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Miss Bok Choy – the “bourgeois”-at-scolding teacher. She’s always mad of pochemuchkas and tries her best to lecture us, but to no avail. I think she wants to avoid it, but we still become “hooligans”, ready to hurl fireballs at her, hoping that it will gradually lick her down, so she can endure the pain. Maybe the scorching, blazing heat will burn her, maybe even enough to boil her to her demise. This teacher was the most wanted teacher on the students’ “FBI” lists. Any tips leading to her getting sacked were appreciated. We all harboured a grudge against her, so this was our master plan. In fact, her actual name does not even have a “Choy”, we just thought it would be funny to include that, reminding about that dreaded vegetable – and the poison green that came with it. Whatever she said though, we had to acquiesce with her. It was just too annoying to deal with her. Throughout my primary school years, whenever she was our relief teacher and rendezvoused to our class, we all sighed. She gave us too many “economy-class” experiences that we forgot that “business-class” even existed. One time in grade 3, the Math teacher was sick. He conducted the lesson on Zoom and the relief teacher – Miss Bok, put it on the projector. As I was doing my work that he had assigned, this smart-arse relief teacher, “Bok-Bok-Bok-Pok” – beautiful chicken noises, approached me. Imagine being placed at the front of the class for no wrongdoing. That’s what happened to the poor me. Allegedly, I wasn’t paying attention. Oh, how I wished the floor opened and she got sucked into the vacuum below. She would be falling at fifty miles per hour into the endless void. The oppressiveness of the darkness would swallow her up so bad. I really needed to get popcorn when watching this scene – a few seconds away to her downfall – literally and figuratively, to her worse demise, death. I certainly had not done anything wrong, but that evil alien behind that “goody-two-shoes” person decided otherwise. We never had camaraderie with her, all loved to curl their up lips in disdain. Envisaging Miss Bok’s retirement, I grinned from ear to ear and hoped she would rue herself immensely, and she would feel suicidal. Waves of euphoria would surge through the class when she was out of the school. Another time, another incident. Way more deadly – a “lethal” kick! My friend got hit in the waist! Firstly, who in their right mind would do that kind of things? Secondly, why did she give an admonition to my friend? She was just resting her head on the table... Nothing that serious... It was as if, she was the Commander, and whoever who wasn’t paying attention will get disciplined in a violent way. We could not even stand back, needing to accept everything. After that, imagine having the audacity to say, “Keep your hands and legs to yourself, class!” That rule was easily broken, stripped out of the book. It was such a monumentally dumb rule in the first place – one that that dumb teacher would make. And I pondered, why wasn’t she arrested? It screamed in my brain – CHILD ABUSE! This idiotic teacher got away with anything, like the car chased by the police, easily out-maneuvering them, swerving left and right, not caring about the roars of waves that were under the bridge. Or maybe like a notorious, wanted, skilled criminal – dodging all the bullets that ricocheted from a machine gun with no sweat, and easily gaining the upper hand. She just broke the law! But the long arm of the law failed. I was so mad, having a vendetta for her. The most recent one was just... I can’t even think of an adjective to describe it. We have completed our humungous exams – PSLE. But still, imagine if you reprimand people for the way you sit. That’s offensive! A Gen-Zier would say. No one can change your personality! She just thought it seemed fit to her. Miss Bok is just getting down to business – scolding super loud! And she even confiscated a yo-yo for the night! Looks like she does not read Terms and Conditions because she does not know what “Intellectual Property” is. And that is also called purloining – an English word she probably did not know the meaning of. Another law broken, I guess. Teachers really like to make rules but never follow them. And she still thought that she was “the best role model ever”. Miss Bok always strained every sinew – trying to make our lives like Hell. Her shouting is even worse than these experiences and incidents. Why couldn’t she throw in the towel? Just quit! PLEASE... Her speeches were lackadaisical, which was so boring to listen to. Why did she have to chastise everyone? She was an enemy to everyone, personally attacking them, fulfilling her vendettas. Miss Bok’s ribald shouts are just too high-pitched. “AHH- WHY YOU DO THIS? DON’T DO THIS, DO THAT... IDIOT...”, so ear-shattering that we would all jump out of our skin and stop daydreaming for the rest of our lives. Impossible to break a glass by screaming? She could get a world record easily man! Her voice is so deafening that she could make the glass windows shatter easily. She was always a formidable opponent to us. Everything she does was always her forte. We all envied her, hoping that we could kick her derriere or maybe even her crotch. We tried to fire her, but it was an upset. Too much adrenaline flowed. Miss Bok’s reign was just about to begin... ~THE END~ [NOT BASED ON A TRUE STORY]
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