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Catnip Mayhem

Dream is at her doctor's appointment and Palette and Core at school while Ink is home, watching the twins, Dawn and Starlight. He walks past the couch when suddenly he feels claws dig into his leg. "Ow. Jeez, what's wrong, Cosmo?" He looks down at the tabby kitten, clawing his way up Ink's leg. He picks him up by the scruff and sits down with Cosmo on his lap. "Ok, ok. You can sit up here. Just leave my leg alone." Cosmo hisses and scratches his hand. Ink shoots up from the couch and slings Cosmo back onto, off his hand. "Ok, jeez, what's gotten into you?" He asks. Cosmo hisses and Ink notices a bit of catnip tied to his tail. "Oh God. Which one of you tied catnip to Cosmo's tail?" He calls out to the twins, but all he got as a response is Starlight giggling close by. "Realy Star?" He sighs. "Cpme here, Cosmo." Cosmo hisses at him. "Cosmo, don't be difficult." The kitten hisses and scratches his hand again. Ink glares at him. "So that's how it's gonna be, is it?" He asks. Cosmo hisses and takes off around the livingroom, bouncing all over the place. "Today, I become a cat wrangler." He chases after Cosmo, trying to grab the catnip off of him. Cosmo jumps onto Ink's back, hanging on for dear life. "Come on, Cosmo, let me get that thing off your tail." He tries to grab him off. Cosmo bites him and hisses again. "Ah, really?!" He shouts. Cosmo climbs up Ink's back and falls into his shirt. "Get out of there." He shakes his shirt, trying to get the kitten out.He feels him clawing his back. "Ah, jeez. Get out of there!" Cosmo hisses again before falling out of Ink's shirt and bolts upstairs. Ink breathes with his hands on his knees. "You have got to be kidding me. Star, we're having a serious talk about this afterward." He chases after Cosmo. He runs upstairs and sees the insane kitten, bouncing around in his and Dream's bedroom. He chases him around.

Dawn walks into the bedroom and Cosmo dashes towards the confused toddler. "Cosmo, don't you dare!" He warns. Cosmo jumps and Dawn catches him, falling onto her butt, holding the kitten. "Oh man. Hold on, Dawn." He rushes towards her to grab Cosmo away from her, but stops when he sees her calmly petting the kitten and Cosmo purring her in her lap. Dawn looks up at him and holds the catnip up to him. Ink sighs in relief. "Little cat whisperer." He chuckles as he takes the catnip.

Dawn giggles as she stands up with Cosmo. "Stat, p-p-phased through t-t-t-the wall." She informs him and walks to hers and Starlight's bedroom.

Ink sighs. "From dealing with one crazy animal to another." He walks out the house, sensing for Starlight. "Star." He calls out. She stays silent, hoping he would not find her in the walls. "You're not in trouble, Star. I just need to talk to you." He informs her. She hesitates for a second.

"Come into the crawl space." She informs him through her bond.

He phases through the wall and finds Starlight hiding in the crawlspace. He crawls over to her and sits in front of her. "Star, you know what you did wasn't good, right?" He asks. She sadly nods, looking down, guiltily. "Cosmo didn't scratch you, did he?" He asks.
"A little." She shows him her arm that has black blood dripping a little from the scratch.

"This is why you shouldn't do stuff like this. It's dangerous. He could've done a lot worse to you like he did to me. Let's go get you patched up." She nods and he picks her up and phases out of the wall. He takes her to the livingroom,, teleporting the medkit from his and Dream's bothroom to his hand. He bandagaes her arm just as Dream with Core and Palette walk in.

"Oh stars, are you two ok?" Dream asks, worridly.

"Yeah, just had a run-in with a wild tiger. Isn't that right, Star?" He asks.

Star giggles. "Yep." She plays along.

"Is this 'wild tiger' contained now?" She asks.

"Yea. Dawn took care of it." He replies. Dream nods as she walks over to help them. "So, Star, no more wild tigers, right?" He asks.

She nods. "No more wild tigers." She confirms.

"Ink, blood is showing through your shirt." Dream infroms him though their bond.

"I'll deal with it in a sec. Wanna make sure this little explorer will make it to her next adventure." He jokes. He finishes tending to her arm and she runs off to look for Dawn.

"Now, let's get the explorer's father taken care of before he bleeds out." Dream jokes.

Ink chuckles. "You worry too much." He jokes back.

"I have many good reasons." She laughs. She takes care of his scratched up back, leg, and arm.
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