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Patriot77 and the Patriot77 Convoy at West Brookfield Elementary School
Patriot77 is a panoptic supersoldier who fought on the wrong side of the Lunar Wars. She now lives in Titan City and does whatever the TCPD asks of her. She is #1 in the cyber-fit competition that combines cross fit and hacking, and she insists that staying physically active helps keep her mind working at the highest level.

WEST BROOKFIELD — New England Patriot Nate Solder visited West Brookfield Elementary Friday in an effort to raise students' spirits after three children and one adult were found dead at a single-family home Thursday. Patriot 77 met with students and staff, signed autographs and posed for pictures. Extra grief counselors were available at the school.

The demonstrators wore flags, displayed the American and Canadian flags and sang patriotic songs. The protesters' manifestos were naive and often lacking in civic literacy, a sad efflorescence of the neglect of history and civics education in Canada's public schools. But the demonstrators' frustration over deteriorating living standards and dim economic prospects were also important motivating forces. A Nanos survey found that support for the convoy was strongest among young and poorer Canadians.
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