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Hey grandma, I was just thinking about calling you yesterday but then I got distracted how are you wishing Mark I'm doing well, I just got home from work a little bit ago and now I'm just relaxing watching some TV, oh, no, not yet, I really need to get started on packing but I haven't done anything yet, I really need to get on that before it's moving day for me, I usually don't procrastinate I guess I have just been pretty busy, I've had a few different appointments lately for that took up sometime and then I've just been trying, to spend with my family and friends before I leave, it's very tough but I'm feeling better about it, I am actually kind of anxious to just get out there already, it feels like it taken forever to get here, I'm not even kidding, it's really weird but I guess that's not really a bad thing, it's just the defendant normal usually time flies, and it's already a new year, but not since I decided I was moving, it's been pretty slow, that's for sure, I'm sure by the time it gets here it'll seem like it got here so fast, that's how things always seems to go especially things you're excited about, I think so I guess I am ready as I'm going to be, it's so hard to leave everyone my family, my friends, and especially my department at work, I'm going to miss everyone like crazy, I don't know how I am going to handle it we also close the department is honestly like a big family, we are also close and all care about each other a lot, that you're going to be so hard leaving especially after the idea started making so many close friends with how I'm living, I'm sure I'll make more friends and everything out there but it's hard to beat these guys, no one will ever compare to them, it's just something different there, pretty much everyone is very irreplaceable in my eyes, it's also hard because I had some of the best managers, I can't complain about them at all, it's going to be really hard to beat that as well, I do like my new manager a lot, it was just hard living everyone that I feel good relationships with and everything, but I'm very excited to build new relationships with my new manager and everyone else out there, I'm really excited about that part for sure, yes ma'am we are living on the 10th after everyone gets off work I guess dad got tickets to the play downtown at the church, so that will be really fun, I believe that Sunday so I guess that would be the 13th, it's really good, I'm excited to watch it again you guys are coming right okay good just wanted to make sure well, I guess I better start cleaning up and I should probably try and get some packing done, thank you so much for calling me I'll be talking to you again soon and seeing you in just a couple of weeks, alright love you too grandma
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