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Describe your family:

Mother: Anbera Raldanach, Neutral Good Dwarf Cleric of Lathander. Retired and became a smith while raising children. She was friendly. She died of old age hundreds of years agoFather: Adrik Raldanach, Neutral Dwarf Fighter.  works as a Laborer. He died with his loving wife, due to their old age. 
Anri had a large family, however now they all have perished of age, even in dwarven standards. Anri has outlived even the youngest of her siblings. However Anri has found the Raldanach bloodline survived.

What was your life like before you decided to become an adventurer?:
For most of Anri's childhood she worked in her mother's forge, learning the trade as well as learning how to barter wears made from the forge. 
During her teen years she decided she wanted to try being an adventurer, although her first adventure went badly. She fell into a vampire lord's clutches, where she was trained to be a bodyguard and soldier. Once Anri escaped, she returned to Proskur, and worked as the city blacksmith, (where she met Solas) while searching for a cure for vampirism. 

Why did you want to be an adventurer?:
Anri didn't want to be an adventurer. Her first attempt at adventuring turned badly and made her lose things she can never gain back. But she has been adventuring on behalf of a holy order, as a way to show gratitude and to work off a great debt.

What are your hobbies/interests outside of adventuring?:
Anri loves making things, creating things from scratch with raw material. She likes to read, take long walks in interesting places, Calligraphy and playing games like Dragon-chess and Cards (especially over a drink at the tavern).
[ Crafting, Calligraphy, Reading, going on walks, Playing Cards and Dragon-chess. ]

What is your happiest memory?
Family time, being a Child running around a festival marketplace with her siblings while their parents managed their stall. 

What is your saddest memory?
She remembers the loneliness in her past, being alone as a vampire thrall, knowing everyone she loved would be gone by now. 

What is the secret you do not want anyone to know about?
. Long ago, in her teen years, Anri had dabbled into adventuring. She chanced upon a vampire during her first adventure, and was turned into a vampire spawn for many years, a thrall for the vampire lord to puppet. She was turned into a full vampire, and eventually escaped from her vampire 'master'. Anri sought a cure for her vampirism, and through one of Lathander's holy orders, she found it. 
Now Anri is in debt to the order, she works for the holy order as gratitude for granting her the priceless gift of her cure. And now the debt is about to be fulfilled. 

Why do you stay with this party?
These people have no construct, no planning or tactics. Anri needs to stay to make sure that they don't all die. If all new adventuring groups fumbled around like this it would soon be a dying profession. Besides, she is beginning to like them.

What would cause you to betray your party?
Shame from her past, trying to purge herself of the shadows that still haunt her, the sickly taste of blood calls to her. One more bite, one more taste of blood and everything would be easier. 
Anri is an addict, not for substance or alcohol, but for blood. During her time as a vampire Anri got the taste for blood, it sickens her but she cannot help but desire the familiar taste and how it made her feel powerful. Vampire blood is the best, strongest she's come across. But with Vampires being rare in Faerun, Anri was able to sober from the addiction. She dosen't know what would happen if she got her hands on vampire blood again, if it would turn her back into a creature of shadows, or if she would be put under the thrall of another vampire

What would your “Happily ever after’ be like?
At the end of her adventuring days, Anri wants to settle down, find a nice place to live - perhaps with a family of her own - and live an uneventful, mundane life, either living off the funds made from her adventures or perhaps starting her own business one day. 
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