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Lord of the Dead Flame
Plot: You've always felt like life gave you the short end of the stick. Never knowing your parents, never feeling accepted and never knowing love, you went through life hating existence itself. You hated the happy couples you saw on the street everyday, you hated the rich people that seemingly never had to work a day in there life, you hated the look of celebrities that so desperately sought to market themselves to people as "everyday folk". Your hatred for life burned so powerfully that it triggered a phenomenon known as spontaneous combustion. In an instant your body burned to cinders. Despite you being dead your soul continued to burn until it entered the gates of hell. The unholy rage you emitted continued to flare. Being in the realm of eternal flame, your soul burned hotter than anything there. Through all the various floors of hell you walked until you came to a door, older than existence. Hearing the beckoning of a voice on the other side of the door you place your hand upon it, melting it. Inside you are greeted by three entities born from the spark that created the universe. Though there names are too ancient for you to comprehend, they recognize you as a suitable host for there primordial flames. They then bind themselves to your soul, causing there power to become yours. As you feel there powers filling you, you feel your soul being pulled from hell and through the realm of the dead. You will soon be reincarnated as a phoenix with the power of the primordial dead flames. With this new power will you turn this world to ash or will you use your power to purge the deserving evil from it.

Ability: Lord of the Dead Flame- You are able to channel the power of three ancient flame deities. Each being extremely powerful, possessing flame magic as old as time, and unlike any other. These flames include the following...

Penumbra's Black flame- A flame of solid black that burns especially fiercely. Anything consumed by these flames can be summoned by you as a black ash construct. Inanimate objects can be summoned and will appear to be made of a charcoal like substance, but will maintain its functionality. Living things consumed by the black flame can be summoned as ash familiars, beings made of solid ash. Maintaining there logic and any abilities they may have but being completely subservient to you. Should an ash familiar be destroyed it will merely reform in a few seconds. You can summon as many ash familiars at a time as you want. A dead body, despite any level of decomposition that is consumed by the black flame can still be called forth afterwards as a ash familiar.

Inferm's Vile Flame- A pale green flame that burns releasing the pungent odor of sulfur. The green flame slowly consumes anything it comes into contact with. As it burns, the green flame releases massive amounts of a sickly green smoke. Any living creature that inhales or comes into contact with this smoke will contract a deadly virus. Left untreated this virus will lead to a painful death in less than an hour. Upon first contact with the haze a victim will immediately develop painful blisters all over there body. There eyes will violently sting non-stop and there throat will slowly close. They will then be subject to vivid auditory and visual hallucinations. Finally there internal organs will begin to liquefy inside of them. Once a person has contracted the virus, the only cure is for you to willingly dissipate the virus from them, although this will not immediately eliminate any pre existing symptoms from there body. You are immune to the virus entirely.

Ymir's Frost Flame- A flame of vibrant teal that can only be expelled from your mouth. This flame burns at a temperature much lower than the temperature of deepest level of hell. The flame will instantly freeze solid anything it comes into contact with. A small spout of this fire is enough to chill even the warmest desert. You can breathe this flame into the sky to create a localized blizzard that releases gust of wind colder than any naturally occurring temperature. You can coat yourself in these vibrant flames to create a indestructible suit of ice armor around yourself. Using this flame on the magic of another mage will cause an icy backlash, freezing the opposing mage as a result.

Sub Skill: Flame Fear- Those that witness your flames without flawless magical protection will be struck by an immediate paralyzing fear. Fire of any other kind are unable to manifest in the presence of your flames.

Sub Skill: Heart Ablaze- Your soul burns with an unholy power. You are immune to any attack that targets your soul, causing third degree burns to appear on anyone that tries. This flame inside you also makes you immune to flame, water and ice magic.
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