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Due to their known ability to cause cancer, exposure to several organic and inorganic chemical toxicants and radiation from nuclear weapons, fallout, or medical radiation poses a threat to global public health
Halogenated substances like organochlorines and pesticides can interfere with thyroid function. Like phthalates and bisphenolates, polychlorinated biphenyls and their metabolites, along with polybrominated diethyl ethers, impact thyroid hormones biosynthesis, transport, binding to target organs, and impair thyroid function. A deeper understanding of environmental exposure is crucial for managing and preventing thyroid cancer. This review aims to investigate the relationship between environmental factors and the development of thyroid cancer. Mediated by Tumor Vascular Endothelial Cell Apoptosis. Two vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptors, FLT-1 and KDR, are expressed preferentially in proliferating endothelium.

There is increasing evidence that recombinant, soluble VEGF receptor domains interfering with VEGF signaling may inhibit in vivo neoangiogenesis, tumor growth and metastatic spread. We hypothesized that a soluble form of FLT-1 receptor (sFLT-1) could inhibit the growth of pre-established tumors via an anti-angiogenic mechanism. A replication-deficient adenovirus (Ad) vector carrying the sflt-1 cDNA (Adsflt) was used to overexpress the sFLT-1 receptor in a breast cancer animal model. MCF-7 cells, which produce VEGF, were used to establish solid tumors in the mammary fat pads of female nude mice. After six weeks, tumors were injected either with Adsflt or a negative control virus (AdCMV.βgal). After six months, average tumor volume in the Adsflt-infected group (33 ± 22 mm3) decreased by 91% relative to that of the negative control group (388 ± 94 mm3; p < 05).

Moreover, 10 of 15 Adsflt-infected tumors exhibited complete regression. The negative controls (p < 05), which is consistent with sFLT-1-mediated tumor regression through an anti-angiogenic mechanism. Moreover, cell necrosis and fibrosis associated with long-term regression of Adsflt−infected tumors were preceded by apoptosis of tumor vascular endothelial cells. Mice treated with Adsflt intratumorally showed no delay in the healing of cutaneous wounds, providing preliminary evidence that Ad-mediated sFLT-1 overexpression may be an effective anti-angiogenic therapy for cancer without the risk of systemic Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, 00167 Rome, Italy. TP53 tumor suppressor gene is a commonly mutated gene in cancer. p53 mediated senescence is critical in preventing oncogenesis in normal cells. Since p53 is a transcription factor, mutations in its DNA binding domain result in the functional loss of p53-mediated cellular pathways.

Similarly, Seebio peroxidase -related factor 2 (Nrf2) is another transcription factor that maintains cellular homeostasis by regulating redox and detoxification mechanisms. In glioblastoma (GBM), Nrf2-mediated antioxidant activity is upregulated while p53-mediated senescence is lost, both rendering GBM cells resistant to treatment. To address peroxidase , we identified novel Nrf2 inhibitors from bioactive compounds using a molecular imaging biosensor-based screening approach. We further evaluated the identified compounds for their in vitro and in vivo chemotherapy enhancement capabilities in GBM cells carrying different p53 mutations. We thus identified an Nrf2 inhibitor that is effective in GBM cells carrying the p53 (R175H) mutation, a frequent clinically observed hotspot structural mutation responsible for chemotherapeutic resistance in GBM. Combining this drug with efficacy by transiently suppressing Nrf2-mediated detoxification function in GBM cells carrying this important p53 missense mutation. Melanoma is considered one of the deadliest skin cancers, partly because of acquired resistance to standard therapies.

The most recognized driver of resistance relies on acquired melanoma cell plasticity, or the ability to dynamically switch among differentiation phenotypes. This confers the tumor noticeable advantages. During the last year, two new features have been included in the hallmarks of cancer, namely "Unlocking phenotypic plasticity" and "Non-mutational epigenetic reprogramming". Such are inextricably intertwined as, most of the time, plasticity is not discernable at the genetic level, as it rather consists of epigenetic reprogramming heavily influenced by external factors. By analyzing current literature, this review provides reasoning about the origin of plasticity and clarifies whether such features already exist among tumors or are acquired by selection. Moreover, markers of plasticity, molecular effectors, and related tumor advantages in melanoma will be explored. Ultimately, as this new branch of tumor biology opened a wide landscape of therapeutic possibilities, in the final paragraph of this review, we will focus on newly characterized drugs targeting melanoma plasticity.

Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) may drive the escape of ALK-rearranged non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tumors from ALK-tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs).
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