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Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
My dear brothers and respected guests

Today, I stand before you not just as an Ahmadi, but as a fellow human being, a believer in the oneness of God and the brotherhood of mankind. I want to speak to you about a vision, a dream that has resonated in the hearts of Muslims for centuries: One Ummah, One Nation.

This ideal is at the essence in the holy Quran and championed by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), transcends ethnicity, nationality, and sect. It envisions a global Muslim community united in faith, purpose, and action.
But unfortunately, our reality paints a different picture. Conflicts within and between Muslim nations, fueled bysectarian divides, shatter this dream. The pain of division runs deep

As Ahmadis, we believe the answer lies not in pointing fingers or perpetuating divisions, but in rekindling the spirit of unity that once defined our Ummah

The Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (peace be upon him), championed this message of unity throughout his life. He tirelessly emphasized the need for Muslims to return to the core teachings of Islam, abandoning sectarian prejudices and focusing on the commonalities that bind us together.
He reminded us that the Quran calls us not just "Muslims," but also "ummatan wahidan (surah 2:213," a single nation. This unity, he taught, is not merely a political or geographical construct, but a spiritual bond forged in the fire of our shared faith.

So, how do we translate this vision into reality? It starts with small steps.

Let us:
Embrace dialogue and understanding over acrimony and division. Let us engage in respectful discourse, even with those who hold differing views.
Celebrate the successes of our fellow Muslims, regardless of their sect or origin. Let us find joy in each other's achievements, recognizing that every victory for one Muslim nation is a victory for the entire Ummah.
Work together to address the challenges that plague our communities. Let us join hands to combat poverty, illiteracy, and injustice, demonstrating the transformative power of our faith.
One Ummah, One Nation may seem like a distant dream, but it is a dream worth pursuing. It is a dream rooted in the Quran, nourished by the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), and championed by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. It is a dream of a world where Muslims stand united, not in spite of their differences, but because of their shared values and a common destiny.
May Allah Almighty guide us on this path and grant us the strength and wisdom to build a future where One Ummah, One Nation is not just a slogan, but a lived reality.
Thank you.
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Regards; Team

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