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1.What is Twain's goal?- To return his dead friend's body to his family

2.What prevents him from his goal?- his body is switched with a box of guns and cheese that smells insufferable. Twain and Thompson can't stand the smell. They try masking it with perfume, cigars, and even make a open fire yet the smell only gets worse. They assume the body is rotting. Everything they do to try to cover up the smell only makes it worse. They are forced to keep sticking their heads out the window into the cold wind and then to spend half the journey sitting outside between the cars to get away from that foul odor.

3. how does protagonist change throughout story?- He starts off as a healthy young man then he gets severley ill and will never be the way he was. He is dying.

4. What causes this change?- the Journey of taking his dead friends body from one state to another.
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