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Scenario: Sari, a 21 year-old B.U. undergraduate student suffered a head injury over break. Sari is on the crew team. She has a part time job off campus as a waitress. After the injury, she has short- term memory problems, loss of appetite, and is feeling depressed. She has decreased coordination, mild left-sided weakness and mild expressive aphasia (word finding ability). Sari is determined to get back into full participation at school, and with her doctor’s agreement, begin semester. She is home after spending one night in the hospital. Her physician clears her to return to school but recommends that she see several different health professionals as an outpatient when she returns to Boston to begin school again.
Write in the third person as if you are a professional explaining the policy coverage to someone else. You are role playing as “Sari” using your own policy.
Your paper will address all of the following questions:
. 1-  How much does the subscriber (you or your parents) pay annually? Briefly explain what type of policy this is (e.g. HMO, 
PPO, IPA, POS model). (Note: The true cost of insurance is often shielded from the consumer. The purpose of this information is to enlighten you as to the cost of insurance). You will need to get this information in most cases directly from your parent/guardian. 

. 2-  How much will Sari pay for medications, (including in and out of network costs, co-payments, generic drugs, drug tiers, and mail order)? 

. 3-  Sari’s physician recommends counseling, at least weekly for the next two months. What does the policy cover (including in and out of network costs)? How much will Sari pay out-of-pocket for counseling? Whom specifically can she see (i.e. a psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, etc) 

. 4-  Sari needs to see a nutritionist, and an occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech and language health professional and she may need ongoing treatment from each of these practitioners. Which of these services does her policy cover (including in and out of network costs) and how much will she pay for out of pocket for visits?
. 5-  Identify and discuss two strengths and two weaknesses of this policy specifically related to this situation (not her initial hospitalization).
Paper Requirements:
See formatting requirements under Common Understandings.
3-4 pages in length (not including cover or reference page). Nothing beyond 4 pages will be read or graded.
In the text, reference the page numbers from your policy relevant to each question.
Follow APA style for referencing. See Quick reference for APA style
Highlight (in color) all pertinent information on the insurance policy
Attach the relevant plan information to your paper. You will receive this information back with your graded paper. See grading criteria below.

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