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The Evolution of Fireplace Mantels

Fireplace mantels have long been an attractive feature of any home, adding warmth and charm while offering space for photos and special items to be displayed.

This Victorian marble mantel dates from Louis XVI's era and features meander line carvings reminiscent of ancient Greek art.

After the Revolutionary War, aesthetic design became more of a priority and beautiful decorative elements like reeding and swags were increasingly implemented into designs.
History of Fireplaces

Fireplaces often serve as shrines in many cultures; consequently they were often decorated with meander lines representing timeless visual motifs from artistic cultures such as Greek.

By the time America became a nation, limestone mantels had become widespread. They featured paneled insets for framing paintings and often included ornate pediments for an elegant, luxurious effect.

Prior to the 1800s, fireplaces served primarily as functional devices. But two significant advancements ushered in significant change: Benjamin Franklin created a convection system and Count Rumford created a taller firebox which increased efficiency while speeding smoke clearance.
Early Fireplaces

From the 17th and 18th centuries, fireplaces were typically "walk-in," featuring wide, deep recesses with either no mantel at all or only the faintest trace of one; more often than not the firebox was wider than tall.

By the 1800's, basic masonry fireplaces were becoming more ornamental. Count Rumford introduced a model which endured into the 1900's and remains at the core of most contemporary designs today.
Middle Ages

Middle Ages saw changes to fireplaces that included how they were treated and utilized. Renaissance period spread throughout Italy bringing Michelangelo, Raphael, and Leonardo Da Vinci's extraordinary work to homes across Italy.

This period also witnessed the invention of chimneys which helped significantly decrease residual smoke, eventually leading to the development of mantels.

Careful symmetry and square proportions distinguish limestone surrounds from this period, featuring features like bevels and bolection moulding motifs.

Renaissance fireplaces became more ornamental; grand, carved mantels and massive mirrors became standard features; 17th century guidebooks even recommended which fireplaces to visit!

Mantels now encompassed more than just the surround and jambs of a fireplace; it could even resemble an overmantel. Used to display furniture such as fine chairs, carved lions, vases full of flowers or other ornaments - as well as providing protection from smoke and ash - mantels are becoming an essential component in every household today.
17th Century

The 17th century saw new innovations to fireplace design that provided more decorative accents and enabled greater travel, commerce and exposure to diverse cultures across the world.

Benjamin Franklin made an outstanding contribution to fireplace design by inventing the Franklin stove, an efficient cast iron model which provided longer heat radiation while offering direct pathways for smoke to escape.
18th Century

In the 18th century, fireplaces began to evolve into decorative ornaments for decoration purposes. Ornate details like columns, pilasters and friezes were introduced into designs to give fireplaces a grand and luxurious appearance.

Early fireplace mantels in colonial America were strictly utilitarian; set flush against the wall and often featuring decorative features like round bolection moldings around their firebox openings.

After the Revolutionary War, full-relief mantels with surrounds emerged, often featuring intricate carved elements like dentils and inset panels.
19th Century

After years of elaborate designs, fireplace mantel design began returning to more classical roots. Federal and Greek Revival-style mantels now incorporate full relief elements like reeding and swags for decoration.

As households began burning coal instead of wood for heating purposes in the late 19th century, their grate designs became smaller and narrower, decreasing draught while improving efficiency.

Fireplace mantels of this era were typically constructed of wood and painted white with decorative features like pilasters or colonettes to add an upscale aesthetic. Atop Wood Fireplace Mantels were often paintings, mirrors or taxidermy for decoration.
20th Century

Early 1800s saw the emergence of true mantels made from floor-to-ceiling paneling or flat pieces of Delftware.

After the Revolutionary War, full-relief mantels and surrounds featuring decorative features like reeding, swags and star and shell accents emerged as popular trends. Grates also became more compact due to being better designed for burning coal rather than wood.

Compo, a sawdust and resin material that could be molded, was popularly used for fireplace surrounds. Tile Wood Fireplace Mantels became less intricate; plain 1x4 tiles often replaced more intricate patterns.
21st Century

Rustica offers prefabricated fireplace options that are functional. We can assist in finding one to fit perfectly within your home and add an eye-catching focal point while being easy to operate.

Under floor heating systems can also be installed, much like those utilized by ancient Romans with their hypocausts, that pump warm air directly into your home for increased energy efficiency and warmth. We offer these as an efficient alternative to traditional fireplaces.
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