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We'll be right back with CBS News' 2016 debate in Greenville, South Carolina. • Instead of one business model that works for most news organizations, as has historically been the case, we will have many. But before I turn it back to Major Garrett and Kim Strassel, I have one question for Mr. Trump. CRUZ: I did not nominate John Roberts. He was a conservative and he didn't tear down people like Donald Trump is. Deal with ingrown hairs - Getting ingrown hairs to straighten up and start marching in the right direction requires removing dead skin, softening the skin around the hair and gently shifting the hairs into a new trajectory. You listen to them, what they want to do to Social Security, none of these folks are getting elected, OK, whether they can do it or not. TRUMP: First of all, the -- when you say I'm the only candidate, if you listen to the Democrats, they want to do many things to Social Security and I want to do them on its own merit. It's tremendous. We have in Social Security right now thousand and thousands of people that are over 106 years old.

If you look at cause and effect over our nation's history, every time we lessen the burden of Washington on small business owners, on job creators, we see incredible economic growth. When it comes to ISIS, we've got to have a focused objective. As you've said tonight, and you've often said, the Iraq War and your opposition to it was a sign of your good judgment. Obviously, it was a mistake. You know, we -- obviously, you're not going to accomplish all of your goals without some collateral damage. We'll tell our soldiers, our people in the service, take care of your job and then come home once we've accomplished our goals. Starts at the 150% poverty level, but even the people below that have to pay something because everybody has to have skin in the game, and the millions of people can't, you know, talk about what other people have to pay and have no skin in the game. Topical vitamin A treatments can prevent skin cells in the pore from sticking together and clogging it up, and help reduce the ridges or rims that develop around pores. You talked about in New Hampshire, Democrats would come up to you and say, "I hope you win." Why will that help you win a Republican nomination? BUSH: Also, he talked about one of my heroes, Ronald Reagan. So, there is a lot of opportunity for crisis, as you have talked about.

If they take larger amounts of territory, you have an ethnic war with the Arabs. Secondly, an attack on NATO, trumped up on any excuse of Russian- speaking people, either in the NATO countries or in Finland or Sweden is going to be an attack on us. They say those evil rich people, if we take their money we can solve the problem. It's the irresponsible evil government. I think that's a high priority all across this country, but expanding Obamacare is what we're talking about, and Obamacare's expansion, even though the federal government is paying for the great majority of it, is creating further debt on the backs of our children and grandchildren. I spent $3, he spends 42 of their money, of special interest money. That's Jeb's special interest and lobbyist talking. Now if we need to embed Special Forces to direct our overwhelming air power, if it is required to use ground troops to defeat ISIS, we should use them, but we ought to start with using our incredible air power advantage. We need to create a coalition, Sunni led coalition on the ground with our special operators to destroy ISIS, and bring about stability. That's what we need to do. But here's what -- here's what people need to know. Although the 125,000 people involved in the project knew it was vital war work, very few knew its purpose.

Russia is being credited with bombing U.S.-backed rebels on behalf of Assad in Aleppo and Syria. RUBIO: I just want to say, at least on behalf of me and my family, I thank God all the time it was George W. Bush in the White House on 9/11 and not Al Gore. We've got to get people moving from part time work to full time work. I would've nominated my former boss Liberman (ph) who was Justice Scalia's first law clerk. CRUZ: Well, let me say it at the outset that everyone here understands - everyone understands that how - that the middle class has been left behind in the last seven years of the Obama economy and we've got to bring jobs back. DICKERSON: Senator, I wanted to ask you, just going back to immigration, in the last debate, you listed your series of accomplishments in the Senate. Is it the case that in your list of accomplishments you can't mention that? A committed speaker of the House asked me to go as a private citizen to make the case against the expansion. RUBIO: Well, no. It's not the case. 오피 CARSON: Well, first of all, let me just mention on the tax issue.

RUBIO: Well, let me talk about poverty. But let me say this - you notice Donald didn't disagree with the substance that he supports taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. Both of which were offensive and wrong. Jeb is so wrong. You don't necessarily seem like somebody who has somebody who tells you you're wrong a lot. Why should conservatives who want to tax adopt the other side's approach? STRASSEL: OK, I have a question, a related tax question. You have to be able to assess what is acceptable and what is not. So, explain why those casualties would be acceptable in the fight against ISIS? You got to fight ISIS first. First of all, look, we have to make it clear to Russia what we expect. Donald Trump brought up the fact that he would -- he'd want to accommodate Russia. If Donald Trump is president, he will appoint liberals. There was a whiff of desperation in the air at the second Republican debate in Los Angeles on Wednesday night as Donald Trump skipped the event once again. Facing off against a more established Republican in his primary, Mr DeSantis touted his close ties to Mr Trump - including an influential presidential endorsement. Now I know why he doesn't have one endorsement from any of his colleagues. TRUMP: You have tremendous waste, fraud and abuse.

We have to rebuild our infrastructure. Here's what I don't understand, if a business takes their money and they invest in the piece of the equipment, they get to write to off their taxes. DICKERSON: I understand, you're on deck governor. DICKERSON: You're on deck sir. They finally hired Sir Joseph Bazalgette to build the current sewage system. Now, fortunately, we were able to stabilize the situation, and it was the current administration that turned tail and ran and destabilized the situation. You're question about the first three questions you would ask in this Situation Room. GARRETT: Now the question - conservatives have sort of this idea conceptually for a long time but especially on this consumption value added tax system. GARRETT: Real quickly, jump in, because I have got a question for Governor Bush, but jump in. Forbes said it is the best, the most pro-growth tax plan, and it's based on real fairness for everybody. And that, I think, is a situation that we're in right now, a situation that we have never been in before with the kinds of threats that pose real danger to our nation, and it comes in very handy in those situations. We're going to -- gentleman, we're in danger of driving this into the dirt. DICKERSON: Gentleman, I think we're going to leave that there. And frankly, we leave no one behind.

And, frankly, if there weren't weapons of mass destruction we should never have gone. Sometimes they may -- they may make a remark here or there that we don't like, but frankly, the world needs us. Look, I did 106 town halls and I've been doing them left and right here in South Carolina. DICKERSON: We're going to switch here to Senator Marco Rubio. DICKERSON: Senator Rubio -- just 30 seconds on this question, Senator Rubio. DICKERSON: Alright. You have 30 seconds, Doctor. I'm going to have a tax plan that is pro-family because the family is the most important institution in society. If you register more than one printer -- there's no limit to the number of printers you can connect to your account -- you'll have to designate the machine you want the print job to go to. BUSH: South Carolinians want to make that they elect the most conservative governor or candidate that can win. So in the -- in the spirit of saying something that might be politically incorrect, tell the voters something that they need to hear but that might be politically incorrect? What would you point to in your past to show voters that you've been in a crisis and that you've been tested when that inevitable crisis comes when you're president? Both point to an increased incidence of gliomas and acoustic neuromas among long-term users of mobile phones. It could theoretically be expanded to allow users to "type" with their thoughts.
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