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👩🏽Jackie: 16. Dress to impress / Grew up in priv school w only girls / Riley [Grace], Heather [x], Skylar, Kim [Kiley], [& Erin, at the end]
🧑🏻Alex: 16. Bad at history. [K has a crush on him]
👱🏼Cole: 18. Bad at more subjects. [Reconciled w E 'cause he apologized]
👨‍👨‍👦‍👦Will is 21 [25] (married), Danny is 18 [secret crush on Erin, she likes back], Nathan is 14, Jack & Jordan are 14 and twins, Parker is 9 (girl), Zack & Benny are 5 and twins
🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏽Isaac (16) & Lee (15) are the dad's nephews. Their mom left when they were babies, so dad left too, but they still see him yearly.
👩🏽‍🦱Hayley, W's fiance, receives text from a 'Morgan' in her wedding, ignores it worried
📙 NYC: family died 6 months ago, so she lives w Rick (dad’s old roommate) in her apartment / CO: Mary goes to C, saying she broke up w A, so they hook up [C doesn't know Mary [Paige] is his gf, so when M goes to him, they hook up]. A finds out / J moves w Katherine (mom’s friend, J thinks it’s her first time seeing her, but she knows it isn't) to Colorado, K tells her ‘bout sons in plane. / Once in house, K leads J to backyard where boys are (they know her story). A stares. C pretends he isn't interested but is / ND: At school 'Olivia' [Erin] kisses C, Nathan explains he’s like that with all (doesn’t date) / A is jealous of C / J&C become 'friends' / J&A become 'friends' / Nat tells J Cole changed after losing his scholarship for breaking his leg - Isaac thinks C stole M[P] from A / J&C starts getting close (& C kisses J in Truth or Dare) [They almost kiss here but J pukes - they kiss until last episode] / [C fixes J's teapot Parker broke, but when he wants to give it, he sees J&C kissing, so he leaves] - J&A get together /A tells J what C did to him (M)[P] & that M wants her back [this not in series] / A&C have a bad relationship / Nat diagnosed w epilepsy / [N&Sky kiss, S starts] / C tells J truth 'bout M [P] & that he stopped thing when he found out truth / [C tells A truth 'bout P. They reconcile. They admit they are jealous of each other - C tells J him & A are fine now] / C tells J he loves her (also in book, C hears) / [C tells J he respects relationship but still wants her] / [C tells J to forget what he said & that's he's happy for her&A] / Book: A apologizes? He says he wanted her to beat C in sth & show M he was over her (he still isn’t). J wasn’t hurt. Tells him she did it to not deal w C & have a smooth transition. A: u breaking up? J: yh / B: Next day: Cole’s speaks a little w J before summer before college. J tells him she knows ‘bout leg - C leaves without saying goodbye to W’ll apt (W lives now w wife)(C told J in convo) / B: While leaving, a truck stops. It’s C. Says bye to J (🩷!!). Car honks. J turns around. C: wait! Just 1 kiss 🥺 so u have sth to think in NYC. They kiss in rain. His hand in hand, hers on her shoulder (A 5 sec kiss, C whispers thank you pressing forehead w her) / [A says ily to J. She doesn't say anything. A: it's ok. U don't have to say it back. : I. Gets drunk] / [D finds C's fixed pottery - J finds fixed teapot, confronts C. C: I wanted to give it to you but... J kisses him after secs. Starts leavin but C grabs wrist & pins her against wall for another kiss, well 2. Then J, and C grabs neck] / [Next day: A finds teapot & note saying sorry in J's room, because J, last minute, decided to leave w D& Rick to NYC (not so last minute in book)].
☀️Summer: Danny doing theater in NYC, C to new apartment to then college [summer classes to pass school]. [A in Minnesota riding horses]
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