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Kui hästi auditoorsed objektid on kodeeritud mällu ja kui hästi kuulajad tunnevad ära muutusi on auditory scenes

auditoorne tähelepanu on pigem seotud global sound configuration-ga kui individuaalsete akustiliste objektidega

kuulmisprotsess situatsioonides nagu pidu kutsutakse auditory scene analysis

how we hear in realistic situations, how
higher-level aspects of hearing such as semantics and prior
exposure affect perception, and the similarities and differences
between auditory perception and perception in other
modalities, such as vision and touch.

we accomplish auditory
scene analysis by using fairly automatic primitive organizational
mechanisms and more knowledge-driven or
attention-driven schema-based mechanisms. Schema-based
mechanisms—the use of attention, prior memories, and
knowledge to organize auditory scenes—are much less

implicit auditory memory plays an important role in
sensory and perceptual encoding processes, especially for
sounds that are extended in time (e.g., a melody or a
sentence) and for sounds that repeat within a short period of
time (e.g., a bird calling or a car honking).

us to focus on
recent research about explicit memory for recognizable
auditory objects and scenes.

change detection:
change deafness
The auditory phenomenon of change deafness has been
demonstrated with speech (e.g., Vitevitch, 2003), environmental
sounds (e.g., Eramudugolla et al., 2005), and
musical stimuli

The small body
of change deafness research that has been done indicates
that listeners typically miss changes anywhere from about
30% (Pavani & Turatto, 2008) to 50% (Gregg & Samuel,
2008) of the time.

Participants were instructed to memorize sets
of 64 or 90 natural sounds (e.g., birds chirping, a coffee
Atten Percept Psychophys (2011) 73:1993–2007 1999
shop, popular music excerpts, spoken language excerpts).
Immediately after trying to memorize the sounds, the
participants were presented with another set of sounds,
consisting of half new sounds and half old sounds that were
in the original set they had tried to memorize. The task was
simply to identify new versus old sounds. Performance was
not as good (d = 1.68 – 2.70) as the remarkable ability of
participants to memorize and later recognize static pictures
(d = 3.57) that contained the same types of objects that
produced the sounds (see Fig. 5).

the most
straightforward conclusion that can be drawn from these
observations is that the ability to encode auditory objects
and later recognize them is inferior to encoding and
recognizing visual objects.

expert musicians are better than
non-musically trained individuals at recognizing auditory
objects,(auditory long-term)

one of the most important issues in
auditory memory research is determining the abilities and
limitations of auditory memory

research on change detection, auditory long-term memory,
and auditory short-term memory

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