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15 Shocking Facts About Best Bunk Beds For Teens
How to Choose the Best Bunk Beds for Teens

Loft and bunk beds can add fun and functionality in the room for kids. They also can help save space.

Find bunks designed to be flexible, such as drawers that store items in the bottom and a trundle bed that's easy to take down and twin beds that can be divided into two beds. Also consider the weight capacity of the top bunk.


You should take into consideration the size as well as style and safety when choosing a bunkbed for your kids. Check the height of the ceiling to make sure the bunks will fit in the space. Also, ensure that there is enough space around the bunks for children to move around. The beds should be far enough apart that kids can get up and down safely and not run into each other or smash into walls. You'll also want to check whether the top bunk bed can accommodate a mattress that is the same size as that of the bottom one. This will allow you to avoid the need for an additional bed or trundle in the near future.

You can also choose an arrangement for your bunk that isn't traditional, if it suits your space better. For example an L-shaped bunk could be perfect for a small bedroom or even a guest room that is shared. It saves floor space and can accommodate a twin over full or queen mattress on each of the lower and upper levels, based on the model you choose.

Many of the best bunk beds for teens are designed to grow with your child, converting to two free-standing double beds when they're ready to move up to an adult bed. Storkcraft Solid Wood Ladder Twin Bunk Bed for instance, features an old-fashioned farmhouse design with curving headboards. It also features wagon-style guardrails on the top bunk. It's made of knot-free New Zealand pine and has an adjustable ladder that connects the top and bottom beds with more space for kids to play on.

Another alternative is a loft bed, which maximizes corner space in rooms with tweens. It's a great choice for smaller spaces because it doesn't require as much vertical space and also allows the lower level to be used for desks as well as dressers and storage cabinets. It's a great option for older children since it doesn't require stairs or ladders, making it more accessible to adults and children of larger sizes.

Check the height of any bunk bed in your child's bedroom by using blue painter's tape. This will help you determine if it is possible to climb into and out at night without crashing into anyone or hitting the window sill. You'll also want to consider the safety of your family members by reading the Consumer Product Safety Commission regulations for bunk beds. These regulations include guardrails and features that stop falls or entrapment.


Bunk beds are an excellent option for families with children of all ages, however, it is important to think about safety features when buying. You'll want to look for a bed with rails that are tall enough to prevent children from falling or getting trapped. Also, you need a mattress that doesn't raise the sleep surface too high. Be sure to pay attention to the weight capacity, since some bunks are less able than others.

Visit the website of the manufacturer to see what specifications are available regarding mattresses and weight limits. The majority of manufacturers will offer guidelines on the maximum thickness of the top bunk mattress. They'll also give the maximum capacity for the weight of the upper bunk bed as well as the bunk bed.

The best bunk beds are sturdily constructed, and the ladder or stairs must be attached to the frame securely and have handles on the sides to ensure security. Avoid bunk beds with slatted side panels, as they're dangerous for children to climb on, especially if they're not tightly joined. If your kids love playing on the ground, you should opt for a lower-slung bunk so that they can sit and play without being too high off the floor.

Pick an L-shaped mattress if you don't have much space in the room of your child or if you do not want it to take up a lot of space. These require less floor space and are typically only as wide as a single bed so they're ideal for smaller rooms with low ceilings. They're also ideal for children who may be intimidated by a higher bunk.

If you require a little more space, a full-overfull bunk bed is the best option. They are generally the safest and most elegant bunk beds available on the market and can be used as full or twin size beds. is a stylish, sturdy choice that can grow with kids as they grow older and accommodates trundle mattresses (sold separately) for older teens and adults. It's Greenguard Gold certified for low chemical emissions. It's also made from sustainably-sourced Baltic Birch wood, and it comes in a variety of colors options.


The right bunk bed can make teens feel happy, whether it's in a shared bedroom or for only one child. Some designs are sleek, minimalist, while others feature more fun elements. Bunk beds come in different sizes, ranging from twin-over-twin to full-over-full or even queen. The twin-over-full design is popular with teens because it allows them to sleep two kids in the same space while leaving room for a desk, dresser, or drawers for storage on the bottom. Some designs come with a trundle bed that allows the upper level to accommodate an additional mattress.

Fenton says teens are awestruck by a twin-over king loft bed because it takes up less space and provides them with the space to spread out and work from home. Metal bunk beds with full-length guardrails are another popular choice for older kids because they're "built to last and is the most sturdy, adult-friendly bunk," Fenton adds.

If you want a cool bunk, think about an T-shaped or L-shaped design, which is basically an elevated platform bed. These beds are constructed with the ladder at the end. This makes them more sleek and more space for a dresser or desk. They're not as good for conserving space like a traditional bunk but they're a stylish option for teenagers that offers more room to move around in their rooms.

You should consider a futon bunk if you're looking for an affordable bunk bed that is affordable and offers security and comfort. Futons are lightweight and adaptable which means you can move them around if your kids are looking to revamp their rooms in the near future. However, they're not as durable as a wood or metal bunk bed, and they don't have guardrails on the top bed.

Bunks that include ladders or stairs are also available. Ladders are more space-efficient and easier to climb. Stairs, on the other hand, could be used as a seating area by younger children. Some models can be transformed into a table or chair to allow your child to have the ideal bedroom set for both study and play.


A bunk bed is a big investment, so it's important to factor in your budget when you shop. There are many affordable options but if you're planning on purchasing a bunk bed that will last through the teens (or even into adulthood) it could be worth paying a bit extra for a quality design that will be used for years to come.

Think about who will be using the bunk bed and what their sleeping needs may be before you start shopping. For example, a twin-over-twin arrangement is ideal for rooms with siblings and a full-over-full bunk is ideal for adults looking to make space and avoid the cost of purchasing an additional queen or king mattress. You'll need to decide on the amount of headroom between the top and the bottom bunk. If your children are still in toddler beds, you may want to select a layout that is lower than the ground.

The best bunk beds for teens are ones that are affordable and can adapt to the teen. Find a design that can work in traditional and modern rooms, or choose something like the Oeuf Perch bunk--an Editors' Choice choice for the Spruce, which can be split into two separate twin beds should you're looking to alter your space in the future. This design has a modern sleek, clean lines, boucle upholstered guardrails and an easy-to-climb, stationary ladder. It's also Greenguard Gold and fair trade certified for its social and environmental responsibility.

Another option to save money is to find a bunk with built-in storage, such as drawers beneath the lower bed or shelving down below the top. This will help make your bedroom less cluttered, and it's especially useful for those who have smaller space. A majority of the bunks on our list come with this feature, and a few come with additional storage options, such as an bookcase headboard for the upper bunk and a desk for the bottom.

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