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SMI_ideas: "Sami Ideas"
SMI_ideas_start: "Sami Traditions"
SMI_ideas_bonus: "Sami Ambitions"
smi_land_of_the_midnight_sun: "Land of the Midnight Sun"
smi_land_of_the_midnight_sun_desc: "None can claim to know northern Scandinavia as we do but its mountains, rivers and deep forests can appear quite hostile to some. We will make good use of our knowledge of the terrain that surround us and make life as miserable as possible for any southern invader."
smi_protect_the_herds: "Protection of Reindeer Herds"
smi_protect_the_herds_desc: "Reindeer herding is one of the most important parts of the Sami lifestyle as well as a cornerstone of our economy. It is imperative that we do what we can to protect our herds and the lands they use."
smi_regulate_southern_trade: "Regulate Trade with the Southerners"
smi_regulate_southern_trade_desc: "The Southern Kingdoms would try to regulate our contacts with them. Especially appointed Birkarls have traditionally had a monopolly on the Sami trade and have even been told to collect taxes from our people. It is time we start to dictate the terms of this relationship and create our own trade regulations."
smi_encourage_growth_of_the_winter_market: "Encourage growth of the Winter Market"
smi_encourage_growth_of_the_winter_market_desc: "Our people live in a very widespread area and the northern winters can be both long and cold. Let us create a great common market in one a central location in which representatives of all the Samis under our control and in neighboring areas can gather. Here commerce can thrive even during the darkest winter nights and here we the thing may gather to settle common issues."
smi_defend_noaidi_traditions: "Defend the Noaidi Traditions"
smi_defend_noaidi_traditions_desc: "The ancient Shamanic traditions of the Noaidi has been constantly retreating northwards before the Christian missionaries of the south. Let us protect the Noaidi and promote their traditions as an integral part of our state. No matter what the future has in hold for the faith of our subjects these traditions are part of our roots."
smi_living_of_the_land: "Living off the Land"
smi_living_of_the_land_desc: "Our people have been living off the lands for centuries. Through fishing, hunting and foraging. This is expertise that can come in good use on long campaigns even in foreign lands."
smi_standardized_literary_language: "Standardize Literary Language"
smi_standardized_literary_language_desc: "The Sami people may not speak one tongue but our state could certainly use a common literary language. There has been attempts to standardize such a language by various outsiders but it is high time we do create one ourselves according to our own needs."

GAL_ideas: "Galician Ideas"
GAL_ideas_start: "Galician Traditions"
GAL_ideas_bonus: "Galician Ambition"
gal_way_of_st_james: "The Way of St. James"
gal_way_of_st_james_desc: "One of the largest paths of pilgrimage in Christendom leads to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia. The shrine to the Apostle James draws foreigners from across the known world, but their gold all speaks the same language to our coffers."
gal_la_bella: "Galicia la Bella"
gal_la_bella_desc: "Unlike the dry scrublands to the south, Galicia's landscape is dominated by mountains and ceaseless rain. Galicians themselves are almost as inhospitable to invaders as the terrain, as many a foreigner came to realize. Let none dare step in our land!"
gal_rein_in_the_cities: "Rein in the Cities"
gal_rein_in_the_cities_desc: "The last centuries has been dominated by bloody conflict between the nobility and church on one side, and the urban burghers on the other. In the worst years, many cities have been independent in all but name from the Galician crown. By crushing these petty oligarchs, peace and order will return to the realm."
gal_shipyards: "Galician Shipyards"
gal_shipyards_desc: "The Atlantic is a harsh mistress, and only the sturdiest vessels may survive her harrowing embrace. Galician vessels have always been renowned for their sturdiness. With further patronage from the Crown, these dockyards can continue crafting formidable ships that can withstand waves and cannon alike. "
gal_santiago_y_cierra: "Santiago y Cierra!"
gal_santiago_y_cierra_desc: "'Santiago y Cierra!' (St. James and close!) was the rallying call of Spanish crusaders against the Moors during the Reconquista. It was in Galicia that the holy remains of St. James were found, so let it be known that the Apostle holds our people in especial esteem. Victory and glory await only the bold, and none are bolder than Galicians!"
gal_sailors_of_the_cantabrian_sea: "Sailors of the Cantabrian Sea"
gal_sailors_of_the_cantabrian_sea_desc: "It takes a brave sailor to set out in the treacherous waters of the Cantabrian Sea and Bay of Biscay. But not even some of the harshest weather in the known world has dampened Galicia's love of the ocean. After the harsh battering of countless storms, the Galician fleet knows no fear from mere shot and cutlass."
gal_irmandinos: "Irmandinos"
gal_irmandinos_desc: "The Galician peasant is equally legendary for his hardiness and rebellious temperament. By drafting the members of the bandit 'brotherhoods' into our army, we can gain a hardened core of ruthless and experienced soldiers. Our high-born classes are sick of having their manors burned down anyway. "
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