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Karen Thompson Walker on Jose Saramago's "Blindness"
-Mysterious and epidemic / dark themed
-life hinges on small things
-society takes advantage of basic things
-reminds readers of the beauty of everyday life

Why Learn literary terms?
-this term is to describe something with an idea from a literary text
-gives us tools to describe what goes on in a text / to analyze and have a deeper understanding of the text
- to understand the author's true meaning
-improve grades

Symbols and symbolism explained
-a symbol: a thing that represents something else more abstract
-can be written in words
-what a symbol represents depends on what's around it (context)
- Context: EX- flowers is the Love Story
-Successful symbol hunting tips:
1-watch for something that stands out
2-find something it resembles
3-look at the author's attitude towards it

How To Find A Theme
-Theme: The central idea of a work of literature
-The life lesson the author wants you to take away (moral)
-Bigger than characters and the story.
-Meaning/theme applies to the real world.
-Can contain many themes
-Not a subject! A subject is a thing. Ex- family. courage. Ex- Love.
-Theme: the idea the writer expresses about that subject. Ex- family's are longer lasting than friendships.
-What about the subject? (love, family)
-A theme is an opinion about the thing (subject)
-"Love" is a Subject/ "Love Stinks" is a Theme.
-The reader owns the meaning/You can come up with a theme the author did not intend, if you can support it with evidence.
A. What happens to the character? What change? What is the theme if he/she is a symbol for all of mankind.
B. Look at the title for clues.
C. Look at the conflict.
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