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Pac expected everything to go back to normal afterward. Both the kid’s and Pac had their kid back, and the routines would return to what they were before. But, that isn’t what happened. For the most part it did, Richas accepted what they had told him, and they progressed in their studies.

Though, there was this new pull in his chest ever since he first felt it the day he talked to the kid’s father. The man was interesting, and it made Pac curious. He hadn’t seemed too scared– even though his hand never got far from his knife– he was calm the whole time. Knew exactly how to protect himself from becoming fae or being controlled.

And in any other occasion, he would be disappointed. He was mischievous by nature, and his want for revenge (strengthened?) that.

When he thought about it, the man pushed none of those feelings forward like Pac assumed a human would. Of course the kid didn’t– he was young and innocent. But a tall, broad shouldered guy who looked intimidating hadn’t once made him feel vengeful.

He had a lot to say about the man, and he wasn't sure why. And of course the pull, it felt there was an invisible rope tied around his chest guiding him somewhere, though he didn't know the destination. Mike, as usual, noticed his mind was drifting more than usual.

The four of them; Pac, Richas, Mike, and Cellbit, were chasing each other around the forest, just enjoying life and having fun. Richas tended to drag them out on these adventures often, due to the need to get out pent up energy. Though right now, the were sitting on the side of a small river, catching their breath. All of them knew this forest like the back of their hand, and the river is one they came to often.

Pac was sitting with his legs crossed, elbows on his knees and head resting on his knuckles, wings fluttering every so often. He was so lost in thought that it took Mike almost shoving him over to get his attention.

“Pac?” Mike’s voice was full of concern, and Pac sat up quickly, letting out a huh? and furrowing his brows as he looked in Mike’s direction. “Are you alright? Is there anything bothering you?” He stared at Pac in a way that it felt like he was looking into his entire being and searching through it. Pac squirmed at the feeling, feeling too exposed under his friend’s gaze.

“No, I’m just tired.” They both knew this wasn’t the case, but Mike backed off anyways. Pac would tell him eventuonally… maybe.

This whole predicament he found himself in had him feeling embarrassed and warm, and he found himself going back to staring at the flowing water and thinking. He decided to try and figure it out himself, and if he couldn’t easily, he would get a second opinion.

Pac looked up when he heard yelling and squealing, and found Cellbit trying to keep away from Richas, though he could tell that Cellbit was going slower than he could run just to keep it fun for the both of them. Pac smiled fondly and in amusement. Yeah, he would tell them eventually.
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