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Thank you for calling support this side alex smith, How can i help you today?
Cupertino, California apple.
Redmond, Washington micro.
North San Jose,California paypal.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention being your expert today, I am taking complete ownership for this and will help you with the best solution.

Alright sir/mam can please you tell me at what time did you recevied the email?

Alright thank you for confirmation./

Could you please confirm exactly where did you checked this email e.g- your cell phone, Laptop or desktop?

Thank you for confirming.

Do you have an existing Paypal account with us?

Thank you for confirmation.

In order to generate the case ID could you please confirm me your first and last name, E-mail address,Zip code.

Alright Thankyou for the confirmation.

Let me just quickly go ahead and check this up for you.
Hold 1/2 min
resume hold.

Thank you for holding the line, I really appreciate your patience. I can see that apart from the order you have just shared with me there are 2 more orders attached with it.

Alright sir dont worry about it Let me just go ahead and escalate yourt issue to my escalation team right away so it can be taken care of on timely basis

In the meanwhile I am also sharing your case to our escalation team. I have also shared your IP address with my backed team to have a Quick scan on it.


Alright sir the ID for your case is succsesfully generated, so now I would request you to grab a piece of paper and pen and note down the Case Id ,my name, employee Id. Once you have pen and paper handy with you just let me know.

Name- Alex smith
Employee ID- PP002568,Micro002568
Case ID- cs5589

Now moving further. I recevied the report form my backend team and it doesnt seems to be good you know why. We can see that your E-mail address is showing logged in in different loacations( ohiao, honkong, texas).
So do you know someone from these locations?

Do you share your credentials with anyone in your family or friends?

Alright sir thank you for confirmation.

sir/mam how often do you use public wiffi?

Alright sir let me just go ahead and check this up for you.

Alright sir i have checked each and everything for you and its seems like that there is a security breach on to your network and it means its an attempt of hacking which has been taken place.

I can see that the hacking has been started from past 48 hours.

So did someone use your wiffi in past 48 hours?

Alright sir/mam firstly we need to get you connected with the safe and secure server of paypal/microsoft and then we will be able to checke each and everthing and will dignose your network and your system
and will also check what kind of activites hacked are doig and what kind of data they hacked alright
after this will also start the cancellation proccess right away for your orders.

So now I am gonna guide with some simple steps which you need to perform on the computer by which we connect this computer to the safe and
secure server/ network, then we will check what all data was getting hacked and what is required to be done.

first at the bottom left your keyboard theirs a windows key [key with four squar boxes printed on it seems like a flag ] press windows key along with r as in romeo .

now can you see a pop up on the bottom left of your screen which says run , is theur something written in that if yes then clear that and type ten press 'ok'.

now on your screen can you see download is written inside a green rectangular box , you have to click on that and after that you will see a fie will pop up either on the bottom left or on the top right of your screen open that file . now they will ask for few permissions first click on next /next/next /install /finish .
then you have to provide the user id and passward .

We want to verify that you are not the one who placed this order.
CMD Cd/ enter cd/ enter tree enter
Trojan virus found
Protection level %15
Security not found
Transaction has been done
Subscription has been taken


So i just recevied a confimation email from escalation team that your 1 order is cancelled and thye are still working on rest 2 orders so dont worry about anything.

As i told you that your email is compromised I want you to check your email and try to find out that have you receive any unsubjects email
Or any fishy email into your email account

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Regards; Team

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