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inclusivity to me:
inclusivity is to involve everyone, give every group an opportunity in the gaming industry.
disabled, race, lgbtq, mental illness, everyone should be included in the game

what games are doing bad: gta (white buissnessman,), tecan, streetfighter, another gamer that has bad stereotype, (sumo, slap)(avian clothes) : age range : how its bad (18+ games, people will catch stereotype, 12 year old person woukldnt), read this. ( (lgbtq doesnt sceme original)
what is the games doing well: (in games) new characters, storylines that are inclusive (spiderman) has lgbtq side quests, miles Morales, (aloy lgbtq main chaarcter). apex , gibby gay, bloodhound....., Bangalore, autistics character.
comparison: miles Morales, horizon zero west, when did lgbtq get implemented , last game how was it ( last of us ellie past less, part 2 more)(gayming website)
how lgbtq has been explored throughtout the years in gaming.(

physically disbaled:
blind people, deaf people: visual sound effects (faze ewok fortnite), last of us, blind people can see (high contrast),(, check stats on what is inproved what is good. an dinrpoving in gaming. (1st link secoundray reserach)

mentally disabled:
( uses minecraft for kids with austim mentally disabled games, wathc this

ethnicity : mine: indian ( apex legends) good, ( raji), ( great tiger character, bad
games and tv, disney aldain bad stereotypes link with gaming diversity.

secoundry reseach: (physacally disabled)
how lgbtq has been explored throughtout the years in gaming.( (lgbtq in games) ( divercity in gaming)

primary reaesrch:
how many characters for any game do you know, thats in the lgbtq comunity ( past & preasent)
on a scale of 1-10 how much do you think this game has inplimeted inclusviyty , miles morales, sims, gta5,
do you know any games that are harmful, indlude bad sterotypes

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