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Title: Embracing the Colors of Autumn: A Reflection on My Seasonal Identity

If I were a season, I would ultimately be autumn. The reason I choose autumn is because I am drawn to its vibrant colors, the feeling and mood it puts me in with its dark yet vibrant nature as its reflected by the atmosphere it presents. This choice is reflective of my personality and the impact I strive to make on the it symbolize the time after the world was lively but before the cold and treacherous end it the time in between the time of growth and preparation.

When you first think about autumn and its colors you would first think the the vibrant orange the is reminiscent of the sun. however there are other color that the leaves take shape such as the a crimson red or a Scarlet Apple pink, sugar maple, and Amber Gold. Just like these colors my personality can be broad at times but from what I here I'm always a good person to be around. Autumn is a season of colorful change, and as the leaves changes shape to die out and grow again reminds me of my self and my ability to never give up. as the colors change so dose my understanding of the world it self.

Just as autumn finds it self in the middle of a change so do I as I grow from being a boy to a man. as there will be many thing I will have to learn to a good working man in todays world. I come to learn that this is very much like the leaves dyeing to make way for the new, same as I make a way for a new and better me. such as the time I moved out to live on my own I had to learn to be responsible enough to get my school work done and still make sure my Housley duties were complete and that I had food on my plate to eat. I feel as though this has made me a better person as I grow up with the hope of learn more so not only to teach my self but also the younger generation.

With the way autumn is presented to me it show me that their is both beautiful and dark meaningful places still on the earth.
the dark atmosphere reminds me of the past and the journey it took to get where I am and those whom I lost on my also so me that their is yet still beauty in the fact that even after the things I lost on my way I'm still standing with confidents just as when the trees in autumn loses it leaves but yet stands to see another winter ready to start a new. the feeling of the air is a warm sometime cold weather, it can leave you feeling down on a rainy day as if it was tears falling from the sky. The feeling that autumn leaves me is a feeling of focus and urgency to live life to the fullest.

To make it simple autumn is a time for growth, focus, peace and harmony as it is a time of preparation for what is to come.
as a person who try to be be always prepared regardless of the time autumn is the same in that light. so i will say again If I were a season, I would ultimately be autumn. The reason I choose autumn is because I am drawn to its vibrant colors, the feeling and mood it puts me in with its dark yet vibrant nature as its reflected by the atmosphere it presents. the harmony between me and autumn is like night in day although the sun and moon are different they work together to keep those living on earth alive. just like the balance between life and death of the plant during the autumn period just like the human mind can conflict from the body needs and over power and over come many difficulties.

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