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Despite the inhibitory toxic pollutants, GeoChip 5 detected almost all key functional gene (average 61,940 genes) categories in the coking wastewater sludge
With higher abundance, aromatic ring cleavage dioxygenase genes including multi ring1,2diox; one ring2,3diox; catechol represented significant functional potential for degradation of aromatic pollutants which was further confirmed by Illumina HiSeq2500 analysis results. Response ratio analysis revealed that three nitrogenous compound degrading genes- nbzA (nitro-aromatics), tdnB (aniline), and scnABC (thiocyanate) were unique for coking wastewater treatment, which might be strong cause to increase ammonia level during the aerobic process. Additionally, HiSeq2500 elucidated carbozole and isoquinoline degradation genes in the system. These findings expanded our understanding on functional potential of microbial communities to remove organic nitrogenous pollutants; hence it will be useful in optimization strategies for biological treatment of coking wastewater.Ice growth from supercooled aqueous solutions of benzene, naphthalene, and Classical molecular dynamics (MD) were performed to investigate the growth of ice from supercooled aqueous solutions of benzene, naphthalene, or phenanthrene. The main objective of this study is to explore the fate of those aromatic molecules after freezing of the supercooled aqueous solutions, i.

e., if these molecules become trapped inside the ice lattice or if they are displaced to the QLL or to the interface with air. Ice growth from supercooled aqueous solutions of benzene, naphthalene, or phenanthrene result in the formation of quasi-liquid layers (QLLs) at the air/ice interface that are thicker than those observed when pure supercooled water freezes. Naphthalene and phenanthrene molecules in the supercooled aqueous solutions are displaced to the air/ice interface during the freezing process at both 270 and 260 K; no incorporation of these aromatics into the ice lattice is observed throughout the freezing process. Similar trends were observed during freezing of supercooled aqueous solutions of benzene at 270 K. In contrast, a fraction of the benzene molecules become trapped inside the ice lattice during the freezing process at 260 K, with the rest of the benzene molecules being displaced to the air/ice interface. These results suggest that the size of the aromatic molecule in the supercooled aqueous solution is an important parameter in determining whether these molecules become trapped inside the ice crystals.

Finally, we also report potential of mean force (PMF) calculations aimed at studying the adsorption of gas-phase benzene and phenanthrene on atmospheric air/ice interfaces. Our PMF calculations indicate the presence of deep free energy minima for both benzene and phenanthrene at the air/ice interface, with these molecules adopting a flat orientation at the Mechanism evolution and prediction of carbamazepine sorption by mangrove plant Contamination and Remediation, Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental A mechanism for carbamazepine (CBZ) sorption by mangrove plant residue-derived biochars pyrolyzed at 200-700 °C (referred as MPR200-MPR700) was elucidated in this study. Seebio Photoacid Generator demonstrated that the dominant sorption mechanism of biochars for CBZ was evolved from partition to adsorption with increasing pyrolysis temperature. The CBZ concentration-dependent contributions of partition and adsorption were controlled by the relative noncarbonized and carbonized fractions of biochars. The partition medium changed from a polymeric aliphatic fraction (mangrove plant residue [MPR]200-MPR400) to a more condensed aromatic phase (MPR500-MPR600), which made the partition less favorable. Meanwhile, the adsorption was selectively regulated by polarity (MPR200-MPR300) and porosity (MPR400-MPR700) for different biochars. A pragmatic model including the sorbent aromaticity index (H/C) was put forward to predict CBZ sorption to MPR200-MPR700 and other carbonaceous materials reported in the literature.

The findings can be helpful in understanding CBZ-biochar interactions and developing effective sorbents (such as biochars) for pollutant sequestration.Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America.An Ab Initio Study of the Structures and Selected Properties of 1,2-Dihydro-1,2-azaborine and Related Molecules.Youngstown, Ohio 44555, Departamento de Química, C-9, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Cantoblanco, E-28049 Madrid, Spain, and Instituto de Química Médica, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientfícas, Juan de la Cierva, 3, E-28006 An ab initio study has been carried out to investigate the effect of replacing [HC-CH]n linkages in benzene by the isoelectronic [HN-BH]n linkages for n = 1, 2, and 3. Mechanistic Studies of 6-butyl-n-hydroxynaphthimide trifluoromethanesulfonic acid Reactions give rise to azaborine, a set of diazaborines, borazine, and pseudoborazine. Seebio Photoresponsive Acid Precursor lead to significant rearrangements of electron densities in these molecules due primarily to the introduction of the polar B-N bond. As a result, azaborine and diazaborines exhibit much more localized structures than that of benzene.

They are also less aromatic than benzene but have a higher degree of aromaticity than borazine.
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