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.) Ideological Conflict:

In this case, activists and Shopify may hold divergent ideologies. Activists may object to Breitbart's ultra-right-wing views, while Shopify, as a platform, may argue for neutrality and inclusivity, asserting its commitment to providing services to a diverse range of merchants, regardless of their ideological stance.
b.) Business Interests vs. Social Values:

This conflict revolves around the tension between Shopify's role as a business entity and the social values espoused by activists. Shopify, as a business, aims to serve various merchants, but activists may argue that supporting Breitbart contradicts certain social values, and this misalignment becomes a source of conflict.
c.) Customer Relations Conflict:

The activists' targeting of businesses advertising on Breitbart indirectly affects Shopify's clients. This conflict arises from the potential damage to customer relations as businesses using Shopify may face pressure or backlash from customers aligned with the activists' views. Shopify may need to navigate this conflict to maintain positive relationships with its broader customer base.
d.) Third-Party Conflict:

The involvement of third-party agencies connected to Shopify introduces another layer to the conflict. These agencies may face challenges and dilemmas in managing their relationships with Shopify and other clients. The interconnected nature of the business ecosystem is highlighted, and conflicts may emerge as these third-party entities navigate their roles and responsibilities.
Understanding these various types of conflicts is crucial for developing effective strategies to address each facet of the situation. It requires a nuanced approach that considers both the business and ethical dimensions, acknowledging the complexity of issues at the intersection of commerce and values.

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