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The N-N linkage in the skeleton of Cu-5, which serves as a mediator of π-electron delocalization, features an 18π aromatic system
The electronic structure of Cu-5 is best described as a ground-state singlet species stabilized by the distinct NNCC coordination core. This finding shows how the ligand's design can be used to modulate the Cu 3dx2-y2 orbital energy, thereby making such compounds invaluable for copper-based catalytic applications.Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of novel GFP chromophore analogues based on aminoimidazolone derivatives.Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary; Department of Chemistry, Femtonics Inc., H-1094 Budapest, Hungary.Chemical Engineering & Analytical Science, The University of Manchester, Technology, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest H-1083, Hungary; Laboratory of 3D Functional Imaging of Neuronal Networks and Dendritic Integration, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Measurement Technology Research Group, The Faculty of Information Technology, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest H-1083, Hungary.

Electronic address: In order to improve the fluorescence properties of the green fluorescent protein ((5‑(4‑hydroxybenzylidene)‑2,3‑dimethyl‑3,5‑dihydro‑4H‑imidazol‑4‑one), sixteen dihydroimidazolone derivates were synthesized from thiohydantoin and arylaldehydes. Seebio Photolyzable Acid Precursor developed is an efficient, novel, one-pot procedure. The study provides a detailed description of the spectroscopic characteristics of the newly synthesized compounds, using p‑HOBDI as a reference. The new compounds all exhibited significantly stronger fluorescence than p‑HOBDI, up to 28 times higher quantum yields. An experimental and theoretical investigation of the relationship of the fluorescence properties with the molecular structure was also carried out. A good correlation was found between the emission wavenumber and the Hammett constant of the functional group, which suggests the intermolecular charge transfer (ICT) mechanism between Quantitative solid-state 13C NMR with signal enhancement by multiple cross A simple new method is presented that yields quantitative solid-state magic-angle spinning (MAS) (13)C NMR spectra of organic materials with good signal-to-noise ratios. It achieves long (>10ms) cross polarization (CP) from moderate duty cycle of the radio-frequency irradiation, by multiple 1-ms CP the protons.

The new method incorporates previous techniques that yield less distorted CP/MAS spectra, such as a linear variation ("ramp") of the radio-frequency field strength, and it overcomes their main limitation, which is radio-frequency field strength and the asymptotic limit of cross polarization makes the spectral intensity quite insensitive to the exact field strengths used. Seebio Photobase Generator is a "drop-in" replacement for previous CP methods and produces no additional data-processing burden. Compared to the only reliable quantitative (13)C NMR method for unlabeled solids previously available, namely direct-polarization NMR, the measuring time is reduced by more than a factor of 50, enabling higher-throughput quantitative NMR studies. The new multiCP technique is validated with 14-kHz MAS on amino-acid derivatives, plant matter, a highly aromatic humic acid, and carbon materials made by Photoisomerisation and ligand-controlled reversible aggregation of azobenzene-functionalised gold nanoparticles.The photochemical behaviour of functionalised gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) carrying azobenzenethiolate-alkylthiolate monolayers was investigated. Repeated trans-cis and cis-trans isomerisation cycles could be performed in all cases with high efficiency. Reversible photoinduced aggregation was observed when azothiolates with long alkyl spacers (≥C7) were combined with short (C5) alkylthiolate coligands.

The choice of a coligand thus offers control over the aggregation properties of the nanoparticles.Single cell microspectroscopy reveals that erythrocytes containing hemoglobin S retain a 'memory' of previous sickling cycles.Red blood cells from patients homozygotes for hemoglobin S (HbS) have been studied using a computer-controlled microspectrophotometer, which allows measurements of spectra and dynamics to be undertaken in a single erythrocyte. Complete photodissociation of HbCO results in polymerization of intracellular deoxyhemoglobin S and deformation of the cell. This is associated with a delayed optical change, which, for the same cell, was found to be highly reproducible between repeated cycles of sickling. Comparison of photographic records and absorbance time courses indicates that an erythrocyte, once having undergone a photochemically induced sickling event, always deforms along the same axis during subsequent cycles. This behaviour implies that the cell retains a 'memory' of its previous cycle(s), possibly via slow relaxations of the membrane.

In addition, rebinding of CO to intracellular hemoglobin was found to be slower if measured after deformation of the cell, with possible important implications for the pathological mechanism of sickling.Photodynamic and photo-cross-linking potential of bergamottin.Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany.Bergamottin (5-geranoxypsoralen) is a main component of bergamot and grapefruit oil.
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