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What I Know
What I Want To Know
What I Learned
-British and European came to Canada and U.S.A
-Father of New France, Samuel De Champlain, founded Quebec
-French were parted with Canada
-British were parted with the USA
-Why did the British and European come to North America
-Why did they want to start war between them and the aboriginals
-Why were the lands so important to all the different groups living in North America
-Who won The Seven Years War

-Both British and French controlled large areas in North America
-In 1754 The Seven Year War began
-Britain had 42,000 soldiers in the seven years war
-France had 10,000 soldiers in The Seven Years War
-The population of the French were 54,500 people
-The British population was 27,000
-The First Nations population was 200,000
-There were 139,509 beaver pelts in Europe in 1787
-By 1713 Europeans had been going to North America for over 200 years
-Britain was formed in 1707 when England and Scotland united, it was ruled by Queen Anne
-in 1700 the King Charles II, king of Spain, had died without having a child which left nobody to look over his throne. France took this chance to seize Spain and its Territories

any known biome-draw a picture-show all characteristics
what biome would i live in and why?

not a lot of rain in desert-why does it impact on organisms

which biome has biodiversity and why?

what is climate?
what is whether?
what is community?
what is temperature?

which biome has the most rain?
which animals are found in the ocean?
which biome has four different seasons?

know about soil in tropical rainforest
which biome has least rain?
know what biotic is.
which biome has permafrost?
know what species and ecosystem, biome, community, population and abiotic are.

Dear Santa,

Hello my name is _____________. For christmas i wish to get a ____________ Phone, a ____________ saxophone and a new baby ____________. Most of all i would like a ____________ friend.


home to many animal a few in danger, also many areas covered with water. many wetlands- marshes, swamps, bogs, fens. water is mostly fresh. swamps- rain lands named hammocks. get water from rain and streams. poor soil.

trees- mangrove, black spruce, black willow, red maple trees, pine tree,
plants- algae, duckweed, pondweed, water lily, venus fly trap, poison ivy, bul rushes, shrubs, moss, lily pad, cattails, reed

DESERTS-Not a lot of rain. Driest place. Sand storms formed by wind when it blows. Three types- sand, ice, rock. Lots of cacti- roots suck up water when it does rain- like a sponge that expands.

Less than 2cm of rain per week. Some get 0 rain. Some hot some cold. Desserts lose their water through evaporation. Reserve less than 10 cm per year. When it is hot it can go up to 38 degrees celsius. At night it can drop to -0 degrees celsius.

-goat-sheep-desert tortoise-cacti-scorpion-spider-lizard -road runners- desert fox.

Every continent except Europe because of salt. auntarticia is the biggest ice desert-worlds largest. Some deserts have an oasis-contain small bodies of water.

Plants, trees and animals
3 layers - Canopy 1st layer, Understory and the shrub 2nd layer, Forest floor 3rd layer
It’s a tribe
Tallest trees are 89 meters long
Very hot, wet and humid
20-29 celsius is the usual
160-400 inches of rain each year
Temperatures change between day and night a lot
Bats, butterflies, monkeys (top layer)
Millions of plants ,moss, algae and fungi plus termites, ants and lots of dead leaves (forest floor)
small trees, vines, herbs, ferns, birds, reptiles
More than half of the insect specie is living in rainforests and haven't been discovered yet.
People live on the forest floor
Lots of rain forests are located on the equator
Main places that have rain forests are: South america, asia, africa and central america

TUNDRA-Plain without trees-tundra means treeless place. arctic, antarctic, alpine. Have permanent ice and snow-antarctic. Summers that drag into long winter’s-arctic, alpine. Flat land -no trees -lots of rocks. Wooden shrubs and rocks covered in moss and plants. In the winter there is snow.

Russia, Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Scandinavia.

antarctic=antarctica. alpine=mountain tops all over the world

penguins, snowy owl, arctic fox, polar bears, caribou, seals.

geese, duck, water birds, lemmings, mice, butterflies, arctic wolves.

0 degrees celsius-32 degrees F. never over 10 degrees C and in the summer.

a permafrost . means permanently frozen soil. a hill that surrounds tundras

-floods cause mud slides and landslides
-usually caused in dry, hot areas
-ruin homes, crops, workplaces, etc.
-ex: mississippi, missouri flood in 1993

Hurricanes disaster of 97:

For the people of Honolulu, Hawaii in August 15 1997, the was a very tragic mishap of a hurricane. This hurricane occurred by the water levels getting to a temperature of 90 degrees fahrenheit. hurricanes are caused by the temperature of the water has to be 80+ degrees fahrenheit (27 degrees celsius)

hurricane disaster
by: Jerzie McKenzie

The people of Honolulu

A hurricane is a disaster that occurs when the ocean water is more than 80 degrees fahrenheit or 27 degrees celsius

This disaster occurred in Honolulu, Hawaii

This hurricane in Hawaii dated at August 15, 1997

This summer of 97 was one of the worst for the people of Honolulu, the hurricane started by the warm water that was 90 degrees fahrenheit
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