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. In April 2016, the European Union passed the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which includes the right to data portability as one of eight rights enforced by the new law. To make a hybrid or digital news organization work commercially, Abernathy said, she has decided you need three things: the right community demographics, a locally based owner who can respond to the community’s needs and access to capital or another source of funding. This graphic compares newspaper employment rates from 2006 (left) to 2021 (right). Total newspaper employment has decreased by more than 70% in the past 15 years. The bill has picked up a number of co-sponsors in the past year, including Doug Collins (R-GA), the Ranking Member of the Committee on the Judiciary. The report not only measures the present against the past but also looks to the future. This™ index contains newspaper obituaries published in the United States from the early 1800s until the present day. Currently the SCRAN resource base contains about 60,000 text records of objects from over 30 museums, galleries and archives. For example, the SAFE DATA Act contains two key provisions that expand beyond traditional data privacy concerns. Some workshop participants, however, voiced skepticism about the ability of privacy legislation to fix the problem.

In 2018, Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust Subcommittee proposed the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) which would give news organization a four-year safe harbor to join together to negotiate licensing fees and terms with large platforms. While not a panacea, privacy legislation could support local journalism by reducing the competitive advantage platforms have over news organizations, making it possible for these organizations to compete again for users and advertising dollars that have been increasingly going to platforms such as Facebook and Google. Some journalism thinkers have been advocating government support for years with little response. And since the pandemic arrived the rate has jumped again, to 30 a month, said Abernathy, UNC’s Knight Chair in Journalism and Digital Media Economics. Between 2004 and 2018, Abernathy said of the data her team has collected and analyzed, the newspaper death rate varied from year to year but averaged 10 a month, with a particular spike after the 2008 Great Recession. The survey was sent to 242 stations. As discussed extensively in Part 2 of this paper, the decline of local news is attributable to some extent to the rise of online platforms, which have leveraged their ability to amass and monetize data from their users. An explanation for this finding will be discussed later in the context of what can be called “hard places”-the communities where local public radio stations have had the most difficulty establishing their station as a substantial source of local news. Largely overlooked in the effort to save local news are the nation’s local public radio stations. Unlike the local newspapers in the pre-broadcast era, local stations contend with other outlets for residents’ attention. In Pennsylvania, for instance, the Republican-dominated legislature cut off $750,000 to the state’s seven public radio and television stations after one of them, WITF Radio of Harrisburg, began calling out any elected official who continued to challenge the validity of President Joe Biden’s electoral victory.

“We are in a crisis (for local news),” he told me. The Tow Center for Digital Journalism and the Columbia Journalism Review, both at Columbia Journalism School, identified “a moment of reckoning” and announced the launch of the Journalism Crisis Project. Discussion Papers have not undergone formal review and approval. The views expressed in Shorenstein Center Discussion Papers are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of Harvard Kennedy School or of Harvard University. Of the responding stations, 57 percent were university licensees, 28 percent were community licensees, 6 percent were government licensees, and 9 percent were otherwise licensed. At the workshop we held, Adam Candeub (Professor, Michigan State University College of Law)compared the idea of data portability to the concept of phone number portability, which allowed individuals to take their old phone number with them when they changed phone providers and significantly increased competition in phone service. I only find one or two a year but I always love looking at the old Cajun last names that don't exist anywhere else. Stewart Bainum Jr.’s $50-million commitment to launch The Baltimore Banner is the current exemplar of all three, she said, but you won’t find someone with anything close to that level of commitment in most cities (as Bainum himself found a year ago when he tried to put together a group to buy all of Tribune Publishing in a bidding war won by Alden).
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