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How Adding A Birth Defect Lawyer To Your Life Can Make All The Different
Birth Defect Litigation

Parents who find out the child was born with an anomaly in the birth process could be confronted with costly procedures and other demands they shouldn't have to face. Our Pittsburgh birth defect attorneys are dedicated to helping families get justice for their children.

We are aware that many of these ailments result from medical negligence, prescription medication and toxic exposures. Learn more about our firm and contact us to schedule a complimentary consultation with an experienced New York birth defect lawyer today.

Medical Malpractice

Birth defects can be devastating for a family, whether they are caused by negligence or genetic. If a birth defect or injury was preventable, parents should speak with an attorney for birth defects to determine whether they have a case against the medical professionals responsible.

Everyone believes that nurses and doctors are trained to treat illnesses, handle emergencies and care for conditions. They are not perfect and can make mistakes. Sometimes, these mistakes have tragic consequences. These errors can cause birth defects in children, especially when they are related with the birth of a baby and pregnancy.

Birth defects cases that are result from medical negligence typically involve the failure to identify an illness or condition that could have been cured and treated. Most of the time, these cases are caused by medications or treatments the mother received during pregnancy as well as in the weeks and months prior to delivery.

Environmental factors can also trigger birth defects. These factors can include exposure to environmental chemicals as well as the use of certain medications or medicines or eating low-quality or contaminated food. A lot of birth defect lawsuits are based upon these concerns. They are brought against hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and doctors. These cases are based upon the premise that manufacturers and pharmacists are obligated to warn pregnant women about the dangers associated with certain medications and drugs.

Prescription Drugs

If a child suffers from a birth defect that can be traced back to medication taken by the mother during pregnancy, a lawsuit might be possible. While the majority of birth defects are caused by genetics, they could also be the result of inadequate prenatal treatment or exposure to harmful chemicals.

A lawyer can decide the medical expenses that are admissible for reimbursement, which includes medical procedures, doctor's appointments, rehabilitation services, and assistive devices. Parents may also be entitled to compensation when the birth defect is severe.

The pregnancy is a complicated period, and a lot of things can be wrong. However certain of these events are preventable. Certain birth defects may be caused by a doctor prescribing medications that increase the risk of having a baby develop a defect or making a mistake during the birth process. If you suspect that your child's birth problems are due to medical negligence, consult an attorney as soon as you can.

birth defect attorney lake forest are also known as teratogens. They can cause birth defects in fetuses and newborns. Contact a Boston dangerous drugs lawyer immediately in the event that you suspect the birth defect of your child is due exposure to prescription medications. A legal team with years of experience can assist you in determining possible liable parties and offer you compensation.

Drug Manufacturers

If a child or mother suffers from birth defects that affect bodily function and appearance, it may be possible to sue the manufacturer of the medication used during pregnancy. Drug makers are responsible to test their products and advising pregnant women of the risks. The drug Zofran for instance, was promoted to women who were pregnant even though the manufacturer knew it could cause severe birth defects. In these instances the pharmaceutical company is held accountable under strict product liability laws.

It is crucial to get an advice from a skilled attorney immediately you realize that the birth defect of your child was the result of medical negligence during pregnancy or delivery. If a parent dithers for too long to pursue legal action, the statute of limitations has passed and they will be disqualified from bringing a case.

Birth defects can be a result of genetics, environmental factors and certain medications that are taken by a mother-to-be. Fortunately, a lot of these factors are preventable. In some cases, serious birth defects can dramatically alter the life span of a child. It is important that parents understand their legal options. Contact an Boston injury lawyer today if there are any concerns about the possibility of suing a birth defect. You can also complete a an inquiry form for an attorney to get in touch with you about your case.


Birth defects can be caused through a variety of reasons. Many are genetic, but others are triggered by environmental factors like exposure of mothers to prescription and over-the-counter drugs (teratogens), or chemicals found in beauty salons paint factories, metal cleaning operations, and the agriculture industry. Birth defects can cause disability and result in thousands of dollars in medical treatment.

Medical malpractice is still possible, even though modern technology has drastically reduced the chance of certain medical procedures. If negligence by a doctor caused your child to suffer injuries during birth, you may be able to claim damages.

If your child suffers from an illness of the mind that is severe enough to keep him or her from working and is eligible for benefits from the government for disability. It is important to speak with a top attorney about your situation and the alternatives to obtain the most lucrative settlement.

Your family may be entitled to compensation in addition to medical expenses as well as lost income due to suffering and pain. This may include punitive damages and other damages related to the birth defect or injury. Our lawyers are well-aware of the complexity of these cases and are committed in pursuing justice for your family. Please contact us for a free consultation.

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