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Plot: The sea. For as long as you've remembered it's all you think about. The smell of it, the sight of the endless blue rug expanding endlessly, the sound of it's waves throwing tantrums as they smash against rocks. Since you were a child you've longed to forever travel the blue expanse, which is why you didn't hesitate to take a captains offer to join his crew. For over 10 years, as the golden age of piracy went on you sailed the seas, ignoring the countless lives you and your crew took, the endless riches you plundered, and even your fellow crew members mysteriously disappearing there earned shares of treasure being given to the captain. You didn't care so long as you got to travel the endless blue horizon. As you stand on your captain's ship, taking in the sunset covering the sea in a golden glow, you barely notice the blade of a cutlass pierce through you from behind. You barely have time to turn before you feel the heel of a boot kick you into the sea. As you drift downward, despite the cold water , filling your lungs you do not die. Despite the creatures of the deep feeding on your body, you still live on. Deeper and deeper into darkness you drift, feeling the crushing weight of the sea, snapping your bones and crushing your flesh, yet your consciousness does not fade. You do not know how long you have been drifting downward but it feels like it was been an eternity since the light faded, you now only catch feint glimpses of creatures of the deep as they drift by you. yes time goes on and you feel yourself still sinking. That's when you hear it, a whisper that ricochets through you mind, familiar and close but as cold as the sea.
" These cold tides, yet you still love ?" The question lingers in your mind, but you hear yourself answer back.
" Yes."
" These violent waves, yet you still remain awake." Somehow you answer back despite having no voice.
" Then rise if you would. They are yours to drown."
With that you awake on a beach, your old body restored, however you can tell you are not the same. You can feel waves crashing against the rocks as if they were your own heartbeat. You can sense the animals of the deep as if they were right next to you. Your new body tingles as you feel a bizarre energy around you. You've awoken but this is not the world you died in. You go forth to explore your new home, eyes filled with the power of the abyss.

Ability: Olhydra- With your new body you possess the ability to control the very seas. With a thought you can summon waves the size of mountains or alter the water in the air to make hurricanes the size of continents. While your body appears to be made from flesh, any damage you receive will cause you no pain and will heal in a flash of water. You possess physical strength equal to the crushing tides of the oceans depths able to crush the strongest of bodies with ease. You know any and all water magic as well as being able to create a new spell should you desire. You can use any body of water no mater how small to instantly emerge from another body of water anywhere in the galaxy. You are no longer mortal so you do not age, nor do you require sustenance. You can change your appearance to appear as any creature or person with a mere thought.

Sub skill: Abysswalker- The depths of the sea bend to your will. Call upon any number of the monstrosities that dwell in the deeps of your new home. some of these abominations range from the the size of humans to the size of mountains, some possessing unique abilities. You have the ability to distort any space, mimicking the environment of the deep sea. Anyone not of insane durability will instantly be crushed and those that survive will lose the ability to see, simultaneously feeling as if they are drowning. These distorted spaces can also act as portals to summon your subservient creatures of the abyss. There are no limits to how large you can make these spatial distortions.

Sub Skill: Water Mage- You can control water to many extents. Whether that's the water in the air, water that takes the form of ice, water that flows through plants allowing you to control plant life or the water that is contained within the blood of the living allowing you to control their bodies. You are also able to sap the water from the environment turning an area around you into a barren wasteland. You are immune to fire and lightning as well as the effects of high or low temperatures.

Sub skill: Dream Sea- You are connected to the Dream Sea, a astral plane of energy and thoughts that flow like a river of energy. Every living thing in the multiverse is connected to this plane through there thoughts, dreams, hopes, fears and nightmares. all concepts of the mine exist in the Dream Sea as manifestations. Being connected to the Dream Sea essentially allows you to see into the minds of anyone, viewing there deepest wishes or fears. You are also able to call forth these manifestations of thought in physical form, potentially forcing someone to face there fears. Should someone kill a manifestation of a thought, dream, or fear it is erased from reality, potentially allowing someone to rid themselves of a fear or of there own hopes and desires.
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