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The first workout of this week, Filthy Five, went well, I did it earlier before thanksgiving dinner which wasn't the most convenient, but I still made sure to complete it. This workout took me almost 40 minutes, with an average heart rate of 100 due to my new heart rate medicine (and I believe the electrodes on my heart rate band weren't moistened correctly, not sure why this one was significantly lower than every one of my previous workouts) with a maximum heart rate of 130 (I think my heart rate monitor batteries need to be replaced). Reverse rows have been one of my favorites since the first version of this course, squat jumps were definitely challenging as well. DB Bench I did simultaneously, along with the clock lunges, overhead press, and planks I went with for my abdominal workout of choice. Again, I'm not sure why my heart rate was so low for this, I might've been wearing the hart rate band incorrectly or need to replace the really small lithium batteries, but I have some for my car key fob thankfully. Overall, this workout went well, and I've attached a screenshot of it below. I look forward to next week.

The second workout of this week, the free workout for the week, I chose one of the workouts from the eighth week of this course, the Fortunate 500. I chose this because it has two of my favorite workouts that we don't often get to do in this class, the mountain climbers and the jumping jacks. These exercises are some of my favorites when it comes to tiring myself out and feeling accomplished the next day. This workout took me a little over half an hour, with an average heart rate of 129 and a maximum heart rate of 161. I believe I fixed my heart rate monitor by replacing the batteries. The fortunate 500 went in this order, 100 Squats followed by 100 Lockem ups then 100 Push-ups with 100 Lunges after, and I ended with 100 Mountain Climbers followed by 100 jumping jacks at the end. Below this I've attached a screenshot of the workout. I look forward to next week, hope you had a great Holiday weekend!
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