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The Problem
Fungal skin infection or dermatophytoses is one of the most common skin conditions in tropical countries like the Philippines. It is mostly contagious and can easily spread from one person to another person, from touching someone who has the infection or touching the surface where the fungus is present. Antifungal medicines are relatively expensive for the 2-6-week treatment period, depending on the extent of the lesions.

The Solution
Senna alata or commonly known as Akapulco is a woody bush that grows wild in the tropical climate of the Philippines and an affordable locally sourced herbal medicine. Its leaves have been traditionally used to treat fungal skin infections such as ringworms, scabies, and eczema. It also contains chrysophanic acid, one of the active components of the Akapulco lotion and crude anthraquinones such as rhein and aloe-emodine which have demonstrated antifungal activity against dermatophytes and superficial yeast infections. Results of several clinical trials prove that it is as effective as synthetic antifungal agents in the treatment of superficial skin infections.

Product Development Stage
Utility model patent of Akapulco lotion (antifungal) has been granted. The proponents are currently seeking for pharmaceutical companies who will produce, manufacture and distribute the product in the Philippine market.

Akapulko is a tradional herbal medicine and is a shrub that grows wild in tropical climates such as the Philippines. Akapulko is widely used in herbal medicine to treat skin conditions, lung and mouth diseases and stomach problems.

Akapulko leaves are also known to be sudorific, diuretic and purgative, usedto treat intestinal problems including intestinal parasites. Akapulko is also used as herbal medicine to treat bronchitis and asthma. Because of Akapulko’s anti-fungal properties, it is a common ingredient in soaps, shampoos, and lotions in the Philippines. The Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) has helped develop the technology for a akapulko herbal medicine lotion.

Akapulko also known as ringworm bush, the scientific name of akapulko is Cassia alata or Senna alata. It is basically a shrub that is found all throughout the Philippines under different names, depending on the region. You may know it as palochina or katanda.

Akapulko has been traditionally used to treat various skin conditions, including eczema, due to its anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. It’s believed that compounds in the plant may help soothe skin inflammation and reduce itching, which are common symptoms of eczema.

Akapulko (Cassia alata or Senna alata), also known as ringworm bush, is a shrub that can grow to only up to two meters tall, with flowers that take the shape of oblong sepals.

Akapulko, also known as Senna alata, is a plant that has been used in traditional medicine to treat various skin conditions, including eczema. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials studied the efficacy and safety of Senna alata plant extracts compared with topical antifungals in the treatment of superficial fungal skin infections.

Here’s a list of the potential health benefits of akapulko.
Fights Fungi
Battles Microbes
Reduces Inflammation
Combats Parasites
Eases Constipation
Clears Respiratory Mucus
Treats Eczema
Helps With Acne
Fever Reducer
Promotes Wound Healing
Promotes Urination
Pain Reliever
Helps Regulate Blood Sugar
Protects Against Cellular Damage
Eases Arthritis Symptoms
Helps With Hemorrhoids

To use Senna alata to treat eczema, you can follow the steps below:
1. Wash the plant thoroughly before using it
2. Crush the leaves using a mortar and pestle
3. Pound the leaves and apply the juice directly on the affected area
4. You can apply the juice at least twice a day or until the problem subsides
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