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The Secret Secrets Of Optima Timer Filter Coffee Machine
Melitta Optima Timer Filter Coffee Machine Review

The optima timer filter coffee machine is a low cost model with a good reputation for its easy, no mess brewing. It's simple to use and customers love the large capacity for maximum brew and the fact that it uses permanently reusable filters.

Read the Full Content has elegant piano black finish, a good glass jug made of high-quality and is dishwasher safe. Buyers also love the timer function that allows you to awake to freshly brewed coffee.


The Melitta Optima Timer Filter Coffee Machine is a fantastic choice for those who love making their own filter coffee. Its simple design, combined with top-quality materials, guarantees an excellent cup of coffee each time. It is a small, light machine that is simple to operate and clean. It also has an anti-drip system to prevent spillage. It can make a huge mug (either your own mug or the travel mug that comes with it) of hot filter in three to four minutes.

It has an easily fillable tank that can be detached from the tank. It also has clear measurements for the cups to ensure you're filling it properly. You can also alter the water hardness to suit your home's quality of water. It also has an easy-to-read indicator that will let you know when to run an descaling procedure.

One of the primary reasons buyers love this machine is that it comes with a built-in clock which can be programmed to begin the coffee maker at a particular time. This makes it perfect for those who wish to wake up or have a cup of coffee ready when they get out of the bed.

The adjustable temperature control is another great feature that allows you to make your coffee exactly how you like it. You can also program the machine to keep your coffee warm for up to two hours this is a great feature if you have guests over.

It's also extremely quiet it is also very quiet, which is a plus for anyone looking to stay away from waking the entire family. It also comes with a reusable paper filter which can save money. This filter coffee maker is also small and easy to clean. It is sleek and has a black finish that looks great on any kitchen countertop.

This filter coffee maker is a fantastic option for those who like to make their own coffee but don't want spend an enormous amount of money on an espresso maker. It has a simple design and has a great rating from buyers on the internet. It can be used for decaf and regular coffee, as well as cappuccino and latte. This machine has a digital clock and boil-dry protection.


The Melitta Optima Timer 100801 Filter Coffee Machine is an excellent option for those who enjoy the fresh taste of freshly brewed coffee. It can be used for one cup or for a large pot of filter coffee. It is easy to operate and clean. It comes with many features that make it a great value for money.

The finish is black piano and is amazing in any kitchen. The water container and the jug are both made of good quality glass. The two containers and coffee maker are designed to blend together into one unit that looks clean, neat and tidy.

This model has been in the market for a long time and is among the best filter machines on the marketplace. It has a high rate of buyer satisfaction and is a cheap method of enjoying freshly brewed coffee at home. It comes with a large capacity tank and a removable permanent coffee filter. Its easy to use controls give you the option of choosing your preferred coffee strength.

The machine features an indicator for the level of water, allowing you to know when it's time to replenish the tank. It also comes with an automatic feature that turns off the machine, which lowers energy consumption and enhances security. The machine is designed to work with whole or ground beans and comes with a water hardness setting which makes it easier to adapt to the hardness of your local water supply.

The machine also comes with an amazing feature called the extended keep warm function. You can set a timer to warm your coffee for up to two hours. This feature can save you lots of time in the morning, as it ensures that your coffee will be ready by the time you get up. This feature has been praised by a lot of customers as a major improvement over other coffee makers that only keep the coffee warm about 30 minutes.

The Melitta Optima Filter Coffee Machine also has a screen that displays the amount of coffee brewed and the status of the machine. It is also easy to clean, since the tank that holds water can be removed from the machine to clean it.


The optima filter coffee machine comes with a glass jug which can hold up to 8 cups of delicious, fresh coffee. It can be used with ground coffee for those who prefer that type of coffee. The machine also has an indicator of the water level which makes it easy to check the amount of water in. Its on/off switch is illuminated, which makes it easy to determine whether the machine is turned on or off. It also comes with an automatic power-off function that can be beneficial in situations where you don't want consume energy by allowing the machine to run.

Many customers say that the main reason why they selected this particular model is its timer function, which can be set to start making coffee at the time they choose in the morning so they can wake up with freshly coffee freshly brewed. Others mention that it is easy to use and keeps clean as the majority of parts (excluding the lid and hinged parts) are dishwasher-safe.

One of the best aspects of this machine is its extended heat retention, which customers agree is more hot than other filter machines available, meaning they can enjoy their coffee for as long as 2 hours. It is also easy to set and change the temperature setting.

Another benefit of this model is its ease of use and simple digital display and clearly marked cup measurements for accurate filling. The tank and jug that can be detachable can be easily removed and washed by using warm soapy tap water. The machine also comes with an adjustable water hardness and an indicator for descaling that indicates the time it is required to be descaled, which helps to extend the life of the machine.

It has a built-in protection mechanism that stops it from running if the level of water is not sufficient. This can help to prevent any potential damage. This model is quieter according to a few customers, than other models they've owned.


The optima timer filter coffee maker provides a simple method to start your day with a cup freshly brewed coffee. Its user-friendly interface lets you to set the time and temperature of your coffee and the glass carafe can keep your beverage hot for as long as an hour. The machine comes with an easily refillable water tank that is removable. It also has an indicator that indicates the amount of water left in the tank.

The design of the machine is very elegant and contemporary. The sleek black finish adds a bit of class to any kitchen counter. It also comes with an electronic display that makes it simple to navigate and operate the brewing functions. The display offers important information, such as how much time is left until the next drink.

This is a fantastic filter coffee maker at an affordable price. It's an excellent value for the money and comes with many of the same features of more expensive models. It comes with a tank that is removable which can be filled quickly and will keep your coffee hot for up an hour.

Another great benefit of this filter coffee maker is the adjustable timer. Customers have stated that it's a significant improvement over the typical 30 minute keep-hot function of most filter coffee makers. You can change the time that your coffee is kept warm. This makes it ideal for entertaining guests.

This coffee machine is easy to use and maintain. The parts that can be removed can be cleaned with warm, soapy water and the exterior can be cleaned with a damp sponge. It is recommended to descale the machine, as this will help to prevent mineral build-up and increase the life of the appliance.

This is a very affordable and efficient filter coffee maker that's perfect for smaller homes. Its compact footprint and user-friendly interface make it an ideal option for apartment dwellers or anyone with a limited counter space. It is also a very durable and reliable machine, making it a great choice for those on a budget.

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