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## Quantitative Survey Questionnaire: Dishwashing Liquid


1. Age:
* 18-24
* 25-34
* 35-44
* 45-54
* 55+
2. Gender:
* Male
* Female
* Non-binary
3. Household size:
* 1-2 people
* 3-4 people
* 5+ people
4. Occupation:
* Homemaker
* Full-time employed
* Part-time employed
* Student
* Retired
* Other (please specify)

**Dishwashing Habits:**

5. How often do you wash dishes by hand?
* Daily
* 2-3 times per week
* Once a week
* Less than once a week
6. What types of dishes do you typically wash by hand?
* Pots and pans
* Plates and utensils
* Glasses and cups
* All of the above
* Other (please specify)
7. Do you pre-rinse your dishes before washing them?
* Always
* Sometimes
* Never
8. How important is it to you for a dishwashing liquid to be:
* Effective at removing grease (1-5, where 1 is not important and 5 is very important)
* Gentle on hands (1-5)
* Sudsy (1-5)
* Long-lasting (1-5)
* Scented (1-5)
* Environmentally friendly (1-5)
9. How much are you willing to spend on a bottle of dishwashing liquid?
* Less than $2
* $2-$4
* $4-$6
* $6-$8
* More than $8

**Brand Preferences:**

10. What brand of dishwashing liquid do you currently use? (Please specify)
11. What are the main reasons you use this brand? (Please select all that apply)
* Price
* Effectiveness
* Scent
* Brand reputation
* Availability
* Other (please specify)
12. Have you ever tried a different brand of dishwashing liquid in the past year?
* Yes
* No
13. If yes, why did you switch brands? (Please select all that apply)
* Dissatisfied with previous brand
* Better price
* Better performance
* Trying a new product
* Other (please specify)
14. How likely are you to switch to a new brand of dishwashing liquid in the next 6 months?
* Very likely
* Somewhat likely
* Neutral
* Somewhat unlikely
* Very unlikely

## Quantitative Ordinal Survey Questionnaire: New Dishwashing Liquid

**Product:** [Name of new dishwashing liquid]


Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey about our new dishwashing liquid, [Name of product]. Your feedback is important to us as we continue to improve our product.

**Dishwashing Experience:**

1. **How often do you wash dishes by hand?**
* Never
* Once a week
* 2-3 times a week
* Daily
* Multiple times a day
2. **On a scale of 1 (not difficult) to 5 (very difficult), how difficult do you find handwashing dishes?**
* 1
* 2
* 3
* 4
* 5
3. **How important are the following factors to you when choosing a dishwashing liquid? Please rate on a scale of 1 (not important) to 5 (very important).**
* Effectiveness at removing grease
* Gentleness on hands
* Sudsiness
* Rinsing ability
* Pleasant scent
* Value for money
* Environmentally friendly

**New Product Experience:**

4. **Have you had the opportunity to try the new [Name of product] dishwashing liquid?**
* Yes
* No (If no, skip to question 10)
5. **Overall, how satisfied are you with the new [Name of product] dishwashing liquid?**
* Very dissatisfied
* Somewhat dissatisfied
* Neutral
* Somewhat satisfied
* Very satisfied
6. **Please rate your agreement with the following statements about the new [Name of product] dishwashing liquid on a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).**
* It effectively removes grease and grime.
* It is gentle on my hands.
* It creates a good amount of suds.
* It rinses away easily without leaving residue.
* It has a pleasant scent.
* It is worth the price.
* It is an environmentally friendly product.
7. **Compared to your usual dishwashing liquid, how would you rate the new [Name of product] dishwashing liquid?**
* Much worse
* Somewhat worse
* About the same
* Somewhat better
* Much better
8. **How likely are you to purchase the new [Name of product] dishwashing liquid again in the future?**
* Very unlikely
* Somewhat unlikely
* Neutral
* Somewhat likely
* Very likely
Sure, here is a close-ended survey questionnaire about dishwashing liquid:

**Dishwashing Liquid Survey**
*Please answer all questions to the best of your ability*

1. **Which brand of dishwashing liquid do you currently use?**
* A. Dawn
* B. Joy
* C. Cascade
* D. Palmolive
* E. Seventh Generation
* F. Another brand (please specify)

2. **How often do you purchase dishwashing liquid?**
* A. Once a month
* B. Every 2-3 months
* C. Every 4-6 months
* D. Less than once every 6 months

3. **How important are the following factors to you when choosing a dishwashing liquid? Please rate on a scale of 1 (not important) to 5 (very important).**
* Effectiveness at removing grease: 1 2 3 4 5
* Gentleness on hands: 1 2 3 4 5
* Sudsiness: 1 2 3 4 5
* Pleasant scent: 1 2 3 4 5
* Price: 1 2 3 4 5
* Environmentally friendly: 1 2 3 4 5

4. **How satisfied are you with the dishwashing liquid you currently use?**
* A. Very satisfied
* B. Somewhat satisfied
* C. Neutral
* D. Somewhat dissatisfied
* E. Very dissatisfied

5. **What is the main reason you would consider switching to a new dishwashing liquid?**
* A. Better price
* B. Better performance
* C. More environmentally friendly
* D. New scent
* E. Other (please specify)

6. **How likely are you to try a new dishwashing liquid in the next 6 months?**
* A. Very likely
* B. Somewhat likely
* C. Neutral
* D. Somewhat unlikely
* E. Very unlikely

7. **Would you be willing to participate in a taste test of different dishwashing liquids?**
* A. Yes
* B. No

Sure, here are some more close-ended questions you can add to your dishwashing liquid survey:

**Product Features:**

* **Do you prefer a dishwashing liquid that is thick or thin?**
* A. Thick
* B. Thin
* C. No preference
* **How important is it to you for a dishwashing liquid to have a concentrated formula?**
* A. Very important
* B. Somewhat important
* C. Neutral
* D. Somewhat unimportant
* E. Not important at all
* **Would you be interested in a dishwashing liquid with antibacterial properties?**
* A. Yes
* B. No

**Purchase Habits:**

* **Where do you typically purchase dishwashing liquid?**
* A. Grocery store
* B. Discount store
* C. Online retailer
* D. Other (please specify)
* **What is the maximum amount you are willing to spend on a bottle of dishwashing liquid?**
* A. Less than php 100
* B. php 100-200
* C. php 201-300
* D. php 301-400
* E. More than 400
* **How often do you use coupons or discounts when purchasing dishwashing liquid?**
* A. Always
* B. Sometimes
* C. Rarely
* D. Never


* **Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your dishwashing habits or preferences?** (Open-ended)

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Regards; Team

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