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1. Explain the functions of OS
2. Explain different types of Operating Systems.
3. Explain about different types of operating system structures
4. Distinguish between user mode and kernel mode operations of the operating system
5. Explain open source OS and its uses
6. Explain the system services of OS
7. Explain the difference between user and OS Interface
8. Define a System call. Explain the various types of system calls provided by Operating System
9. Explain system booting in detail
1. What are process scheduling queues? Explain with diagram
2. Explain different process states/ process lifecycle with the help of diagram
3. Explain PCB in detail
4. Explain Interprocess Communication in detail
5. Scheduling algorithms- Non preemptive (FCFS, SRTF, Priority), Preemptive( RR, SJF, priority), Difference between preemption and non preemption
6. What are Threads? Explain different Thread models in detail with thread issues
7. Explain Race condition and Critical section in detail.
8. Explain mutual exclusion with busy waiting in detail
9. Explain sleep and wakeup in detail(producer -consumer/ bounded buffer problem)
10. Explain semaphores. Differentiate binary semaphore and counting semaphore (producer consumer problem in semaphores)
11. Explain monitors in detail
12. Explain Dining Philosophers problem? Discuss the solution to the Dining Philosopher’s problem using monitors. (classical IPC problems)
13. Explain reader and writer problem in detail.(classical IPC problems)
Unit- 3
1. Write in detail about Segmentation and address translation
2. Explain paging, address translation in paging.
3. Describe the following: a) First fit b) Best Fit c). Worst Fit
4. Explain the concept of demand paging in detail with neat diagram.
5. Discuss in detail about Paging hardware Using TLB.
6. Consider the following page-Reference string: 1,2,3,4,2,1,5,6,2,1,2,3,7,6,3,2,1,2,3,6. How many page faults occur for the LRU, FIFO and optimal page replacement algorithms,assuming 3 frames and initially all frames are empty?
Consider page reference string 1, 3, 0, 3, 5, 6 with 3 page frames. Find number of page faults in FIFO, LRU and Optimal Page Replacement Techniques.
7. What is Internal and External fragmentation? In which memory management technique internal fragmentation occurs, Explain the solution for it.
8. Differences between Logical address space and physical address space.
9. Define Swapping. Explain in detail
10. Thrashing and causes of thrashing
11. Memory mapped allocation or files
Unit- 4
1. Deadlocks with characteristics
2. Explain the RAG representation in deadlock detection.
3. Explain in detail about Bankers algorithm with example in deadlock.
4. Define Deadlock. State and explain conditions that are necessary for deadlocks to occur deadlock .How can it be prevented.Discuss with example?
5. File system implementation
6. Directory structure and operations on directory
7. Disk scheduling
8. RAID levels
Unit- 5
1. Goals, principles and domains of protection
2. Access matrix and access control
3. Program threats, system and network threats
4. Case studies: Linux, Microsoft windows
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