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S1 - Start 7:24, S2 8:36, S3 9:36, S4 10:50
00:00:00 Recovery
- Stress causes an adapation, but recovery is where it happens. Recovery should outpace stress output, or no adapation/backwards.
00:04:17 Exercise & Delayed Muscle Soreness, Pain
- As we get more fit, soreness seems to arrive earlier than if we are unadapted to the stress
- Dogma: muscle tears. In reality, this is a perception and there can be multiple factors.
- 24-48 hours because of a delayed immune/inflammatory response
00:11:35 Muscle Spindles, Reduce Soreness
- Unlike normal fibers which contract these contract after stretch
- Stretching might be the cause of the pain signal, because it increases pressure (we have pressure sensors not pain sensors)
- Low level movement unlike stretching can reduce soreness because its not high level contraction and not stretching which allows you to get fluids and tissue out
- its possible that free radicals (oxygen reactive to everything) cause pain when they escape the cell wall; we have to use everything in our session so they don't remain

00:18:56 Exercise, Homeostasis & Hormesis; Blood Test & Fitness Level
- Physiology wants to return to homeostasis
- We challenge it to a level where it realizes if it does not make a change it will not be able to get back to homeostasis
- We raise the bar so it doesn't cause the same disruption
- Hormesis: There is a toxic response to everything

00:30:20 Recovery Timescales, Adaptation & Optimization
- Biomarkers are very high seconds-minutes-hours after exercise, but that is the stimuli needed to bring them down chronically
- To understand tool we need to understand what are we training for and trying to maximize
- Vit c and e can be anti-inflammatory
- Its about adaption vs. optimization, get better later or be better now; balancing them

00:35:10 Adaptation & Biomarkers Levels
- with markers it depends on magnitude; some need to be up by hundreds of percent to be physiologically relevant, while others just a couple percent

00:40:36 4 Recovery Levels, Enhance Recovery
- acute overload: Fatigue performance
- Target: constant acute overload -> functional overreach - enhanced performance (couple days to recover)
- Non-functional overreaching -> Once recovery is given you get back to base-line, there is no enhancement (weeks to recover)
- Overtrained -> takes months to recover from
- taper, reduced training volume - allows the system to recover and actualizes the workout enhancements

00:48:19 Overreaching vs. Overtraining
- There is no standard for over-training; its a verb not a state

00:52:53 Tool: Acute Overload & Recovery, Breathwork
- Kickstart recovery at end of session - you need an extremely high peak (inflammatory response) thats met with an extremely sharp recovery
- Slow-paced lower cadence music
- Down-regulation breathing - lie down and do box breathing, any form of cadence regulated breathing (3 - 10 minutes)
- inhale nose exhale mouth is optimal. Huberman also says that it decreases resting heart rate MAYBE helps you to sleep
- Deliberate box breathing has a dramatic impact on stress. Exhalation is what's mostly responsible for down-regulation.
- Takes you out of the sympathethic drive state to parasympathethic - takes out the exercise energy

01:03:39 Tool: Alleviate Acute Soreness, Compression Clothing & Massage & Thermal
- Soreness is not lactate
- Compression clothes prevents a little bit of soreness (tight-fitting) also helps with plane bc it manages blood
- Purpose is to pump air, fluids outside. Can use garments, massage.
- Cold water immersion (Shower not enough?) after exercise can be bad for hypertrophy, but good for soreness; optimization vs adapation

01:14:21 Cold Shower vs. Immersion, Sauna & Fertility
- Shower is not as effective bc showers do not get into sub 40s - also not great for soreness bc muscles are not immersed
- Cold and sauna may be bad for sperm health, some people put an ice pack on groin

01:21:46 Combine Recovery Techniques
- Breathing: Neural, sympathethic
- Movement: Circulate blood and generate contractions (if soreness due to stretch, relieves it)
- Touch & thermal
01:24:34 Monitoring for Overreaching & Overtraining
01:31:33 Overreaching/Overtraining, Performance & Physiology, Sleep

Our understanding of pain shapes the experience of pain and pain relief
10:50 rubbing pain receptors can deactivate
58:30 see that method for box breathing
1:23:30 - ice can enhance recovery, but hot has the opposite effect? isn't sauna for recovery?
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