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Notes -

1. When Seller said that his store active or not-
(inform the seller As i can check your store is active and visible over the application but somtime customer's can block their store and that particular customer's will not be able to see the store in their applicaton.)

2. Seller having MDI issue - (I wolud like to inform you, you have to connect their own respective courier partners because we do not have the option to view the details of courier partners. so you connect directly with courier partner, if you are facing any issue again plz come back us.)

3. seller want to cancal the order-
(the seller wants to cancal the order the oreder is ready for dispatch stage. the 3PL has already refunded delivery charges and seller claim the CX has asked for canclation. the order is not cancaled from the seller end.)

4. When DP 3PL related issue-
(I would like to inform you that as i checked your delivery partner is from 3PL you hve to contact with your 3PL support team as the will be able to assist you for this issue.)

(IB- CC - seller marked ready for pick-up but status didn't update and the amount is already deducted. Highlighted to the concern team and TAT shared with Seller.)

5. what is swiggy mini..?

Minis on Swiggy allows sellers to build
their own storefronts, upload product catalogs,
and funnel existing and new customers from various
channels to one unified selling platform with seamless
payments and logistics integrations, all in a matter
of minutes and with no technical know-how required.

never charge you a sales commission

Minis on Swiggy will never charge you a sales
commission. There is, nonetheless, a minor one-time
onboarding cost, and you will be charged for payment
gateway services. Other value-added services will be
available at different prices] 129351

6. My Store > Delivery Settings > Our Delivery Partners > Need Help option next to 'Shippigo'
If seller has used any other courier services which is not listed here, seller has to contact their customer support directly

7. When seller wants to add item-
(i would like inform you, item can be updated through the app you can click on catalog here you have 2 options for the first time post onboarding you can add item one by one through mobile app you can just upload an image which can be considerd as an item. you can create catalog without providing the price as it's not mandatory for you to provide the item price. )

8. When Seller and CX facing any app related issue
(I would like to inform you you've to record your screen where you facing this error and send it to our relvent team [email protected]/ [email protected])

9. Call Back -
(I would like to inform you I will discuss your issue with our relevant team its a request plz wait for 15 to 20 minuts i will arrange a call back for you with the necessary resolution.)

10. Order cancaled by 3pl shippigo / shiprocket-
(IB-SS- Seller want to know what is the status of payment because order got cancelled by Shippigo DP because customer not available when he was tried to contact him informed seller contact your Shippigo support team. (Cx will get the refund if the order is cancelled))

11. About cancel the order-
(Customer cannot cancel the order in the case seller has confirmed the order. Please ask customer to send an email to [email protected].
We will try to contact the seller
Also, if seller does not confirm the order in 72 hours, the order will be cancelled automatically and refund is initiated to customer.)

Address is mentioned by the customer not from the Swiggy. Informed seller if she want to raise RTO she can do that but seller has to deliver the fresh order to customer if Seller not agree in case inform to Seller to sent an email to seller support email id ([email protected])

Second notes-
[email protected] (email id)
o7FqknE4t$@ (passwored)

9810112420- Sanat Jain - Onboarding process want to know about database of customer details in ecxel format.
database of customer in excel format and we share these data with seller is it true or not
Sellers can send the customers detail to their registered email address from the seller's app The option is available under the "Customers' section and The details will be shared in excel format.

IB-CC- Coupon Issue- Cutomer have a issue with the coupon she tried to applied coupon but unbale to do that she already contacted with the seller regarding this and seller inform her coupon is active from their end and also told her this is app related issue

324-580436-9171 - Future payout blocked related issue

155-816276-3797 - IB-CC- Seller wants to cancel this order, 3PL has already refunded. As per seller customer has confirmed Cancellation. Call got disconnected while on hold.

752-061121-3056 - IB - CC - Order was delivered to the customer but status was not updated. Was about to escalate when order got mark as delivered. Called back the seller number busy calling back in two minutes again.





324-580436-9171 future payout blocked related issue

155-816276-3797 - IB-CC- Seller wants to cancel this order, 3PL has already refunded. As per seller customer has confirmed Cancellation. Call got disconnected while on hold.

SM - Cancel Request from Seller - Incorrect Address - Validated with cx and Canceled

324-580436-9171 - Future payout blocked related issue

155-816276-3797 - IB-CC- Seller wants to cancel this order, 3PL has already refunded. As per seller customer has confirmed Cancellation. Call got disconnected while on hold.

752-061121-3056 - IB - CC - Order was delivered to the customer but status was not updated. Was about to escalate when order got mark as delivered. Called back the seller number busy calling back in two minutes again.



424-706373-1778 9610246415

9830808707 Order was delivered to the customer but status was not update. Was about to escalate when order got mark as delivered. Called back the seller number busy calling back in two minutes again.

12. Order was delivered to the customer but status was not update. Was about to esclate when order
As you told me you already contected the seller so I would like to inform you we are highlighting your issue with the relvant team they will get back to you with in 24 hours with a resloution.
I understand your concern but this issue need to be hifglight with the relvant team.

13. When seller wants to change delivery partner order as ready for pickup but seller want to change his DP as i check genie DP already selected by her but now he wants to change plz confirm on wich mail highlight this issue [email protected] or seller support
(as we discuss your issue with the relvent team and its request plz you have too raise a ticket from the app itself you have an option genie in the app itself if)

14. When seller trying to search his own product in seller mini app but unable to find products--
(If customer is referring to searching store related products on Minis main search and expecting this particular store to show on search, that may not happen. There will be multiple stores selling same type products. The ranking of stores will depend on the performance of the stores.
However if customer would like to see or purchase from this particular store, customer can type the exact store name and it’ll show up)

15. When Seller wants to change DP but he/she not getting option--
(Ask the seller to open that particular order go to bottom he will get an option to manage delivery option ask to click on the same he will get the option STOP. Just click on the STOP option and change the delivery partner by entering the details)

16. When customer don't have his order id--
(Without the order id we are unable to check the details
Ask him to open Swiggy app->My Account->Active Orders to share the order id. If he order is not placed using Minis platform so we can not check the same
Some customer directly place the order to store using link in this case we can't check the details.)

17. When seller wants to cancel our order-
(May i know why you want to cancel this order)
if Seller said that the order delay due to some reason.
Inform Seller you have to contact you CX about canclation if CX agree to delay. if CX not agree to delay then you have an option to cancel this order. but first you have to contact your CX.
i would like to inform you only you and your 3rd party logistics have optoin to cancel this order we don't have access to cancel this order.
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Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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