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<h1>Fascinating Facts About the Chihuahua Dog Breed</h1>
Mexico Chihuahuas Don’t Require Excessive Exercise Breed Information What Two Breeds Make A Chihuahua? Top Chihuahua Breeders DNA Evidence Sheds Light On Chihuahua’s Origin Lifespan Of Chihuahuas Good For New Owners
In 1850, Techichi dogs were found in the Mexican state of Chihuahua near old ruins built by Emperor Montezuma. When explorers came searching for the new world, it is believed that the Techichi bred with a canine species brought over by the explorers. ” The history of Chihuahuas dates back to ancient Mexico and it’s fascinating to learn how this loveable breed has evolved over the years. A member of the Toy Group, the Chihuahua is the 13th most popular breed in the United States, according to 2010 AKC registration statistics. The breed derives its name from the Mexican State of Chihuahua, where the earliest specimens of the breed were found.

The main peculiarity of this Chihuahua type comes from the fur itself – short-haired Chihuahuas are believed to be the heaviest shedders in the breed. However, this peculiarity mostly comes from the fact that owners hardly consider brushing short-haired Chihuahuas. Some of them are direct offspring of ancient Techichi; others result from mix and match of local small canines with dogs brought to the region from Europe starting with the XVI century. The culture of "Companion Dogs" was pretty popular in the Old World already at the moment. On the one hand, Techichi dogs appear to be the forefathers of modern Chihuahuas.

While we don’t call breeds “pocket dogs” today, these early small dogs are likely the ancestor of the modern Maltese and other breeds. When the explorers arrived in the New World it is believed the Techichi breed with a dog that was brought over and the result is the Chihuahua that we have today. The tiny modern day Chihuahua has gone through many changes and become very popular since their discovery. After the Aztecs became the ruling class of Mexico, they also used the dog as a companion and in religious ceremonies.

What dog is Mexico known for? One of the tiniest dog breeds, the Chihuahua is a national symbol of Mexico, with its name originating from a northern state of the same name. While the Chihuahua typically weighs no more than six pounds, this breed has a big personality.

With the right attitude and commitment, you can be sure to have a loyal and loving companion for years to come. is a highly intelligent breed, and requires a lot of physical and mental stimulation to stay well-behaved and happy. They are very social and loyal, and tend to form strong bonds with their family members. They are all highly domesticated and have been selectively bred to bring out certain characteristics—like size, temperament, and coat type—over many generations.

Chihuahuas Don’t Require Excessive Exercise
These Xolos have a history dating back some 3,000 years; the Aztecs considered them sacred, and they were named for the dog-headed god Xolotl. One of the oldest sled dog breeds from the Arctic region, the Alaskan Malamute likely descended from domesticated wolf-dogs who crossed the Bering Strait alongside Paleolithic hunters. They’re named after the Mahlemut Inuit tribe, who bred the dogs to haul sleds over long distances and sniff out seal breathing holes in the ice. They weigh as little as two pounds and seldom are more than six pounds (1 to 3 kilograms). In some, there is a soft spot on the top of the head where the bones have not joined. The dogs are slightly longer than they are tall and have a longish tail that is carried up or over the back.

Their large, round eyes are expressive and their single-minded determination makes them good at a variety of activities when they put their mind to it. Remember that your dog would have received ‘canine education’ if it had remained with its mother and litter mates. are very compatible with this breed as we don’t have to just rely on treats to train, we also use communication. If you decide a Chihuahua is your breed, be prepared to have your dog follow you around wherever you go. Chihuahuas will burrow themselves under the covers right next to you as fast as they burrow into your heart.

For instance, there is no need to feed them raw meat just because thousands of years ago they were wolves. There is no way that the Chihuahua was ever used for hunting, herding, or any other task that you typically see dogs doing. They got their name thanks to so many of them were first found by interested Americans in the State of Chihuahua in Mexico. The Toltecs believed that the Techichi had special powers and that they could help guide the soul to the afterlife. This is one of the reasons why the Techichi was often seen as a symbol of good luck. Below are breed clubs, organizations, and associations where you can find additional information about the Chihuahua.

Breed Information
In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the Chihuahua's rich history, its original purpose, and its connections to Mexico and China. We will also introduce you to the most famous Chihuahua in history and discuss its rise to popularity in modern times. Following this theory, it’s safe to assume either the Maya (1800 BC to 900 AD) or Toltec (900 AD to 1150 AD) were the first to domesticate the Techichi. The Maya — not “Mayan” as some describe this civilization — viewed dogs as being guardians of the afterlife, using them in burial ceremonies and as a source of food. They would often sacrifice, mummify and bury dogs alongside their respective owners, believing their canine companions would join them in the afterlife. The Maya even had nine different words for dog in their language, some of which referred to specific varieties.

If they owned a Techichi, that dog would be used as the sacrifice. Check out the Chihuahua Club of America or use the AKC search tool to find breeders that meet strict requirements. This reputation is probably unfair, as a surprising number of men keep these dogs, many of which have a distinctively “macho” temperament. The eyes, ears, and teeth of this breed are quite vulnerable to infection, so should carefully be kept clean.
Chihuahuas are famous for being the smallest breed around, with Yorkshire Terriers coming in at a close second. ” They typically weigh between 2 and 6 pounds and can be around 6 to 9 inches tall. There is evidence that Chihuahuas trace their lineage back to the Techichi, who were companion animals domesticated by the Toltecs of ancient Mexico. The upper-class Toltecs believed the Techichi were sacred animals that could guide the soul to the afterworld. Many Techichi were buried with their masters based on this belief.

What Two Breeds Make A Chihuahua?
Make it a rule that young children can only hold or pet the Chihuahua if they’re sitting on the floor. If the ears are dry along the edge, rub a little baby or coconut oil onto them. You can carefully wipe the eyes to remove discharge, and there are products available to remove the stains. The earlier you introduce your Chihuahua to nail trimming the less stressful the experience is. At the same time, check the pads for any foreign objects or injuries.

Top Chihuahua Breeders
Chihuahuas are also prone to dental problems, so owners should make sure to provide them with a healthy and balanced diet and avoid feeding them table scraps or sugary treats. Regular veterinary check-ups are also essential to ensure their health and well-being. Chihuahuas are prone to dental problems, so owners should make sure to provide them with a healthy and balanced diet and avoid feeding them table scraps or sugary treats. Our mission at Pet Keen is to make the life of you and your pets easier and even more enjoyable. On top of being a running joke, there are also a few misconceptions running around that the Chihuahua is actually some sort of rat (or some strange rat-dog hybrid). Chihuahuas are dogs, and, just like every other dog, they are related to wolves and all other types of dogs.

However, the period before the mentioned timeline has continued to cause debate even among the many historians. Archaeological findings and folklore show that the breed has roots in Mexico. The Chihuahua state of Mexico, according to historians, is where dog enthusiasts discovered some of the primitive species of the Chihuahua in the medial 1800s. It’s generally accepted that the Techihi is an ancestor of the Chihuahua. Bandleader Xavier Cugat used to love to hold his Chi in one hand as he conducted with the other in the 1940s and 50s, adding to the breed’s appeal.

Those data differences may not seem that significant at first sight, but when we talk about such a tiny creature, the difference in several pounds or inches looks pretty dramatic. Moreover, we all know how many color and fur diversities Chihuahuas have. In other words, Chihuahuas come in all shapes and sizes within a small breed scale.

Chihuahuas also recognize and prefer the company of their own breed to any other breed of dog. To answer this question thoroughly, it is essential to understand that we might be talking about the most diverse dog breed known to humankind. If you start researching the breed's characteristics, you may be surprised by how vivid and confusing the data is. For example, Chihuahuas weigh 3 to 6 pounds (2 – 3, 5 kg), be from 6 to 10 inches (15-25 cm) tall, and live from 12 to 20 years. They can live for 10 to 18 years which is a really long span of time for dogs. Chihuahuas can have up to six puppies at once, the normal litter size is 1-3.

It isn’t unheard of for a Chihuahua to never fully accept the presence of a new person, such as a spouse or in-law, sometimes even after more than a decade. How a Chihuahua reacts to persons other than its owner is entirely dependent on the dog, but most will bark very noisily every time. Most people wrongly assume that this is because Chihuahuas are inherently anti-social. In fact, a well-trained Chihuahua more than likely acts this way because the dog is inherently quite protective.

Were Chihuahuas used as hot water bottles? Other small dogs like Chihuahuas were also used as living hot water bottles during illness or injury. Some believe that this practice is where the idea of pain being transferred from humans to animals originated. Chihuahuas as we know them today remained a rarity until the early 20th century.

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