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Aphmau's POV
I called everyone to the tree house to make a request about changing course to the hall. I miss them. I was threatened by Loki to make me leave. At this point I don't care if he hurts me. I'd rather die trying to help my friends then having them die. Then I heard everyone that was coming come up the stairs. "What's up aph?" Laurance asked me. "I'd like to change course to a different place." I said. "Where to?" Travis asked. "I can't say yet but I will sail us there." I said. "It's fine with me." Everyone said. "Thanks, I HAVNT seen them in a while." I mumbled the last part but Travis heard me. "What do you me I haven't seen them for a while?" He asked. "Nothing, but we need to get someone first, stay here in going to get him." I said. I got a boat and went to metilli. (I think) I ran to castors house. "Jess! Why are you here?" Castor asked me. "We're going back to the hall, and I was wondering if you wanted to come." I said. "Yes!" He said excitedly. "I HAVNT told them where we're going or my past yet, they'll find out soon!" I said as we both sailed back to phonix drop. "APHMAU WHY IS THE CHICKEN SHAMAN COMING?!" Laurance yelled. "He is a friend..." I said. "A FRIEND? GOW CAN YOU EVEN STAND THAT GUY?!" He yelled. "We've known each other! That's all I'm saying now let's go!" I said, trying not to change into my hybrid form. "Aphmau why are your eyes purple?" Katelyn said. "Oh no!" Castor said. "AH HA A NEW SCIENCE THING TO STUDY! NOW APHMAU TELL ME EVERYTHING!!!" Chad yelled. He made it worst. "And this is why she stays happy all the time!" Castor said. My wings started to form on my back. "GOD DANGET CHAD!" I yelled. I ran into the Forrest.
Levins POV (didn't see that did you?)
I saw Aphmau run into the Forrest with purple wings on her back. I decided to follower her sence I heard her yelling. I chase. Her into the Forrest and she sat down by a lake and I saw here take out memory crystals.
Aphmau's POV
I heard someone walk up to me. I managed to calm a little and turned back to normal. I turned around and saw Levin. "Mom why did you have purple wings and purple eyes?" I heard him say. "Levin it's nothing..." I said. "Well I heard you yell for the first time." He said. "Something bad is happening and I might need to find them..." I said. "Who?" He asked. "Nobody..." I said. We started walking back to the village in silence and when he wasn't looking I booked it around the gate and ran into the Forrest. It was night and decided to camp out in the Forrest. The sun was just rising so I got up and walked to the boat and say there thinking. 'There going to find out soon, just find them then you'll be fine.' Then I heard Laurance yell "WHAT?! WHERE IS SHE?!" Oh god this isn't good. Laurance started to panic and when he saw me he ran up to me and hugged me. "WHERE WER YOU?!" He yelled. "I was in the Forrest..." I said. The. Something happened that I really didn't want to happen. "AH NIECE I SEE YOU HAVE KEPT YOUR PROMES! BUT I NEVER SAID I WOULDNT STOP TRYING TO KILL YOU!!" Loki yelled. "LAURANCE KATELYN TRAVIS AND EVERYONE ELS CEEP LEVIN SAFE!" I yelled. "What about you?" Laurance asked. "I need to finish something get all the villagers to safety now!" I said. They obeyed me but Loki charged at me. My hammer flew to me and I got struck with lightning, and armor appeared. I struck him with lightning and he cut down my arm, then face. I went full power lightning strike on him and he vanished. I got out of everything and sent my hammer back to the hall. "ITS FINE NOW!" I screamed. There was a stampede of people rushing around to their houses. "Aphmau?" I heard someone yell. It was Laurance. "That coward!" I yelled. "Who?" Laurance yelled. "My fricken uncle!" I yelled. My eyes were turning purple again. "Let's just go.." I said. We all gathered up then Katelyn finally notice me bleeding. "APHMAU WHY ARE YOU CUT ON THE ARM AND FACE?!" She yelled. "I'm not letting him kill them, cmon we need to go before he gets to them! We can play truth or dare on the way or something." I said. "Let's do truth or dare!" Laurance said. "Aphmau truth or dare?" Travis asked me. "Truth." I said. "We're you ever in a relationship?" Laurance asked me. "I um... Laurance you need to be okay with what I'm about to say." I said. "Oh no this is going to be bad..." Katelyn said face palming. "Hit me with the news!" He said. "I-I-I'm married." I said. "WHAT?!" They all yelled. "Um... Yeah. Suprise?" I said. "WHO TO?" Travis asked me. "Sly..." I said. "Who's sly?" They asked. "One person from my past..." I said. "I THOUGHT YOU DIDNT KNOW YOUR PAST!!" Laurance yelled. "LYEING WAS THE ONLY CHOICE I HAD TO CEEP MY FAMILY SAFE!" I said. "Oh..." Laurance said. My eyes were turning purple again. "GOD DANGET! Please stop making me mad!" I said. "Aphmau, what are you?" Travis said. "You'll kill me...
I'm someone who people don't like..." I said. "Aphmau I'll ask you again, what are you?" Laurance said. "A H-Hyb-" I started then I was enter outed my someone say, "JESS?!" I knew that voice it was sly. We docked then he ran up to me and hugged me. "I mess to breath too!" I managed to stay. "Oh sorry, where were you?" Sly asked. "Um, I'll tell you latter but let me introduce you to my friends. Katelyn, Laurance, Aaron, Chad, as you know castor, Travis guys this is sly." I said. "YOUR THE ONE SHE MARRIED?!" Laurance shouted. "Heh, yeah I shouldn't of told you guys." I said. "Well, remember when you turn 29 you need to be queen of Asgard." Sly said. "Aphmau, how old are you?" Laurance asked. "28." I said. "Hey sly I want to try something." I said to him. "What is it?" Sly asked me. "Let's go to the portal to the Irene dimension." I said. "LAST TIME YOU TRIED YOU ALMOST DIED!" Laurance shouted. "Well I'd rather die trying then not trying at all!" I said. We all ran to the portal. "I need to focus, be quiet." I said. They all looked scared I focused really hard then a light came from the portal. I cept that position then it opened but I felt week. "YOU DID IT?!" Laurance yelled. I didn't care what anyone thought I jumped through the portal. I saw Zane look at me. I transformed and slashed at him nocking him out. I picked up Zane and ran through the portal. "Why did you grab Zane?!" Garroth asked. "The tu'la Reagan will CEEP invading until he finds him! I can't risk my friend firing after that happened to me." I said. I sailed to O'KASAS and dropped him if at the dock and I yelled. "ZANE IS HERE!" It seemed to CEACH other people's attraction. A guard came up to me and said "WHO ARE YOU!?" He shouted. "I'm blades of furry. The 10th jurry of nine." I said. (DEAL WITH IT!) "Oh I'm sorry now you may come in and get your weapons." He said. We walked to the guard tower and I got my fire sword. "I'm going back to phonix drop." I said. "Ok have a good time!" He said. I sailed back to phonix drop where everyone else was, but the few.
Time skip a few months
"Lord Aphmau Zane wants you!" Garroth said. "I know what he wants lead him here!" I said. "Are you crazy?!" Garroth said. "JUST DO IT!" I yelled. He boated and a few mini its latter Zane came into my basement. "I know you want me to come back to o'kasas." I said. "Well yes I do, you were the most powerful of all of them." Zane said. "Aphmau what does he mean?!" Zoey said. "I WANT MY JURRY OF NINE MEMBER BACK!" Zane yelled. "ZANE GIVE ME TIME TO THINK!" I yelled. He left me to think. "Aphmau what does he mean?" Zoey asked me. "Nothing, let's just go to sleep." I said. I woke up to Garoth yelling "APHMAU ZANE IS ABOUT TO ATTACK!!" I bolted to the gate. "So blade of furry, will you come back?" Zane asked me. "Aphmau what does he mean?" Garroth asked. "Garroth did you know it was jurry of 10?" I asked. "Yes but one of them disappeared, blades of furry. She never liked to serve Zane so she left!" He said. "SWORDS OF FURRY OPEN THE GATES!" Zane yelled. I climbed down the ladder and opened the gates. "Zane the only reason you want me back is because I was the most powerful because I am a monster!" I yelled. "Heh your right." He said. His guards tried to attack me but I changed into my jurry form and took the down. "ZANE IM NOT COMING BACK!" I yelled. I killed the rest of his guards and he went back to o'kasas. "I'll never come back!" I yelled. "APHMAU?!" Zoey yelled pushing through the crowd. "That fool thinks he can defeat me, think again." I mumbled walking back to my house. I ran into Zoey. "Aphmau, why is your skin pale?" She asked. I forgot I need to wait 10 mini its to turn back to normal. I just ran into the Forrest and started to punch a tree. "Aphmau? Why are you pale?" Levin asked me. "Ever heard of blade of furry?" I asked levin. "Yes, she didn't want to serve Zane anymore so she left. She was the strongest of them all." Levin said. "Did you know her real name?" I asked. "It was Jess." Levin said. "My full name is Jessica Aphmau Odsidian." I said. "That means y-" he started. "Yes I'm blade of furry." I said nocking down the tree. "I have different seecrets but seecrets must stay hidden or their not seecrets, and please call me Aphmau not Jess, also please don't tell them my name." I said. "Ok, I won't." He said. We walked back to the village and Katelyn said, "YOU WERE BLADE IF FURRY?!" "Katelyn quiet down. And yes I am!" I snapped back. I could tell Katelyn was mad for serving Zane. I heard rusleung in the bushes and took out my sword. It was just a bunny. I bolted to o'kasas. Laurance followed me. "Laurance go away!" I yelled. "No!" He yelled. "Kunitz see la me go!" I shouted and teleported to o'kasas. People were scared of me. Zane ran up to me. "Aphmau why are you here?" He asked. "I need time away from them. They go everywhere I go." I said. "Well I'll lead you to a guest house." He said. "Ok lead the way." I said. "Hahahaha the same old Jess I know!" He said, and he took me to a castle, and lead me to a room. "Thanks!" I said and shut the door. 'Laurance is going to kill me for coming to o'kasas, so is Garroth' I thought. I waited to night and snuck out to phonix drop. I went up to the gates, "Alexis its me Aphmau!" I yelled. "Ok!" She yelled back and opened the gates. "Aphmau where were you?" She asked me. "I needed to get away from everyone so I went back to and old village." I said. "What was that old village?" She asked me. "Um, don't tell eny one ok?" I asked. "Ok I prommes." She said. "I went to o'kasas." I said. "WHAT?!" She screamed. I saw Brian start to run up to us so I bolted to the tree house. "APHAMU WHERE WERE YOU?!" Katelyn yelled. I bolted away, into the Forrest to turn to my hybrid form. I had purple eyes, scales, and wings. "APHMAU?!" I heard Katelyn yell. I knew I was screwed. "Katelyn I need to be alone for a bit." I said turning back to normal. "Why didn't you tell us? You just teleported away from Laurance!" She said. "Yeah, um it's about Zane, he is becoming a 'problem' to me. He is trying to get me to join the Jurry again." I said. "Aphmau listen to me, DO NOT JOIN HIS SIDE AGAIN! I made a bad choice joining. I regret it." She said. "Yeah I was the most powerful one he has ever had, because of what I am." I said. "What are you?" Katelyn asked me. "I'm a monster. And a goddess." I said. "MONSTER AND GODDESS?!" Katelyn said. "Calm down!" I yelled. "I always knew you were a goddess." Laurance said popping out of a bush and getting close to my face. I punched him a Katelyn laughed. (Sry I had to!) Then I saw someone who looked like sky, Ross, max, Barney, and Jin. "Katelyn, Laurance stay here! I'm looking for them!" I said. I summoned my hammer and flew after them. They obeyed, we'll sort of they just stood there like 'what just happened?' I yelled. "SKY BARNEY ROSS JIN MAX!" And landed. They tackled me and yelled "JESS!" "God!" I said changing into my hybrid form. They flew off of me. They transformed into their hybrid form. (It could be what ever you want) We spared for a bit and I won. We were all sweaty so we went back to the village. "APHMAU. WHAT. JUST. HAPPENED?!" Laurance yelled. "Um magics? Yeah! Magics!" I said. "Ok well that was interesting magics." He said. I went home and fell asleep. I woke up to Dante yelling "APHMAU THE CHICKEN SHAMON IS HERE TO TALL TO YOU!" Yes! I popped out of bed and ran to the gates. Caster hugged me. "It's fine we'll go visit them in a bit." I whispered in his ear. "Ok.." He said. (I have everyone memory whip potions so they don't remember us going to an different island) "APHMAU WHY ARE YOU HUGGING THE CHICKEN SHAMON?!" LAURANCE yelled. "SHUT UP LITTLE LAURANCE!" Castor yelled. "Hahahaha!" I started io laugh. "Why are you laughing?" Laurance asked. Caster realized what I was laughing at them joined in. "You *laugh* don't remember!" I said. "remember what?!" Laurance yelled.
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