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The Most Popular Motor Vehicle Lawyer Gurus Are Doing Three Things
Motor Vehicle Powers of Attorney

Often there are multiple parties who share the blame for an accident. In these instances, a juror may award damages to the injured party according to their percentage negligence.

Even though DMV hearings do not require criminal court, a skilled NYC traffic lawyer can make a significant difference in the outcome. Gannes & Musico, LLP has a wealth of experience representing clients in these proceedings.

Power of Attorney

The power of attorney is a legal document that permits one person (the principal) to authorize another person (the agent) to act on their behalf. The document can grant broad or limited powers, and must be prepared in accordance to state law. It must be signed and notarized in the presence of a notary or witness public. A motor vehicle power of attorney grants the agent the authority to take care of vehicle-related responsibilities and may include the ability to sell a vehicle, for instance. You can draft the Power of Attorney on your own if you contact your local Department of Motor Vehicles, or go to a legal site like or NYLawHelp. Alternately, you can hire someone else to handle the task for you.

Third parties might not comply with Powers Of Attorney. This can be for various reasons. In certain situations the refusal could cause harm to the principal. The third party could be held responsible for these damages.

To prevent this from happening it is essential to ensure that the Power of Attorney include language that states that the agent is not able to be the owner of any real property or other asset owned by the principal unless specified otherwise in the document. The document should also provide that the agent must report to an outside party a report of all transactions as well as any other issues in which they act on behalf of the principal.

DMV Hearings

You are entitled to appeal a decision If DMV or other agency decides to take discretionary action against you (such as refusal to take a breathalyzer). Hearings can be held in person or via phone, and usually held before a driver safety hearing officer from DMV. DMV presents all its evidence against the person, including witnesses it has subpoenaed, at the hearing. Then, you get to present evidence of affirmative nature (documents, witnesses or your own testimony) to attack DMV's evidence in closing arguments and ask questions to the hearing officer.

You are more likely to prevail at an DMV hearing if you employ an attorney. motor vehicle accident attorneys federal way can help to determine if the police officers who were involved in your case committed any mistakes during your arrest, such as not clearly informing you that your license could be suspended if it was not possible to take an breath test.

While you aren't required to have an attorney present at a DMV hearing hiring a NYC DMV lawyer can make the process easier. A lawyer will be well-versed in the laws that govern these kinds of cases and can help you to present your case as efficiently as is possible. Additionally, they will assist in preventing you from being unfairly penalized by the DMV.

Suspension of License

If you are found guilty of specific criminal or traffic offenses and are found guilty, the Department of Motor Vehicles may suspend your license and driving privileges. The suspension or revocation of your license will usually remain in place until you've completed the necessary steps to get it back.

Based on the state in which you reside, there are many different reasons that your driver's permit can be suspended. For instance states that utilize points system, the accumulation of too many points can result in an automatic suspension of your license. Additionally to that, a judge may ordain your license to be suspended for a traffic offense. In most cases, the court will allow you drive with a restricted driving permit during your suspension or revocation.

In some states your license can be revoked in certain cases, such as DUIs and vehicular manslaughter. In addition your license could be suspended if you have not paid back child support or other civil debts. It is also possible to lose your license if suffer from a medical condition that makes driving a vehicle unsafe.

Your New York lawyer will help you determine the state of your license and determine the best to proceed. The lawyer will explain that in the majority of cases, you have the right to an hearing before the DMV if your license is being suspended.


A representation letter is an important piece of paper that a lawyer sends to the person they will be suing. This puts the other party in the loop that they now have a representative who will speak on their behalf and also permits the attorney to ask for information and documents from that party.

A large number of motor vehicle accidents are built on the tort principle of negligence. Negligence can be defined as failure to apply the same level of care that a prudent person would have applied in the same circumstances. Car accidents are often caused or influenced by a variety of factors. The negligence of a driver could be driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs speeding, or not paying attention to traffic warnings. Other causes include driving distracted, like using a cell phone or trying to apply makeup while driving.

In some instances there are instances where two victims of an accident in a vehicle want the same lawyer to represent them. It is not ethical for an attorney to represent the driver and an injured person in a personal injury lawsuit. This is due to each client having a conflict of interests. This can be overcome by establishing a separate agreement between each client. In addition, passengers can employ their own lawyers to file a lawsuit against the driver.

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