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No information provided from pre-chat survey:

A splendid morning to you, ________. You are now through to Brave from TalkTalk Technical Support Team. I'll be more than happy to help you. Can you please tell me more about your queries?

When customer only mentions technical issues:

A splendid morning to you, ________. You are now through to _________ from TalkTalk Technical Support Team. I can see that you contacted us regarding a fault on your service, can you please tell me more about your queries?

Transferred Chats from different Departments:

A splendid morning to you, ________. You are now through to Brave from TalkTalk Technical Support Team. I can see that you already spoke with an adviser previously. Let me review the conversation so that there is no need for you to repeat yourself.

Please give me 3 - 5 minutes while doing so. Thanks.

To make sure that I will provide the best resolution for you, I will be asking some series of questions for me fully understand what's wrong with the service. Would that be okay with you?

IDV ------------------------

Use when customer is already DPA passed and logged in from My Account:

I can see here that your account has already been authenticated when you logged in to My Account so there's no need to go through the security questions.
Use when customer has already been verified by the previous agent within the last 7 days:

I can see you have already completed the security check with us with the previous agent as well so there's no need to go through the security questions.

To start, may I know the first and second characters of the password of the account, please?

Great! How about the registered mobile number of the account?

Perfect! One more question for me to fully verify your account. May I have the registered email address of the account?

NOT AT HOME ----------------------------

I've started the line testing and it shows we need to complete some in-home checks to further pinpoint what is causing the _____________. This will allow us to identify what type of engineer is needed to get this resolve or if an equipment is already faulty and needs to be replaced.

As you are not currently at home, we cannot complete the relevant checks needed to help diagnose your problem. We are going to send you a Supermail with all of the checks you need to complete to help fix the issue.

If you are still experiencing an issue after these checks, please contact us back and we will help diagnose this further.

OUTAGE ---------------------

I have checked the incident related to your line and confirmed that your main line exchange is currently experiencing an outage. All the broadband and landline service are affected by this. Our Engineers are aware of the issue and are currently investigating.
As per the latest update, preliminary investigations are underway with our engineers to determine the root cause of this network incident. However, at this stage we are unable to issue an estimated resolution timeframe until our engineers have completed further diagnostics.

TOOLS ISSUE ----------------------------

I apologize for the inconvenience we are currently experiencing system incidents, what this means is I cannot proceed with diagnostics to assist you with your fault, if you want to I can take your mobile number and we can send you a text once the systems are back up and running, I am very sorry for this inconvenience but please be assured our engineers are doing all they can to resolve this as quickly as possible.

Please be advised that we are experiencing a downtime with our tools right now. No worries, it is being fixed now and will help us improve the way we assist valued customers like you. I'll still do my best to assist you regarding your queries and provide you the necessary information I can. If it's still not going to work, I kindly ask that you please chat back later after 2-3 hours. Rest assured that our tools will be up and running by then and we will be able to assist you with your query and we will notify you via SMS once the tools are available. You can chat us back using the following link: and you can also check for further updates with your concern.

What I can do right now is to record the reason of your contact today so that you won't have to repeat yourself to the next agent once our tools are up.


I would like to set proper expectations that we are experiencing a downtime with our tools. No worries, it is being fixed now and will help us improve the way we assist valued customers like you. Due to this, I kindly ask that you please chat back later. Rest assured that our tools will be up and running by then and we will be able to assist you with your query. You can chat us back using the following link:
I would like to let you know that we are experiencing a downtime with our tools with regards to Tiscali emails. No worries, it is being fixed now and will help us improve the way we assist valued customers like you.

As of the meantime, there is no estimated resolution timeframe that's been provided by our backend team as to when this will be rectified. Once this has been resolved, you will be notified via SMS or email. You can also check for further updates with your concern.

IDV Fail -------------------------

Unfortunately, you were unable to fully verify the account. However, I can still proceed to check and perform the necessary diagnostic tests to fix your concern. Just a heads up, if it will be routed to send an engineer or have a replacement, I will not be able to proceed.

LINE TEST------------------------

I have already initiated the test. What's going to happen next is that the system will reconfigure the line over the air which will normally take 15 -20 minutes. During this process there is a possibility this chat might get disconnected. You may stay on the chat if you would like to, or you can just contact us back after 20 minutes have passed. How would you like us to proceed?

CHAT BACK -----------------

We have done a check on your line, and we spotted that there might be an issue on the line and after speaking with our network specialist in regard to that. They advised that we can only initiate the line test for you once this chat has ended and the reason for that is that since we will be doing the testing and it may cause the chat to disconnect continuously or myself to lose connection to you as we do the intrusive tests to correct the speed issue for you.
But there is no need to worry as myself and the network specialist will be handling the testing on your behalf and the test can take up to 20 minutes, so I kindly request you chat back to us in 20 minutes so we can review the result and continue any diagnostics required.

20-minute power down -----------------------------

I would really love to skip the 20 minutes power down step here on my end as this is part of the process however it won't let me proceed. Would it be fine with you to do this with me for at least 20 minutes and we'll wait after the time has passed to make sure we can proceed with the next steps? I know you did this already, however due to the limitations on the tools, we cannot proceed since this option cannot be skipped from our end. Would this be fine with you?

We need to complete a power-down for at least 20 minutes, so that your Internet fully disconnects. Once this is completed, you'll need to restart your router so a new connection will be made.

The disconnection process can take a full 20 minutes. Reconnecting your router before this can interrupt the process, which means it would have to be done again.
After 20 minutes press the power button again and contact us if you are still experiencing issues with your Broadband service.


I've already checked and made sure your line is well-provisioned. Can we try to reset the router and check if the internet is already working?

Please reset your router via the 'Reset' pin hole on the back. To do this you'll need a pin or straightened paper clip, which you'll need to hold in for 30 seconds.

Thanks for letting me know. There might be changes on the light status as we go on with the troubleshooting steps. Please update me if there are any changes, would that be fine?

TURNING OFF ROUTER ---------------

Regularly turning your router on and off can also make our systems think you have a problem with your line. To fix the perceived problem, our system slows your broadband down to try and stabilize your line.
We send important software updates to your router throughout the day and night. So, if it’s turned off, your router won’t receive the updates which can make your broadband feel sluggish.
That’s why we recommend keeping your router switched on.


We are so sorry to hear that you are leaving, though we always respect what our valued customer's decision is, do you mind if I ask you why would you like to terminate your account with us?

I totally understand and respect your decision, ________.

I understand the situation you are in, _______. Please be informed that my resources are limited based on the nature of your query,

As much as I would love to assist you, I'm afraid I may not be the best person that can assist you right now as my sources are limited here and it is beyond our control.
The best team that can assist you with it is our Retentions team. You may contact them via 0345 172 0088, they are open from:
Monday - Friday 9am - 7pm ; Saturday - 9am - 6pm ; Sunday - Closed

Once routed to an IVR/agent, tell them to transfer the call through our Retentions Team which is also known as cancellation department.

CASE MANAGER --------------------

I have the test results now and it seems that an intrusive line check will need to be processed completely. This will be handled by our back-end team or one from our case managers since they have the full access on the account. The test will determine if an engineer needs to be sent out or if the back-end team can completely fix the issue. If ever this is fixed by the relevant team, you will be notified via email or SMS. If an engineer is needed, the team will contact you on your preferred contact number within 2-3 business days to make sure this will be rectified. Rest assured that the details are already documented on your account and that we have already exhausted all the available troubleshooting process that we can do.

Call back - landline service

I have the test results now and it seems that an intrusive line check will need to be processed completely. This will be handled by our back-end team since they have the full access on the account. The test will determine if an engineer needs to be sent out or if the back-end team can completely fix the issue. If ever this is fixed by the relevant team, you will be notified via email or SMS. We highly advise you to reach us back after 2 hours as that will give us sufficient time to run the intrusive checks. Rest assured that the details are already documented on your account and that we have already exhausted all the available troubleshooting process that we can do.

TRANSFER --------------------

Please allow me 3-5 minutes to document the details on your account and put the notes on the chat so that you won't have to repeat yourself to the next agent. Would that be, okay?
Please be informed that my resources are limited based on the nature of your query, the best team that can assist you with it is our ________ team . Would you like me to go ahead and transfer you directly to them?
Sorry to have kept you waiting, ________. Is there anything else you might want to add before I connect you over to the relevant department?
I will be transferring you to our ________ Team. Please be advised that there may be a possible wait time for you to get connected to the next agent. Please do not close the chat as we are helping you look for an available representative.

OUT OF SCOPE ---------------------------

I have checked your account and found that you are on a Full Fibre package. As much as I would love to assist you, I'm afraid I may not be the best person that can assist you right now as my sources are limited here and it is beyond our control. Our chat can only assist customers who are subscribed to lower packages than Full Fibre.

I can definitely connect you over to the relevant team for you to be further assisted. I would love to help arrange and correct this for you, but even the access to your account is limited here on my end due to the limited scope of support. I'm so sorry for the limitations.

Would you like me to connect you over to them directly?


I can see that you're not happy with the resolution that I provided to you today. I know how important this is to you. Let me consult my supervisor to make sure all options are exhausted. Please give me 2-3 minutes while doing so. Would that be okay with you?

Thanks for patiently waiting, __________. My supervisor has already reviewed the account. As you are one of the valued customers we can definitely

RIGHT TO EXIT---------------------

We’re sorry that you’re not getting your minimum guaranteed speed of mbps. We will do everything we can to fix this.

Under our speed code of practice, we have 30 calendar days to make improvements but may need to talk to you again within this time.

If after 30 days we can’t improve your service we will notify you by email of your right to cancel your contract without any termination fees.

If we fix the issue, you change your package or we determine the issue is caused by something within your home the right to cancel will not apply.


As much as I'd love to but regarding activation date, that will be further supported by our engineers, which we don't have control over. We're unable to change the date of your activation as this will have been arranged for the earliest available timeslot in line with our engineer's availability.
Rest assured that we will do our best to get things done as soon as possible and this concern is totally acknowledged. I'll try my best and place notes on your account regarding this urgency to have the activation date earlier, but it is not a guarantee.

APPOINTED ENGR------------------

After multiple line checks and all the necessary troubleshooting steps that we did today. It shows that the issue is either with the line outside or in the premise that causes the no connection.

The system suggested that we will need to schedule one of our best engineers to completely fix the service. Would that be, okay?

Can you confirm whether there is any suitable parking at the property or nearby as I'll need to make a note of this for the engineer?

Before I book the appointment, I will need to ask some question with regards to the visit for safety purposes.

1. Have you or anyone else living here been diagnosed with COVID-19, or have been asked to self-isolate?

2. Do you have any other objections for an engineer entering your property?

3. If you develop any covid symptoms, test positive for COVID or are asked to self-isolate prior to the engineer visit please contact us so we can rearrange the visit for you.
It can sometimes take a few hours to collect these notes so` please bear with us until we communicate the next steps to you.

Why have I been charged? ----------------------

We won't be able to tell you if there's a charge until after an engineer visits your premises. So, it's worth trying all of the steps our support team have taken you through to test your line and equipment.

We'll only charge you if our engineer was unable to find a fault with your service during the visit, or the fault was found to be related to a condition inside your premises. We won't charge you if the fault is caused by TalkTalk equipment, unless the fault was caused by you damaging or misusing the equipment.

We may charge a fee (the cost of which we’ll tell you about before the visit) if: (a) the engineer can’t complete their inspection as they can’t access the property or equipment; (b) on inspection: (i) the property or your equipment is unsafe; (ii) we determine that no fault exists; or (iii) we reasonably believe a fault was caused by you, your equipment or your property; or (c) we have to undertake work over and above what we would usually carry out (e.g. we have to move your telephone master socket or, you don’t consent to this work, and we can’t provide the relevant service)

NON-APPOINTED ENGINEER ------------------

Thanks for all the information you've provided, ______. I've run another line test to check your connectivity. I've checked your cables outside your home premise especially the lines going to the main exchange and the Openreach network.
Upon seeing the results, I've identified that there is a fault that lies on the main exchange cable which caused your ____________.
No worries, I've already booked an engineer appointment for this, this is totally free as we value you as one of our customers. The engineer won't be visiting your home premise, instead, they will automatically head to the main exchange to check and provision the cables.

If the engineer cannot find an issue within the Openreach network, they may then need to gain access to your home. If they have enough time whilst on the job, the current engineer may try to call and arrange this. If they do not have enough time. Or you are not home, do not worry, you will receive a text from TalkTalk to arrange for an appointed engineer to come to your home.

Rest assured that this will be fixed as soon as possible, and this won't ever happen again. Once they receive the ticket that I've processed, they will then work it out right away. But the normal process would take within 24 hours for them to receive the ticket that I have raised, and you will be notified via SMS or email once the issue has been resolved.


As the fault with your service is not yet fixed, we are unable to calculate the correct amount of compensation you are owed so this will be done once the issue is resolved, that way we know how many days you were without your (broadband and/or phone). You will receive your compensation automatically within 30 days of your fault being resolved or the order being completed.
Please be informed that Auto-Compensation will be applied directly to your account from the time the total loss of service started up until the issue is fixed.

It may not be that much, but I just wanted to let you know that we do have a policy where we compensate customers for the inconvenience we've caused. This will be applied directly to your account and the calculation will start 2 working days after the time the total loss of service started or when you reported it up until it was fixed.

The process will take within 30 days after your issue is resolved and you will be notified via SMS or email. You'll receive an email as well for the eligibility requirements and on how much you will be getting for the compensation.

CHAT TRANSCRIPT------------------

Let me take this opportunity as well to thank you for being one of our valued customers. For future reference you may request a copy of our conversation via email, this option will be at the end of the chat session.


I really appreciate your patience as we've gone through all of this, have you got any other queries I can help you with?

I just wanted to make sure that I have catered to all of your queries, have you got any other queries I can help you with?

I really appreciate your patience as we've gone through all of this. Have I resolved your query today?

I am glad to know that the internet is now back online. It also shows here that the status is now back to green, which means in good condition.
I am glad that I was able to help you fix your internet service. You have been great throughout the troubleshooting process.

I'm glad that I was able to help you book an engineer to fix the issue. Rest assured; this will be taken care of properly.

We from TalkTalk just want to make sure that you'll be able to enjoy the best out of your service.
I'm glad to know that you're doing good with TalkTalk. Please know that TalkTalk will not stop improving the service to give satisfaction to our valued customers.

Thanks for that positive response. TalkTalk is pleased to hear that you are happy with the service. I would also like to take the opportunity to thank you for being a loyal customer to TalkTalk. Guaranteed that we'll keep doing our best to provide you with the best service.

It has been a pleasure to have you on this chat. You have been great, and we really appreciate your time, patience, and cooperation throughout the process. You are a great troubleshooting partner.
You're welcome. We should be the one thanking you for taking your time and being a cooperative customer.

The case will be picked up from where we are leaving it now so you will start straight off from this point.

Rest assured that this conversation will be documented on your account. So, in case you contact us back, you won't need to repeat everything to the next representative.

I express my gratitude as it was such a pleasure chatting with you today. I do appreciate your patience and understanding, you've been very polite. Please do take the necessary health and safety precautions to stay safe during this pandemic as your life matters most.

By the way, I just wanted to mention that you may receive a 2-question survey after this chat, kindly please read the survey carefully as the options may change.

If you could also give time to wait for about a minute or two to have it popped-up since there is a delay to it, I would greatly appreciate it.
I won't be taking too much of your time, _______.

Once again, this is Brave and thank you for being the best part of TalkTalk. Enjoy the rest of your day and please do take the necessary health and safety precautions to stay safe during this pandemic as your life matters most.

Will you be able to say that you are satisfied and have a positive experience throughout the chat with me?

Will you be able to say that you have a positive experience with Talktalk and me throughout the chat?

Now that I have provided a resolution to your concern, will you be able to say that you have a positive experience with Talktalk and me throughout the chat?

You have been very kind and patient to me, and it’s been an absolute pleasure chatting with you. Please do stay safe and healthy always. Once again, this is Brave from Technical Department wishing you to have a great day! Bye for now.

WAITING ON THE LINE--------------

Thank you for waiting so patiently waiting!

GIVE ME A MOMENT---------------------

Please give me a moment while I look into this for you.

Do you mind waiting for a moment while I look up this information?


Hey there _____,
Thanks so much for reaching out about this I’m sorry to hear that you’re having trouble. I totally understand how that could be frustrating for you! Let’s get down to the bottom of what’s going on here. I’m happy to help.

HOLDING SPIEL------------

I’m sorry, but I need to take a few minutes to research this information. I hope that’s okay.

Please give me a moment to research this problem for you.

Do you mind waiting for a moment while I look up this information?

Kindly give me a couple of minutes to examine this on my end. I appreciate your patience.

I just need to check something. Do you mind if I put you on hold for a moment?

Thank you for waiting! I’m here now sorry about that wait.

OFFER UPDATE-----------------------------

I can see here that your account is lacking security question. Would you like me to update this or would you do this some other times so that we can proceed with your issue today.

HOLDING BOT----------------------------------------

The conversation was transferred. As a result, it was transferred to the Holding bot. The customer is active again.
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Regards; Team

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