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Endophytes are microorganisms, typically fungi or bacteria, that live within the tissues of plants in a symbiotic relationship.
Basically, there are 2 types of endophytes
1. Fungal endophytes- Most commonly found in plants, especially grasses. Examples include species of Epichloë and Claviceps.
2. Bacterial endophytes- Also present in various plant species, contributing to plant growth and health. Examples include species of Rhizobium and Pseudomonas
Nutrient Uptake: Enhance plant nutrient absorption, especially nitrogen and phosphorus.
Defense: Produce compounds that protect plants from pathogens and pests.
Agriculture: Used as biofertilizers and biocontrol agents to reduce chemical inputs.
Medicine: Potential sources of bioactive compounds for pharmaceuticals.

Biofilms are structured communities of microorganisms adhering to surfaces and enclosed in a self-produced extracellular matrix.
- There are 4 phases of biofilm formation:
1. Attachment
2. Irreversible attachment
3. Maturation
4. Dispersal
- Growth curve in biofilm formation consists of
: Lag phase( Initial period of adjustment)
: Exponential phase ( Rapid proliferation and production of EPS)
:Stationary phase ( Stable biofilm structure with balanced cell growth and EPS production.)
: Dispersal phase ( Release of planktonic cells from the biofilm for colonization )

Quorum sensing is a communication system used by bacteria to coordinate gene expression based on population density.
*Phases of Quorum Sensing:
-Low Cell Density: Minimal autoinducer production and response; individual bacterial behaviors prevail.
-Medium Cell Density: Autoinducer concentration increases, leading to initial gene regulation and preparation for collective behaviors.
-High Cell Density (Quorum): Critical threshold of autoinducers triggers coordinated gene expression and collective behaviors.
-Biofilm Formation: Coordinates the formation and maturation of biofilms, enhancing microbial attachment and EPS production.
-Virulence: Regulates the expression of virulence factors in pathogens, affecting their ability to cause disease.
Examples: Vibrio fischeri:, Pseudomonas aeruginosa:
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