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A tag that represents a paragraph in HTML <p>
What tag should be used to set captions for form fields? <label> (<legend>)
What attribute is used to merge table cells horizontally? What attribute is used to merge table cells horizontally? colspan
What property of a table determines its borders? Border, или <table>
What encoding should be used on the site? UTF-8
Which tag is optional when creating a page? The end tag (<head>)
What attribute is used to merge table cells vertically? rowspan
What tag should be used for the table name? <caption>
Tags for creates THE SMALLEST headline <h6>
Tags for creates THE BIGGEST headline <h1>
Tags for creates bold text <strong>/<b>
Divide and Conquer algorithms -
A good algorithm is - Precise
A ruler -
The value of the align attribute cannot be middle
Which option is a properly organized hyperlink?<a href="">Текст ссылки</a>
Which of the following is not a parameter of the font tag
The text attribute on the body tag specifies define a color for the text in the Document
What extension should HTML documents have? html
Specify a tag that allows you to create headers. <h1>-<h6>
How do we write a bottom index in HTML? <sub>
What Tag do we use for additional formatting of text? <i> (<b>, <i>, <u>, <strong>, <em>, <s>, <sub>, and <sup>)
A tag used to add JavaScript codes to a page? Script Tag
What Tag do we use to create a numbered list in HTML? <ol>
A tag that makes the transition to a new line? <br>
Basic HTML terms?
A tag that displays the contents of an HTML document Page in a browser? <body>
Specify the HTML document information container in the browser?
Tag indicating the title of the HTML document Page in the browser? <title>
What color will the "text" be in the HTML tag?:
Open and read the CSS abbreviation?
The theme color should be painted in purple. What quality of style do we use for this? color: Purple;
Code to put an image on an HTML page: <img src="image.jpg" alt="Description">
Tag indicating the title of the HTML document Page in the web browser: <title>
A tag that displays a tag container that provides information about an HTML document in a web browser:
A tag that displays the content of an HTML document in a web browser: <body>
File extension of an HTML document in a web browser: .html
Determine which tags are used to display text on a web page?
p align="center" .. /p determine the correct value: To center a paragraph in HTML(p align="center"` — `<p style="text-align:center;">)
tag that draws a horizontal line on a Web page: <hr>
Tag indicating paragraph on a Web page: <p>
p align="left".../p determine the correct value: It sets the text left-align.(<p style="text-align:left;">)
«question>p align="right".../p determine the correct value: It sets the text left-align.(<p style="text-align:right;">)
display the HTML code lines displayed on the Web page in order:
The site consists of more than a hundred HTML documents with the same stylistic design, what is the best way to add CSS?
define how text is displayed on a web page:p..u text / p.. / u <p><u>текст</u></p>
function of the .sub. tag in HTML: to add a subscript text to the HTML document.
function of the em. tag in HTML: to emphasized text.
Which of the listed tags relate to creating a table? <table>`, `<tr>`, `<th>` и `<td>
What the File Transfer Protocol(FTP) is? File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another over a TCP-based network, such as the internet.
The network hardware device for connecting multiple Ethernet devices together and making them act as a single network segment: switch(коммутатор)
Server: A server is a computer or system that manages network resources and provides services to other computers, known as clients.
Unique 32-bit identifier of the internet IP interface: IPv4 address
A service that provides the user with remote access to hardware or software: remote access service (RAS)
Web services that do not offer cloud computing:

What tag should be used to set captions for form fields?
What attribute is used to merge table cells horizontally?
What property of a table determines its borders?
border attribute or CSS (border property)
What encoding should be used on the site?
<meta charset="UTF-8">
Which tag is optional when creating a page?
<head> is optional, but <body> is required.
What attribute is used to merge table cells vertically?
What tag should be used for the table name?
There isn't a specific tag for table names. Tables are identified by the <table> tag.
Tags for creating THE SMALLEST headline:
Tags for creating THE BIGGEST headline:
Tags for creating bold text:
<strong> or <b>
Divide and Conquer algorithms –
This is not a question, but it might be looking for an explanation. Divide and Conquer is a problem-solving strategy.
A good algorithm is - Precise –
This is not a question, but it might be looking for an explanation. A good algorithm is precise, meaning it has clear and unambiguous instructions.
A ruler -
This is not a question, and it's unclear what information is being sought.
The value of the align attribute cannot be:
The justify value is not supported for the align attribute.
Which option is a properly organized hyperlink?
<a href="">Link Text</a>
Which of the following is not a parameter of the font tag?
<font> tag is deprecated; use CSS for styling.
The text attribute on the body tag specifies:
The text attribute is not a standard attribute for the <body> tag. It might refer to CSS properties.
What extension should HTML documents have?
.html or .htm
Specify a tag that allows you to create headers.
How do we write a bottom index in HTML?
What Tag do we use for additional formatting of text?
A tag used to add JavaScript codes to a page?
What Tag do we use to create a numbered list in HTML?
A tag that makes the transition to a new line?
Basic HTML terms?
This is not a question. Basic HTML terms might include tags, attributes, elements, etc.
A tag that displays the contents of an HTML document Page in a browser?
Specify the HTML document information container in the browser?
Tag indicating the title of the HTML document Page in the browser?
What color will the "text" be in the HTML tag?:
This question is incomplete. The color depends on CSS or inline styles.
Open and read the CSS abbreviation?
This question is incomplete. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.
The theme color should be painted in purple. What quality of style do we use for this?
This question is incomplete. To set a theme color in CSS, you might use the color property.
Code to put an image on an HTML page:
<img src="image.jpg" alt="Description">
Tag indicating the title of the HTML document Page in the web browser:
A tag that displays a tag container that provides information about an HTML document in a web browser:
A tag that displays the content of an HTML document in a web browser:
File extension of an HTML document in a web browser:
.html or .htm
Determine which tags are used to display text on a web page?
Tags like <p>, <h1> to <h6>, <span>, etc.
p align="center"... /p determine the correct value:
The correct value is "center", but using CSS is recommended over the deprecated align attribute.
Tag that draws a horizontal line on a Web page:
Tag indicating paragraph on a Web page:
p align="left" ../p determine the correct value:
The correct value is "left", but using CSS is recommended over the deprecated align attribute.
p align="right".../p determine the correct value:
The correct value is "right", but using CSS is recommended over the deprecated align attribute.
Display the HTML code lines displayed on the Web page in order:
This question is unclear. It may refer to the structure of the HTML document.
The site consists of more than a hundred HTML documents with the same stylistic design, what is the best way to add CSS?
Use an external CSS file and link it to each HTML document.
Define how text is displayed on a web page: p..u text / p.. / u
This is not a clear question. It may refer to using HTML tags for text styling.
Function of the sub. tag in HTML:
<sub> is used for subscript text.
Function of the em. tag in HTML:
<em> is used for emphasizing text (italicize).
Which of the listed tags relate to creating a table?
<table>, <tr>, <td>, <th>, etc.
What the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is?
FTP is a protocol used for transferring files over a network.
The network hardware device for connecting multiple Ethernet devices together and making them act as a single network segment:
This is not a question. It may refer to a web server or other types of servers.
Unique 32-bit identifier of the internet IP interface:
IPv4 address
A service that provides the user with remote access to hardware or software:
Remote Desktop, SSH, etc.
Web services that do not offer cloud computing:
This is not a question. Web services can include various technologies, and cloud
computing is one aspect of it. Non
HTML is HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is a standard markup language for web page creation. It allows the creation and structure of sections, paragraphs, and links using HTML elements such as tags and attributes. (hypertext markup language)
The canvas element is used for:Drawing graphics
Which of the listed tags relate to creating a table?<table>
Which tag contains navigation?<nav>
What does the following entry say: form action="url"method="POST"?A form is being created, when filling in which the entered data will not be displayed
Using the ... tag allows you to add one line of text without starting a new paragraph.<br>
What units of measurement can be used for the width attribute?Pixels and %
What does the tag <p align="right"> ... </p> mean?The text enclosed in the tag will be located on the right edge of the page
Which tag, when creating a page, adds the name of the page that will be displayed in the title bar in the user's browser?<title>
What value should be set to the type attribute so that it turns the input tag into a submission form?Submit
Choose the correct statementIn HTML, colors are set by a combination of hexadecimal values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, A, B, C, D, E, F
An HTML tag that allows you to play audio recordings is:<audio>
To set the size of the <frameset> tag, the following attributes are required:Rows and columns
What tags are used to define headers?H1 - H6
What attribute allows you to combine table cells vertically?rowspan
The allowed number of first-level headers in an HTML document is:<h1> - <h6> (6)
Which character indicates the end of the tag? /
An HTML document can have extensions:. htm OR . html.
When creating websites, the encoding is used:<variant>UTF 8
Which tags make the text font bold?<strong> tag or the <b> (bold) tag.
The text in italics is presented in the following entry:i italics /i
Specify outdated tags for HTML 5.applet, blink, u
What does the href attribute contain?URL of the page to be redirected to
Select the HTML tag for the largest header<h1>
Choose the correct option to set the page background color?body style="background-color:yellow;"
Select the correct HTML tag to convert plain text to bold To bold the text in HTML, you can use either the <strong> tag or the <b> (bold) tag.
Select the correct HTML tag to convert plain text to italic and
How do I create an email link?a href="mailto:xxx@yyy "
How do I open a link in a new tab?a href="url" target="_blank"
Which tag doesn't exist?adress
Tag ........ creates a table row<tr>
Tag............ allows you to create table headers<th>
Tag for defining table cells?<td>
Which attribute is used to set the width of a cell or group of cells WIDTH attribute
The allowed number of first-level headers in an HTML document is:1
A tag that connects scripts that are executed on the client side to an existing HTML document is:script
Which symbol indicates the end of the tag?
A web page (HTML document) is:A web page is a structured document.
Hypertext is:Structured text where transitions are possible by selected labels
Name the attribute required for the <img> tag:src
What is the default value of the SIZE parameter of the <FONT> tag?3
Instructions to the browser indicating the way the text is displayed:Tag
The program for viewing hypertext pages is called:Web browser
Select the four correctly written alignment parameters:left, center, align, right
To create Web pages, the following programs are used:<variant>DreamWeaver and MicroSoft Word
A tag is:(The command enclosed in angle brackets)
Who is making the Web standards?The World Wide Web Consortium
Which attribute of the BODY tag allows you to set the background color of the page? style attribute (<body>)
Which of the above tags allows you to create numbered lists?OL
HTML (HYPERTEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE) is:One of the tools when creating Web pages
А program for creating a Web page using the HTML language:
A web page (HTML document) is:Text file with htm or html extension
The method of organizing information on a Web server is called:Web-site
Hyperlinks on a Web page can provide a any web page of any Internet server

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