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Dear karime,
these couples of days haven't gone well i been thinking about u a lot and I been having these suicidal thoughts in my head that don't leave. Today was such a horrible day people just understand the fact that my life isn't good like there's and that I go through a lot of things. so many people have been acting like I don't exist all my friends are never there for me but its cool im used to it. People know im sad but don't really care im always there for people and it hurts knowing that nobody is there for me. Its been months without you and there snot a day I don't think about you. All I think about is our memories wishing we could've hanged out more wishing this was a dream. somehow someday im gonna have to accept the fact that your gone it hurts knowing that u left us. You weren't happy here and u made the decision to go with god I know hes taking care of you I know your happy up there and that's all I want for you. All you wanted was gods help you were in pain it was for the best. I feel so guilty for not being there you were perfect in my eyes. I miss you I miss your voice I miss you laugh I miss everything everyone says I look like you u don't know how happy that makes me feel. All you wanted was for us to be happy and u made sure we were. You never liked seeing us sad u didn't want us to be sad like you your goal was to make you whole family happy. I wish you could've texted one of us but I guess you thought we didn't care I don't really know what u thought. The letters you wrote depression since u were 8 years old wow that really suck im sorry for not being there for you. I been so sad so depressed and im sorry they say the more we think about you the less you get to rest. Karime I want you back I want to hold you one more time and tell you how much u mean to me and how much I loved you. you were such a beautiful person, knowing that u decided to let go of that rope really hurts me. I always wonder if you thought about me when u left if I ever came to your head u know what I mean. You seemed so happy but you know as they say the most saddest persons are the one that smile all the time. My life has been horrible since the day you left I been so depressed so sad so empty so alone so broken. My heart would always be broken..I remember the time you would tell my mom to adopt you we never thought that you were being serious because of the way you said it if that makes any sence. So many things going through my head and you would always be someone that I would be thinking about.
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Regards; Team

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