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Scene 4
Same day. An abandoned lot in the South Bronx. A homeless
Woman is standing near an oil drum in which a fire is
burning. Snowfall. Trash around. Hannah enters dragging
two heavy suitcases.
HANNAH: Excuse me? I said excuse me. Can you tell me where
I am? Is this Brooklyn? Do you know a Pineapple Street?
Is there some sort of bus or train or ... ?
I'm lost, I just arrived from Salt Lake. City. Utah? I
took the bus that I was told to take and I got off—well it
was the very last stop, so I had to get off, and I asked the
driver was this Brooklyn, and he nodded yes but he was
from one of those foreign countries where they think it's
good manners to nod at everything even if you have no
idea what it is you're nodding at, and in truth I think he
spoke no English at all, which I think would make him
ineligible for employment on public transportation. The
public being English-speaking, mostly. Do you speak
(The Woman nods.)
HANNAH: I was supposed to be met at the airport by my son.
He didn't show and I don't wait more than three and
three-quarters hours for anyone. I should have been patient, I guess, I. ... Is this . . .
WOMAN: Bronx.
HANNAH: Is that. . . . The Bronx} Well how in the name of
Heaven did I get to the Bronx when the bus driver said. . .
WOMAN (Talking to herself): Slurp slurp slurp will you STOP
that disgusting slurping! YOU DISGUSTING SLURPING FEEDING ANIMAL! Feeding yourself, just feeding yourself, what would it matter, to you or to ANYONE, if you just stopped. Feeding. And DIED?
HANNAH: Can you just tell me where I . . .
WOMAN: Why was the Kosciusko Bridge named after a Polack?
HANNAH: I don't know what you're . . .
WOMAN: That was a joke.
HANNAH: Well what's the punchline?
WOMAN: I don't know.
HANNAH (Looking around desperately): Oh for pete's sake, is
there anyone else who . . .
WOMAN (Again, to herself): Stand further off you fat loathsome
whore, you can't have any more of this soup, slurp slurp
slurp you animal, and the—I know you'll just go pee it all
away and where will you do that? Behind what bush? It's
FUCKING COLD out here and I . . .
Oh that's right, because it was supposed to have been
a tunnel!
That's not very funny.
Have you read the prophecies of Nostradamus?
WOMAN: Some guy I went out with once somewhere, Nostradamus. Prophet, outcast, eyes like. . . . Scary shit,
he. . .
HANNAH: Shut up. Please. Now I want you to stop jabbering
for a minute and pull your wits together and tell me how
to get to Brooklyn. Because you know! And you are going
to tell me! Because there is no one else around to tell me
and I am wet and cold and I am very angry! So I am sorry
you're psychotic but just make the effort—take a deep
breath—DO IT!
(Hannah and the Woman breathe together.)
HANNAH: That's good. Now exhale.
(They do.)
HANNAH: Good. Now how do I get to Brooklyn?
WOMAN: Don't know. Never been. Sorry. Want some soup?
HANNAH: Manhattan? Maybe you know ... I don't suppose
you know the location of the Mormon Visitor's . . .
WOMAN: 65th and Broadway.
HANNAH: HOW do you . . .
WOMAN: GO there all the time. Free movies. Boring, but you
can stay all day.
HANNAH: Well. ... So how do I . . .
WOMAN: Take the D Train. Next block make a right.
HANNAH: Thank you.
WOMAN: Oh yeah. In the new century I think we will all be
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